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Silence of the Rams

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Everything posted by Silence of the Rams

  1. Gonna have to watch the next couple of weeks for how they may do the NASCAR stuff
  2. Ngl. I may try this. Not necessarily for football but will definitely be trying this
  3. If you dont mind me asking. How did you get the full stadium layout on there. I know Pitt does too so if both of you answer that's fine because I could not seem to do so
  4. First off i may have a solution, Second in case y'all wanted a head Start
  5. Well that's stupid. What are they trying to hide
  6. Let's just say I have a friend who works at a certain bay area sports channel
  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d59s2nv4b8q90eb/ToPitt.zip?dl=0 @pitt6packafter some sleuthing, zipping and Dropboxing. I have the 4 media folders of the final 4. Yes the official ones. They should have in the web folder a png or gif subfolder.
  8. First off, jesus how many templates and formats of em do you have, Second on to my main point. Honestly I could definitely see the sharks do this and ya know what I'm down. Heck even put an earthquakes logo for a promo night.
  9. id ask @oldschoolvikings if you could use the helmet from his uniform template. That should be a good enough one for the endzone
  10. Isn't Miami hosting the super bowl this year. Could this mean a return
  11. Tbf the fire don't use that logo anymore so the statue of limitations has expired so he should be fine
  12. NHL on NBC: We've been using the same graphics for 4 years. NBA on TNT:Hold my beer
  13. And this is an issue why? It's the NFL's 100th season let them be
  14. What if (hear me out hear me out) this is the new NBC Score bug and they just wanted to keep it semi secret until the winter classic
  15. Not bad. However I think the trickiest one to do will be the racing ones. Also I think that NBC is probably spending most of it's current graphics budget on the 2020 Olympics
  16. http://splashngo.studiospeed.club/index.php/download/mencs-2019-complete-templates/
  17. Yes it does Also maybe watch the indy 500 for that new NBC ticker
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