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Posts posted by VampyrRabbit

  1. Today it's an update for the Diamondbacks.






    So what we have here are updates to the main logo and the 2006 db snakehead logo. The originals are two of the best logos in the game, so not much is changed. The inside outline on the main body of the A is removed, so that the secondary and the support colour are kept separated, with the support being confined to the tongue and four peaks. For the db, the edges are now sharpened and the tongue now has a coloured interior, to bring it inline with the main logo.

    I went back to the purple, teal and copper, the best colour combination that Peyote can buy. The purple is a shade called Phantom Night, the teal (Zodiac Night) is a brighter shade than the Arizona Turquoise the team originally used as the print color, and Copper Kettle keeps them separated. The deep red represents both Copper(I) oxide and also cuprite.

    The Diamondbacks have two great logos, and tweaking them slightly to bring them in line with each other and bringing back the mescaline drenched colours for the renovations to the Hangar would be a great move.

    C+C would be cool as always.

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  2. So, what is Factory Pomo? Well, here is a primer (which also covers grunge, another 1990s style), and another one.

    Basically, once you see it and know what it is and what it's called, you know it.




    The Raptors are as good a place to start as any, having made their debut when the style was at it's height, and the contrasting shapes and triangles with the name Toronto are very Factory Pomo, as was the nameplate with its tall type and the teeth at the top.


    The proposed rebrand of the LA Clippers two years earlier was an even greater expression of the style.


    Any more examples of Factory Pomo in sports that come to mind?




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  3. 4 hours ago, TrueYankee26 said:

    That old Chelsea crest looks way ahead of its time and could even be used today. Hard to believe that it came from the 60s

    Looks great, don't it? The two scrolls, the way the lion stands on the bottom scroll and the head of the staff is on the top scroll, the fantastic serif font which is far superior to the sans serif one that is on the current Chelsea crest (which has its outline filling the counter of the a which looks really nasty) make it a much nicer crest. It would probably need a bit of a spruce up, but the old girl has held up really well.

    Even the typography is better than the current crest. Once you actually see how bad the typography is on the current Chelsea Crest, you can't unsee it.

    Lets compare by scalling both down to 490px by 490px (more on why I chose that later) and compare the script placement and outlines of the two. For the comparison, I treated the outlines of the scripts as part of them in terms of determining baseline and capline guides (determined by the height of the letter/letter closest to the vertical midline)


    Here are the two crests side by side, with the green circles showing the (lower in the current logo) font baseline and capline, and the centre of the main roundel ring/scroll. As can be seen, the 63 year old logo has better typesetting than the current one. The non curvature of the font baseline is also so much more noticable in the current crest, and just look at how badly centred the first part of the Football Club part of the Chelsea script is. The apex of the F is far off the capline, and the apex of the a sticks out way above it. Also look at the placement of the roses and the difference in the centering of them.

    It boggles the mind how Chelsea have had a crest with such shoddy typesetting for so long, and I doubt the reason for it is stylistic choice, the logo was designed for their centenary season and is basically a modernization and simplification of their 1960 crest, and in doing so they got rid of two of my fave parts  - the double scroll design and the lion standing on the lower scroll, which add so much charm to the 1960s design.

    Before that, I also compared the typography layout of the current crest to another one, and as I could only find the new Villa logo in a good resolution sized 490px by 490px. If the comparison to the 1960s Chelsea crest is unflattering to the current logo, then a comparision to the new Villa logo is even harsher.


    The layout of the Villa font with its curved baseline is far more accurate than the sans serif font used by Chelsea, and if Villa decide to add an outline to the team name, none of the letters will have a closed counter. The date of foundation would though, which is probably why it should really have used the same font size as the team name and the same centering. It still beats the woeful typesetting on the Chelsea logo hands down.

    So, TLDR -

    • Both the old Chelsea logo and the new Villa logo have typesetting that puts the current Chelsea crest to shame,
    • Comparing the Villa logo to the Chelsea logo  brings into sharp focus just how objectively bad the typesetting is on the Chelsea badge, and it's incredible it was designed that way and that it has persisted.
    • Chelsea should bring back the 1960 logo and tastefully update it for modern use, because it slaps.


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  4. So, this was going to be a thread about The Rockies rebrand, but decided to make it an all Baseball logo design thread instead, mostly so I could work on different teams at the same time and get feedback, identify styles, and improve my work.

    Anyhow, here is a concept for the main logo for the Miami Marlins.



    The logo here is a Factory Pomo style Fish concept. If you were wondering what Factory Pomo is, then here is a primer, and here is another one. Basically, along with Grunge and the bits of Memphis Milano that stuck around after 1991 like chunks of peanut butter to the top of your mouth, it was one of the defining styles of the late 80's and the 90's. Once you know it, you know it. In sports, probably one of the best examples of FP was the original primary logo  and the nameplate on their original jerseys for the Toronto Raptors, who got on that train when the style was at its hottest.

