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Posts posted by Gothamite

  1. Well, that's sometimes true, but often because the amateur designers aren't subject to the whims of the process.

    Some concepts here are excellent but would never be approved by the teams, who do have veto power. Not to mention the manufacturers, who often have needs directly at odds with good design.

    A lot of the worst designs are created not because of the designers' process, but because that process was shaped by the desires of the client and the manufacturer.

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  2. Love the seahorse. Fantastic.

    The trident is inspired, but by comparison the anchor logo is forced. Trying way too hard to be clever, when the trident shows how it can be done seemingly effortlessly.

    The color scheme is meh. Manages to be too bright and too dark all at the same time, which is an accomplishment.

    But the real problem is the Photoshop wordmarks. Awkward in a straight line or with that goofy arch.

    And the less said about the hideous Soviet jersey the better.

  3. As one can see, the designers at Studio Simon simply followed the instructions given to them by the Crawdads ownership/management team: "update... without abandoning".

    The only place where the crawdad in the new cap logo obscures the letterform any more than it did in the old cap logo is where the creature's antenna falls in front of the serif on the 'H', as opposed to behind it. That's the only change - and a slight one, at that - made to the relationship between the crawdad and the 'H'. Otherwise, the only changes made to the letterform are the stylization of the serifs and a slight tweak to the angle at which the crossbar meets the righthand stem.

    Yes, it is faithful to the original. But the original was a bad logo, and their update is a bad logo as well.

    Doesn't really matter whose idea it was to have a bad logo, just that they do.

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