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Ferdinand Cesarano

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Everything posted by Ferdinand Cesarano

  1. And the two words should be farther apart. The smooshing together of the words is a bad move that the Yankees made on the previous road set, and it is one that they are evidently going to continue on the wet paper bags.
  2. This is VERY surprising to me. I would love to see this list, if possible. Here are the NHL valuations and the MLS valuations from Forbes.
  3. I guess it depends on your definition of "live". That's certainly fine in much of flyover land and in country areas far outside of cities, but not enough for any desirable area of a big city, and not enough for home ownership in many cities. I live in New York City, and I am willing to reveal that I earn somewhere in the neighbourhood of the minimum salaries named in both those stories. That's definitely enough to live on even here, in one of the most expensive cities in the country. Can you live large and take annual cruises to Europe? No. But you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle if your habits are modest and sensible. On MLS: we've long since passed the point where the top MLS teams are worth more than the bottom NHL teams. Right now, all but five MLS teams hold that distinction, with the top MLS team being more valuable than half of the NHL's teams. Despite anyone's fantasies to the contrary, MLS is a major league in the U.S. and Canadian sports landscapes. On the broader point of what organisations are even to be considered: no one can deny that auto racing, tennis, and golf are huge sports. But they are not leagues. The premise of the question seemed to me to obviously rule out individual sports.
  4. [Editing note: "who".] The top college football players make money now from name/image/likeness; but they are not paid by the teams for which they play. So in my opinion that doesn't qualify. I'd say that a major league is a league in which players can make their livings solely from playing. While this was not generally true even of Major League Baseball until the reserve clause was toppled, it seems to me to be a good benchmark of "major" status nowadays. That rules out the NLL and the PLL, and also the UFL and the arena/indoor football leagues, as well as the MASL. Regarding the WNBA, a site called Sportsnaut says that the average salary is $147,745, and that the minimum is $64,000. Business Insider puts the average at $113,295 and the minimum at $62,000. Either way, that's enough to live on. So for me that league qualifies as a major league.
  5. Alex Johnson, who won a batting title with the Angels and who later played briefly with the Yankees (hitting a game-winning home run at Fenway in his first game with the team), was the brother of the Giants' running back Ron Johnson.
  6. The real real answer: With this as the theme song. The Union and their fans have leaned heavily into the Franklin imagery. All Philly teams should follow suit. I join you in that bias. I would assert that Philadelphia City Hall is the most beautiful building in the world. The building is so grandiose that it cannot adequately be captured in pictures. You really have to go there and just marvel at its splendour. From all angles — including from within, in the passages to the internal courtyard — it is breathtaking. I've never been so awed by any other work of art. Still, the primary symbol of that city is Franklin.
  7. So they're considering Omaha and its half-million population, and not the similarly-sized Quebec City or Halifax? As the lady from The Whitest Kids U'Know used to say: oh, hell no!
  8. There's also the New Orleans Superdome, which has been renovated recently. Of a similar size is the Alamodome; both stadiums seat more than 50,000 for baseball — not that that sort of crowd is going to be a concern of the A's. More to the A's level, we've seen Major League teams in temporary homes in San Juan and Buffalo that seat around 18,000. I think that this idea of the team going dark for a few years is very unlikely to happen.
  9. Also, this guy could have agreed to sell the A's to Joe Lacob, who was willing to buy the team. Then he could have taken his one billion dollars of profit as compared to his purchase price, and could have used that to get an expansion team for Las Vegas.
  10. The awfulness of the Ravens' and Lions' numbers and of their overall uniform designs more than cancels out the beauty of those teams' colours.
  11. The best the Nationals ever looked is this: That right there is a baseball uniform. It's a classic Tigers-level design that should have remained in place forever. The unique front number location on the home set made that dignified uniform very distinctive. That look was satisfying particularly because the team had overcome a very bad initial look with the bevels. Every change since this point — including the use of the script wordmark at home — has been a downgrade. The new set drastically accelerates the downward trend.
  12. Ah! I confess to my very wide ignorance in the realm of movies. Dankon pro la klarigo.
  13. Two people with opposing viewpoints each think the other is wrong. That's natural — and healthy. I greatly appreciate the attempt at Esperanto, the world's most beautiful language! I'd rather be denounced in Esperanto than praised in any other language. Please let me point out the distinction between the suffixes -ig and -iĝ. The suffix -ig carries the meaning "to make", and so creates a transitive verb; whereas the suffix -iĝ carries the meaning "to become", and so creates an intransitive verb. Both can be placed on an adjective, as you did with the adjective "malpeza", meaning "light". Clearly you were going for "lighten up"; the correct form for that would be "malpeziĝu" (where -u is the imperative mood ending, for a command). By contrast, "malpezigu" would be a command to make some other thing lighter. Finally, the Esperanto version of Ferdinand is just Ferdinando. Also, just as English has a convention for shortened nicknames in -y or -ie (Jimmy, Billy, Tommy, Ronnie; I myself often go by Freddie), in Esperanto we add -ĉjo to the first few letters of a masculine name. Hence "Feĉjo" for me, spelt as "Fechjo" when the Esperanto letters such as Ĉ are not available. (This also obliquely invokes the similar-sounding word "feĉo", which means "muck" or "dregs", like a Muddy Waters sort of thing. Esperanto humour.) Aaanyway . . . where were we? Ah, yes; the Yankees' new road uniform. Tre malbonaspekta, laŭ mi.