    As a style of the nineties and a descendant of Art Deco, a FP Style Marlins crest seemed obvious. The logo has the high contrast, angular shapes and a tall Art Deco style typeface (Cavalier for MIAMI) common to FP. The font used for MARLINS is Belgrad, and for a slight jarring sense to add to the high contrast, the baselines of the MARLINS type is straight.

    In addition to the main colours of teal, black and white, I added pink (gills and inside mouth) and blue (eye), I felt those colours had to be on the logo somewhere. The shades are a more Art Deco than the full Vice colours the Heat used.

    I designed the emblem to sit on a black background or have a black outline. As a uniform patch, it was intended to sit on the sleeve of a black baselayer, Iike the 1996 -2002 teal pinstriped sleeveless home, which in my view is the definative variation of that uniform.

    The Marlins could be the team that carries the FP torch in the NL. As for the AL, their then parent company went all in on FP in their home city a few years before a rebrand, but only a trace of FP was in that rebrand. What could have happened if they had went all in?

    C+C would be cool.


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  5. 2 minutes ago, BadSeed84 said:

    To steer this back from the dumpster fire its headed in.



    I see Gritty don't have a new jersey yet but instead is wearing "A NEW ERA OF ORANGE" tank top for now.

    Untill I see the new uniforms on the ice and on our beloved orange abomination, I will reserve judgement on the new uniforms.

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  6. On 2023-06-23 at 7:57 PM, Jaffa said:

    I wouldn't go so far as to say Villa's crest is a copy, but a staff-toting, roundel-dwelling lion first appeared on Chelsea's jerseys back in the early 1960s...




    That logo wasn't quite a roundel, it was two scrolls touching. It was close though, and it did look like a roundel unless you were standing close



    On 2023-06-23 at 8:01 PM, aawagner011 said:

    It’s not about whether they briefly used a roundel at one point in time.


    We were having a discussion about the (spurious) claim that the Villa logo was a rip off of the Chelsea logo, so it was about exactly that.


    On 2023-06-23 at 8:01 PM, aawagner011 said:

    On a primarily claret shirt, the old sky blue and yellow badge gave it some much needed contrast. The details were highly visible from a distance.


    The new crest loses its uniqueness and the details are lost at a distance. The colors of the badge are heavier on claret at the expense of sky blue and yellow.


    Overall, it just feels so much more generic. A badge is more than how it operates as a standalone logo. It’s how it works on digital platforms and social. It’s how the badge works in the context of the shirt and I feel like the new badge fails in that regard.



    To me the The claret lion stands out so much better on the sky blue background than did the yellow lion, and I also like the redrawn lion. The Claret and Sky Blue has much greater contrast than the Yellow and Sky Blue did, especially for digital applications.

    So many other teams followed Villas lead and began wearing Claret and sky blues, so it stands to reason that the badge should have an emphasis on those two colours because in English football, Villa were the team that popularized them. It wasn't yellow and sky blue all those teams started wearing in the wake of the success of Villa.

    The fans overwhelmingly voted (77 percent) for the new crest over the outgoing one and the gaslamp crest, and the majority of the people who were consulted on a new crest also wanted an increased focus on the claret, which took a back seat on the previous crest, and I'm glad they did because the new crest is great. Sure, it's a roundel and those have been done a lot over the last 5-10 years, but as far as roundels go, this one is really good.


  7. 1 hour ago, MJD7 said:

    Pittsburgh Pirates City Connect

    I mostly like the Pirates' take on the City program, I'm just not big on the 3-letter abbreviations, so I went with the full "Pittsburgh."



     l like the tuscan script here, it's a lot better than the cursive with that weird bend. I do think that out of all the CCs, if there was one team that could have gone for a sleeveless jersey, it was the Pirates. Love to see it without the sleeves.

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  8. 4 hours ago, MJWalker45 said:


    It gives the appearance of being an inferior copy of the Chelsea badge in new colors, like when supporter groups make their own badges instead of just using the official club badge.

    Except that Aston Villa had a roundel in 1973, years before Chelsea did, they used the lion over half a century before Chelsea did, there are no roses or footballs on the Villa badge, and the design of the lion of both clubs is quite different and one of them is carrying a staff.

    So to call the new Villa crest an inferior copy or has the appearance of one, when there are a lot of differences, is a pile of bulls*** bigger than the pile of money Chelsea spent in the last transfer window.

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  9. 36 minutes ago, Digby said:

    That new Villa crest just looks like a recolored Chelsea to me. Old one wasn't great but at least there was character to it.

    The new Villa crest is an update of the roundel the team used from 1973 untill 1992, the current Chelsea crest was introduced in 2005 as part of their centenary season. The two have lions and are roundels with the name at the top, but the similarities end there.



    The lion, the font are quite different, the Chelsea crest has roses and footballs, and the Chelsea lion is holding a staff while turning it's head to look to the east.

    Here are the two crests side by side in greyscale


    So no, it's not a recoloured Chelsea crest, not even close.

