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Posts posted by Gothamite

  1. Designs of the Next Super Bowl ring - Diamond Cutters International is one of four companies bidding to create the next Super Bowl ring

    Could one of these Championship Ring designs wind up being the next Super Bowl ring?


    Yes, one of these two Championship Ring designs shown above could be the next Super Bowl ring, if Houston based Diamond Cutters International wins the selection process.

    Of all the championship rings I have ever seen, in my humble opinion (and many in the jewelry and championship ring market-place agree), the design and making of the shanks (the sides) of the last Diamond Cutters International Super Bowl ring was awful - The Broncos Super Bowl XXXII ring.

    Those designs are pretty awful, too. The double-Seahawks concept should never have gotten out of a brainstorming session. Not to mention using the old logo.

  2. I love the old trophies and am thrilled to have won one a Giants NFC trophy at Lealands a few years ago.

    The trophy was classic and elegant and paid homage to the roots of football.

    The new trophies are modern art but lack any character. Should we take the Heisman trophy and make it much shinier and modernize that too? After all the trophy lacks a face mask.

    Maybe tiffany can update it to look something like the AFC/NFC tropies. Would that be progress?

    How many football fans could draw the old trophies from memory? Or even pick them out of a lineup? Your Heisman comparison falls flat right there. If the conference trophies were half as iconic (or as interesting) as the Heisman, they'd still be around.

    I don't love the new ones, but they're certainly no worse than the previous ones, which were clunky and undistinguished.

    I'm not usually accused of being overly modernist (or at all), but this was a good change in my eyes. I'd rather they were updated to a better design, but I'm not sad at all that they were updated.

  3. It's not quite the same as yours (nice tat, by the way). That's closer to the 1950s version, the one you have (superimposed over a football) was introduced in the early 60s.

    My understanding is that anyone who wasn't on the 1961 club had the option of purchasing a ring. So while still very rare, it may not have been the only one.

    The photo of the paperwork clearly states that the Packers ordered 55 rings before Lew's order was written up.

    I guess this means that Lew's 1961 ring is not the only ring (unless the Packers cancelled the order and went with watches). If the order did go through, and I can't see why it would have been cancelled, then there appear to have been at least 56 rings made.

    That seems like a lot of people, purchasing their own championship ring, so perhaps the Packers offered a ring or a watch to members of the organization.

    Actually, that's not quite what the paperwork says. It reads "This is the same price the Packers paid when they bought in a quantity of 55." It doesn't say when the Packers bought their rings. And why would Lew Anderson buy his own ring if they were issued by the team that year? He was a valued scout and friend of Vince and Marie Lombardi.

    The design for the 1962 ring was identical to the 1961 version. If there was indeed a choice, makes sense that anyone who got a ring in '61 would opt for a watch the following year. Or maybe this is indeed a one-off purchased by the scout himself, on which Jostens gave him a favorable rate because of their history with the Packers.

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