  14. I think it's pretty clear that one of us doesn't grasp that. Please remember that everyone here is expressing opinions (albeit in prose of widely varying degrees of beauty).
  15. Well, of course it's an aesthetic preference. But when we're talking about the aesthetics of uniform of the Yankees, it becomes a big f-ing deal. The Yankees' uniforms reached absolute perfection in 1973 with the change in the number font and the livening up of the road set; thus any change is by necessity a downgrade. (This includes the running together of the two words of the road wordmark, such that that mark now reads "Newyork".) Note that the Yankees are not alone in the tier of untouchable uniforms. The same outrage is appropriate for desacrations of the uniforms of the Cardinals (hence the pullover and the powder blue uniforms being such abominations for that team), of the Tigers (the alteration of the uniform D was a very bad move), and even of the Mets (the tail on the 1994 uniforms was most unwelcome, and the presence of a black jersey is downright offensive). Egad! I take umbrage!
  16. ... only to replace them with a road uniform design they wore for all but 7 of their 27 World Series titles. The previous road uniform was always terrible. The white outline and the sleeve trim in the 1973 upgrade made the lettering stronger and more vibrant, and turned the road uniform from featureless and drab to dignified and simple. It is impossible to understand what's going on in the minds of people who deny that this represented a huge improvement.
  17. Wrong. This is the best the Dodgers have ever looked on the road.
  18. Note that the improvement to the Yankees' road uniforms with the beautiful white outlines (along with the conversion to the strong varsity numbers) took place in 1973, before the renovation of the Stadium. It's sad to see this unsightly downgrade of uniforms with a proud 50-year history.
  19. Absolutely terrible. These look like wet paper bags. The Yankees' road look would go from near the top to near the bottom.
  20. Well this sure is a "good news / bad news" situation. That's the right wordmark for the team, but definitely the wrong style. That Angels uniform reached its peak in its buttondown version. I'm from the 1970s. I dig the 1970s. But pullovers are just bad. There were exactly three teams that looked good in pullovers: the A's and the Pirates in regular-cut pullovers, and the White Sox in their collared shirts (though the collar should have gone all the way around). For every other team, the pullover style was at best ugly, and at worst, on the traditional teams (Red Sox, Cardinals, Giants, Reds), an affront to history. That style should be left in the dustbin of history (alongside powder blue road uniforms).
  21. I remember this! The AL East had been won by six different teams in the six previous seasons. To think that Cleveland was going to make it a full 7-for-7 was seductive.
  22. My favourite Sports Illustrated cover: (The sad part is that, on account of treachery on the part of the Knicks and complicity on the part of the league, Dr. J never actually played for the Nets in the NBA.)
  23. They also did a good job by getting rid of the gradient in the old wordmark. And nice continuity in keeping the same shapes of the letters A and U. I'll have to sport my New York Empire hat in celebration of the league's logo change. This must mean that the league has licenced the "frisbee" trademark from Wham-O, right? Semi-related point: I honestly believe that ultimate is the world's greatest spectator sport. The speed at which the frisbee moves makes the game eminently watchable; in this respect it's the anti-hockey. Also, the balletic catches and defensive plays are consistently thrilling.
  24. That's hilarious. If having a favourite player is creepy, then I am perfectly content to be creepy! Also, my infatuation with Perez is nothing compared to what I have written about Rick Cerone, the Magnificent Mustachioed Mediterranean Marvel. (Ah, how nostalgic I now am for the good old days of playing What If Sports, when Cerone led a band of swarthy Italians known as I Paesani to consistent approaches to near-medocrity, while looking super-cool doing it.)
  25. Ahh, so that's what you think my "bias" is! I definitely wanted Arlington to win because of Luis Perez, who is my favourite player. And when Perez was with Vegas, I wanted Vegas to win, just as I wanted Birmingham to win in the AAF. (I got lucky for a couple of years when Perez was first with the New York Guardians and then with the Generals.) If Arlington sends Perez to another team, then that's the team I will be rooting for this season. But please believe me that my expressions of support of playoffs by conferences is not some retroactive justification for Arlington's win (which, incidentally, was the most inspirational underdog run in recent memory, and which puts Perez in the class of Namath). It's something I would always have favoured. The CFL's "crossover" striles me as completely ridiculous; fortunately, no crossover team has made it to the Grey Cup. Alas, MLS is not so lucky. When the Red Bulls played Columbus for the MLS Cup, there was in reality no Western Conference champion that year. (Officially it was the Red Bulls, who aren't part of the Western Conference. No one can justify that.) As I mentioned in a previous post, if I were king, the playoffs in all leagues would consist only of divisional champions; so the XFL would have gone straight to a championship game between D.C. and Houston, without Arlington even qualifying.
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