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The Man Behind the Curtain
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Everything posted by -kj

  1. (Apparently they've renamed themselves recently, though the new logo isn't exactly good, either.)
  2. I'm the only one that generally digs the Paw Sox look? Ah, well. Still dig it. (Though I think Brian's right about the light blue being too prominent.)
  3. The SB looks a little awkward; it's a good idea, but the top of the S makes it look lopsided. I could totally do without that multi-layered Cubs roundel, but the rest looks nice.
  4. Remember when we all seemed to be ape- about Brandiose/Plan B? It's funny that as soon as a small studio has success we turn on them.
  5. The baby blue alts were garbage in either iteration. But the home/away of that original set? Beautious.
  6. Gentlemen, this stopped being productive quite a number of posts back. Now all we have is name calling and sniping. At this point, we are done. Anything further down this petty path with be dealt with by the mods accordingly.
  7. You've had one of the moderating team give a well- and kindly-worded explanation. I'm not going to bother reiterating that. If you can't accept that and continue to feel exceptionally angry about this action on an internet message board, perhaps you should reconsider your priorities. Furthermore, your assessment about the moderators acting as if we run the place is... well, true. This board is owned/paid for by one Mr. Chris Creamer. He has asked us to moderate it--on a volunteer basis, no less--so that people may continue to find them useful and enjoyable. We do what we can to maintain that status. Given that many of us have been part of this "community" since before it even had its current home, I'd go so far as to say we feel a vested interest in keeping it that way.
  8. There is a lot of good in that... but the little details break it. The shadow on the bat and the wordmark ruin the rest for me.
  9. The inaugural look was terrible. Just awful.
  10. They're actually nice jerseys; they'd be even better if they had the crown alone on the front instead of the pencil stub. That said, I still feel like it was a downgrade to take the purple out of their color scheme.
  11. ...or, sometimes, it's from the ads. I'm not getting the same warning.
  12. If only they had. Then again, I loved their beveled type.
  13. It is. And now it's been moved into its own topic in the Requests forum.
  14. Questions like this would be best asked in the requests forum.
  15. It can occasionally come from ads as well. You'd be surprised how often that happens.
  16. That set on the right would have been awfully nice.
  17. There's already the Majestic XII. Don't ask about the Majestic XII.
  18. It's a gray area. Sometimes, it's ok to give a bump after a couple of days, if you're still looking for feedback. Doing it only a few hours after the last post, though, is needless.
  19. Yeah, seems to be a glitch in the Matrix. If you'd gotten a warning, you would have received a message; I believe you have to acknowledge it before you can do anything else on the boards, even. It's a new system to the board, so I'm sure there are some bugs. Yay, software. *heh* I was able to edit your points back to 0 via the admin panel, so all should again be right with the cosmos.
  20. We just make the new guys do the dirty work of posting. Consider it a breaking-in process.
  21. They could go back to college and get their degrees.
  22. The Graveyard is dead. Long live the Graveyard.
  23. You may have noticed a change in title for this topic. This hasn't really been an FAQ thread in quite a while, and we decided to reflect that change. We split out the original FAQ, and will be working on that soon.
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