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Posts posted by Gothamite

  1. Of course they need it. The market is an absolute disaster.

    They have an on-ice record most teams would kill for. They're competitive. And yet they play in front of an empty arena.

    Put that team in almost any other current market and they'd be at the top of the attendance figures. Yet the Coyotes have never had a profitable season since moving from Winnipeg.

    I'm somewhat optimistic that the new Glendale council will hold firm. They have an opportunity to lay all the blame for the bad deal on their predecessors, which always helps politicians do the right thing.

  2. Yeah, I'd say that MSG, and the Barclays in Brooklyn, are very easy to get to. At major transit hubs, and everybody here takes the subway (or the LIRR, for Islanders fans next year). Those are certainly easier for everyone to get to than any of our other sports venues.

    4) If there are not enough people willing to drive 15-30 miles to see hockey on a weeknight to even half-fill your arena for your division-champion, conference-final-reaching team, your franchise is a lost damn cause

    We already knew that, but just to make it official...

  3. Regardless I do believe the Thrashers deserved at least one more year, just to see if something could have been worked out. It seems painfully clear to me that the NHL sacrificed them to True North just to save the Great Arizona Hockey Experiment.

    If Thrashers fans had been able to draw more than a dozen people to their "save the team" rally, I might agree with you.

    Regardless of what was happening in Phoenix, the Thrashers were gone. If not to Winnipeg, than somewhere else. Ownership didn't want the team any more, and there was no real indication that the city was any more interested than they were. Fatal combination.

  4. Firings, or layoffs? Layoffs would be standard practice for a team facing a long lockout.

    Meanwhile, the mayor of Glendale is starting to admit the inevitable: http://www.azcentral.com/community/glendale/articles/20121018glendale-mayor-scruggs-makes-case-letting-coyotes-go.html?nclick_check=1

    Glendale has been cranking out budget scenarios to show where the city would stand considering different variables, such as keeping or losing the sales-tax hike and keeping or losing the Phoenix Coyotes.

    It's the latter that has caught the attention of Mayor Elaine Scruggs.

    No immediate cuts would be needed, according to one scenario that assumes the city keeps the tax hike but loses the hockey team that plays at the city-owned Jobing.com Arena.

    Scruggs highlighted the no-cuts scenario at this week's council workshop and called on council members to rethink the Coyotes deal.

    The mayor said handing out $71 million to the team as proposed in the next five years would mean city employees would lose jobs and services would be cut.

    The mayor said that wasn't acceptable. She added she would rather keep popular city festivals that are in danger of being cut than pay millions to keep the Coyotes.

    "I don’t want to turn off the lights in Glendale," Scruggs said, suggesting the hockey and concert arena could attract other events that would keep visitors at Westgate City Center, the nearby shopping and restaurant complex.


  5. Here's a new one for me: The more I watch the Yanks and Giants play, the more I realize that I really like the look of NNOB. It makes the numbers a little larger and just has a nice, clean look to it. I remember when the Dodgers did this for a couple season back in the mid-2000s and I liked it then, and I still like it now. I wish more MLB teams would go back to NNOB, and maybe even see the practice in other leagues.

    It looked terrible on the Dodgers imo.

    Only because the Dodgers didn't do it right. They kept the same size numbers in the same place, just removing the NoB.

    Had they increased the number size a little and moved them up to fill the hole across the shoulders, it would have looked great. The Yankees, Giants and Red Sox get this right, the Dodgers blew it.

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