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Posts posted by Gothamite

  1. Holy crap!

    Currently, the Panthers are seeking a greater share of Broward Countys bed tax which are levied on tourists to the area. The hockey team receives 16 percent of that tax right now and is seeking an increase to about one-third, or 33 percent. Those who oppose a greater share going towards the Panthers want the money used on the beaches, which is a greater tourist draw than the arena.

    We estimate that about 30,000 room nights are related to all events at the arena (concerts) annually. We have over 8 million room nights per year sold, the countys Nicki Grossman told the Miami Herald earlier this year.

    So the Panthers get a cut on every single hotel room booked? What a racket.

  2. The level of interest in NYC was amazing. Walk down any street in Manhattan during a match, and cheers ring out from every bar and restaurant you pass. Offices shut down during matches, as conference rooms got repurposed into viewing parties. Doubly so when the US was playing. During that last match, I was walking through Midtown and there were several impromptu sidewalk gatherings as dozens of New Yorkers gathered around to peer in windows or watch on temporary projection screens at sidewalk cafés. It was marvelous.

    I hope NYCFC can tap into just a little of that spirit. Gods know that we love the sport in this city; good we'll finally have a team in MLS.

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  3. No. No. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm not even an A's fan. Noooooooooooo. How could they do such a dreadful thing?

    1. They don't have much choice. The only other option they want is San Jose, which they can't have.

    2. The extension reportedly contains a clause allowing them to leave early if they can secure a new ballpark elsewhere, so why not sign it?

  4. I know South Africa is a coastal nation, but at the same time it's in Africa. It's hot there.

    Um, Africa is a very large place with many different climates.

    South Africa, due to a combination of ocean wind currents and elevation, is actually rather mild. Rare to spend much time above 90 degrees F.

    But that's in the summer. The World Cup was held in June, which is the Southern Hemisphere's winter. So this was the average temperature in the various host cities:


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