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The Man Behind the Curtain
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Everything posted by -kj

  1. Um... the Timbers? Also, an aside: Vinnie Jones is brilliant.
  2. I'm with you on the primaries, though I think they missed a good chance on the alt. The 2-D cog in the shoulder logo would have made a fantastic primary logo for the Oilers with the addition of their normal colors.
  3. That seems to be the popular opinion about them. Me, I don't like them at all. Give me the 80s/90s versions any day.
  4. When'd they have those? All I remember is the really crappy ones they had with the dumb kid pirate logo.
  5. You're the guy! Oh, you already knew that I'm that guy. Current scheme = terrific.
  6. I'll see those and raise you a double of Romario:
  7. Though, really, I don't hate those. They would have complimented their very awesome red jerseys nicely. I think I'd've made the numbers red on white on blue, instead of red on yellow on blue. Why would Beez have had the C, though?
  8. Peter Stastny in a Blues jersey was so, so right.
  9. Well, duh. I just mean... that just seems... so... wrong.
  10. Whoa... I really haven't been paying attention in the off-season. How the hell did that happen?
  11. River Plate? Interesting. Wonder what the story was behind that.
  12. All these years later, is TATC such a big secret?
  13. Nah. If I'd've been hatin', I'd've closed it. Just steering things back on course. Unlike some others, I've enjoyed this thread, no matter if some of the postings are a bit obscure.
  14. The topic title has now been changed. Enjoy.
  15. It's another "jumped the shark" joke. You've all had your fun with that. Now it's time to return to whatever the topic was in the first place.
  16. In 1992, the Blue Jays set what was then a season attendance record of 4,028,318. (Source)
  17. I got to play a few games at Magness in a tournament a few years ago. Quite the nice place. Oh, and I learned that playing hockey at a mile high sucks if you're not used to it. Jeebus.
  18. I feel the exact opposite way about them. Immense upgrade.
  19. I dunno, first thing I thought was that they were going the Celtics route, and that's never really seemed cheesy.
  20. I kindof forgot about this, been crazy-busy lately. Any chance you were able to finish, GMac?
  21. Either would be great; I can just trace the raster version.
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