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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. Bruh, it should be the other way around. I have a bad feeling about this years aesthetic again.
  2. This U.S. Open Cup matchup between Red Bulls and NYCFC is driving me nuts because it's Red Bulls in white and NYCFC in orange.
  3. Toronto, my favorite American State of Canada.
  4. What in the world is this? This is a joke right? This is starting and finishing a school project the night before it's due. It's like they made the throwback as consolation for how badly they messed up this rebrand. Who the hell was in charge of this? Who are the testers? Who thought this was acceptable? Do they still have a job because they sure as hell should find new career after this! I need answers because this isn't it!
  5. good god this looks like every "modern" script logo in the NFL. This sucks.
  6. My biggest issue with the whole Los Angeles Angels brand is how they have never once used Los Angeles in ANYTHING. It's not on their caps. It doesn't say it on their away jersey. Not even a simple sleeve patch. It's always "ANGELS BASEBALL". So how can they market to a city they themselves seem very hesitant on marking to anyway? This was my biggest fear. They really shouldn't be wearing these on the road (or at all in general)
  7. except when the majority Angels fanbase is against it
  8. I like the new patch. Much cleaner. It doesn't need to say much, the cup speaks for itself.
  9. They've been nailing the last 3 City Connect uniforms. Green and purple is not a bad combo. This could be good for the Rockies to experiment with.
  10. I am so in love with the retro numbers. This might be the best Dortmund kit under Puma. Surely top tier.
  11. That photo was from a year ago. They've done worse. The black jerseys are now a once a week home alt, so there will be weeks where we won't even see them. As long as they stay away from the drop shadows that infected all the others, it'll be fine. I doubt they'll ever do that again.
  12. Big brain thinking. Can't blow a 7 run lead when you don't score 7 runs.
  13. The Oilers wanna be a navy team because it's the 90s and dark colors are in but then navy loses its luster so they return to their dynasty set in the 2010's because 80s nostalgia BUT THEN the orange throwbacks got popular so now they wanna be an orange team so they change uniforms again BUT THEN that wasn't enough, they had to bring back navy BUT THEN someone's navy boner went off and they created this all navy uniform AND NOW SAID "WE'RE ONLY WEARING NAVY ALTS IN THE PLAYOFFS" I hate this team so much.
  14. I must've missed something. Did Montreal change their shade of red?
  15. They removed it for some reason. It's really jarring when they put the 2 next to each other. It honestly looks unfinished. Many pointed this out on Twitter last night.
  16. Holy identity crisis Batman. What the hell do the Jazz want to be?
  17. what about teams who already have a patch on the left sleeve?
  18. Welp. It's here, it's big and it's ugly. This is so huge, there's no room for another patch. Let's say they get to the World Series next season, they won't wear a WS patch. Are we just done with those? This sucks on every level.
  19. Meanwhile over in Tampa... I hate everything about this
  20. Getting the criticisms out of the way. Don't like the navy pants but that's just the traditionalist in me talking. But I actually dig everything else. Love the hat. As for the jersey, the Astros should look into keeping that font style and the gradient piping for their uniforms. It's the first real SPACE feeling uniform they've had since their late-90s set.
  21. Not a fan of the new W Nats cap. I just don't like it. There's just too much going on for a baseball cap. The Curly W is just better. Also, they're doing that thing I hate when the cap and helmet are 2 completely different designs. I can't stand that.
  22. Apparently the Mets have dropped the Blue/Silver away jersey from their set. A little concerned now about the status of their blue jerseys. I know last season they hardly wore the home blue alternative.
  23. ESPN doing retro graphics for the NBA 75th Anniversary. It's a neat concept but they should really have the graphics pop in and out to make it a bit more authentic during the game.
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