  10. 25 minutes ago, officeglenn said:

    🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Aston Villa home with new crest (which is weirdly only being used on kits and not in the stadium or on their digital channels): 


    That's a new sponsor -- a betting firm (aren't PL clubs supposed to be phasing them out?) that had a deal with Norwich City cancelled just days after it was signed in 2021 when fans revolted over their sexualized advertising.

    2026 is when the ban comes into effect. Villa were damn quick in announcing the sponsorship then releasing the new home, they knew there would be a backlash when the news broke.

    The new crest was the overwhelming winner in the fan vote, I don't know why it hasn't been changed from the old one across the board. The lion looks so much better in claret on blue than it ever did in yellow on blue.

  11. It's good, but there were a lot more possibilities that the team could have gone with. If any CC could have been sleeveless, it was this one, and instead of just the single black line for the trim, it's a shame they didn't go with black/gold/black for the Pittsburgh flag, that seemed like the obvious thing.


    I also kind of wished that they had put Pirates on the placket like in 1912 or Pittsburgh, though that might have been a problem on the modern Nike template.


    • Like 2
  12. 20 hours ago, CRDesigns said:


    Thanks! I am glad you're enjoying it.

    I think I am going to keep doing logos in the style I have based on feedback I have received on other platforms.


    That's fine apart from small details in your logos. You need to make sure that at the size a crest would be on a shirt that all the details are clear and there are no small details that would be lost. The Quebec and Ottawa logos made me feel deep sympathy for the poor soul who would have to embroider those, and the OCFC on the Oil City is way too small. Adding another gear to the crest and putting a letter in each of the gears would be a big improvement on that front, maybe make the tower a bit bigger and two gears on each side of it.

    On the template you've been using for the last few teams, the crest could do with being moved a little closer to the centerline of the shirt horizontally, as it looks too close to the arm seam.

    Buckeye is good, the shirt designs are nice and the crest is good, though making the lettering navy and having it sit over a gold band would make it a lot easier to make out.

  13. 9 hours ago, GhostOfNormMacdonald said:

    Man, this has been a fun dumpster fire to watch, but I feel bad for all the Oaklanders (Oaklandites?) that are losing their team. I couldn't imagine if the Vikings or Twins moved

    Weren't the Twins one of the two teams on the chopping block along with the Expos when contraction was being discussed due to the Metrodome falling apart?

    • Like 4
  14. Never crossed my mind that the Mets home script matched the cursive Giants script, but then again, why wouldn't it?  The uniforms look great.

    I think the colour combination for KC is pretty good, and I'd probably like it more than navy and red (overused) and royal blue and gold (get it right and it looks great, get it wrong and it looks chintzy).

    • Like 1
  15. The road and the home alternate for the Twins look great and are the two best sets. Part of the reason is that both of them have matching caps and helmets, and I don't understand why the helmets and caps are mismatched on the other sets, when making them match would improve them. The powder blue alternate is screaming for a matching navy batting helmet, and the road alt would look nicer if the helmet had a red bill.

  16. Just now, TBGKon said:

    To those of us on the forums, yes its noticable.  To the general fan, not so much.

    I'm pretty sure people are going to notice Gritty has a new set of threads. In light of that, I will reserve judgement until I see these on the ice and also being modelled by that wonderful orange monstrosity.

    • Like 1
  17. 6 minutes ago, Kevin W. said:

    Honestly, the changes are barely noticeable. They could've just kept the existing uniforms but changed the shade of orange and it would've been fine. These are pointless and the contrasting nameplates continue to be terrible.



    1 hour ago, CaliforniaGlowin said:




    I have no idea how anyone can look at the jerseys side by side and have that response.



    The hem is a big change and the change in the collar is pretty noticable. 

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  18. 44 minutes ago, Ark said:

    Who likes the contrasting nameplates?

    I could take them or leave them for the Flyers, the Jersey wouldn't look better or worse with or without them IMHO.

    The only contrasting nameplate that added something that I can recall was the one the Toronto Raptors used, which tied in with the Factory Pomo style main logo.





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  19. 3 hours ago, fortunat1 said:

    I came across the All Star Game helmet logos today at work. Nothing special, and simple enough to recreate, so here they are:




    If those are the colours, then the teal needs to be brighter, the navy darker, or both. Right now the two colours have a Luminescence value too close, and it doesn't really pop. 


  20. 20 minutes ago, tBBP said:

    (And obytheway, San Diego...ATLUTD kinda already has the red and black thing going—then again, Vancouver being two-tone blue didn't stop SKC and NYCFC from adopting a dang-near similar scheme, so...)

    DC United are nicknamed the Black and Red and Toronto have red and gunmetal gray as their colours, so two teams with similar colour schemes were in the league before ATL, and the Metrostars did play in black and red stripes, so I don't think it will be a problem if FC San Diego FC adopt red and black as their colours.



  21. 29 minutes ago, MrOrange said:

    Is it just me or do these name/color videos sometimes give a bit a staged vibe?



    They all give off a staged vibe. My guess is that the name, the logo and the team colours have all been decided.

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