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Posts posted by Gothamite

  1. Did they finally fix the Yankees' original circle/top hat logo?


    This is what they deem official from 1946-1980:


    In 1968, this one became an alternate primary mark, and then became the official primary in 1981:


    Well, that's closer, at least.

    I wonder why they had two versions of the same logo for thirteen years? Was it a question of phasing out the old one but not replacing it where it was used in signage, etc? Or was the new one used for print applications where the simplified nature helped lower costs?

  2. I would never second-guess anyone's reason for choosing a team, but I cannot follow a team I don't have a geographical connection with.

    Milwaukee Brewers: I grew up shuttling back and forth between Milwaukee and New York, seeing games at County Stadium and Yankee Stadium. I still have a soft spot in my heart for the Yanks, but the Brewers will always be my team. Even if they seem determined to wear those stupid uniforms.

    Green Bay Packers: Even though they were terrible when I was a kid.

    Arsenal: My wife's old neighborhood in London. One of my favorites as well. If I'm ever lucky enough to live in England, it'll be somewhere near to Ashburton Grove.

    New York City FC: My new great love. My hometown club. I started getting interested in MLS a couple years ago, and tried to adopt a couple clubs. Since New York didn't have a local club, I looked around the league. The Union, because I love what the Sons of Ben have done, or the Timbers because I went to school in Oregon. But neither of them felt organic; it was too forced. I had no real connection. But then NYC finally got a club, and I've been rabid ever since.

    I don't have any college teams anymore, as I find the whole system abhorrent. I also don't have an NHL team; Milwaukee didn't have one, and the Dolans are such scumbags that I wouldn't think of supporting the Rangers even though I lived within walking distance of Madison Square Garden for almost a decade. I suppose with the Islanders moving to Brooklyn, I could start with them, but I'm not sure that there's any room in my life after the Brewers, Packers and City.

  3. Man, that still pisses me off.

    At some point, when they were putting together the illustrator files, they accidentally made the glove's webbing transparent, not white. It shouldn't pick up the color of the background, but does now in every application except the alternate uniform. Bugs me.

    I did some more research...as you said - it IS a mistake, and one that happens when one removes the 'TM' designation from the graphic. Like I did (!). Has to do with a compound path issue...long story, but this one's correct:


    Hey - I was right! Thanks!

    Now to let somebody at MLB Properties know...

  4. Reflection off the stitches, maybe. Or bad reproduction. But definitely never white.

    There was a small variation between the official logo and the cap logo in the late 70s/early 80s: the gold lines between the fingers were totally straight:


    The official logo always had lines that curved in at the bottom:


    Don't know the reason for the discrepancy.

  5. No, the keyline doesn't bother me. They've always let that recede against the background.


    But the glove's webbing, between the thumb and first finger, that's supposed to be white.


    New Era, ironically, is now the only one who gets it right. I suspect when MLB'd creative team made the official vector file, they left that transparent. So now everywhere you see it (except for the alternate on-field uniform), it picks up the background color.





    Such a little mistake, but bothers the hell out of me.

  6. Man, that still pisses me off.

    At some point, when they were putting together the illustrator files, they accidentally made the glove's webbing transparent, not white. It shouldn't pick up the color of the background, but does now in every application except the alternate uniform. Bugs me.

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