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Everything posted by ruttep

  1. That's more the fault of the helmet manufacturers than anything. There isn't room to move the decal up on the helmet.
  2. I actually liked the patch being on the front of the jersey where it was (maybe that's just because I'm so used to watching football and hockey), but I absolutely hate the reason for it. Also, it's going to look horrible when they have to put a chest patch on a team with a chest logo, like the Yankees or Tigers home jerseys.
  3. I agree. My point is that the new uniforms are already a significant step in the right direction.
  4. Fair, I always liked the 80s-90s look better than the 70s/2010s design, so I'm happy with a design that's closer to the 80s-90s.
  5. Here's my ranking: 1. Single Outline 2. Single-color number 3. Double Outline 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10a. Ghosted outline with different color 10b. Ghosted outline with same color (The Lightning actually have a double outline on the home jersey with the inner outline being black and a ghosted outline different color on the away jersey with the outer outline being black)
  6. Interested to see how white pants would look on the ice when not paired with white jerseys and socks. Haven't liked any recent jerseys that utilized white pants.
  7. I cannot understate how much I like the new (old) shade of orange more.
  8. I simply can't get over the fact that they decided to wear this uniform against the Texans. Honestly, it's just a ridiculous troll job that you almost have to respect it.
  9. To be fair, the actual design does call for navy socks, you just chose a picture of a guy that wasn't wearing them.
  10. This is dumb -- there's a reason that every single league in the world makes players wear their actual last names.
  11. That logo is just not designed to be on the front of a jersey. There's a reason the only time it ever was put on a jersey it led to the most hated design in franchise history.
  12. Every single thing about this is wrong. The jersey color. The stripeless pants. The helmet color. The helmet logo. The combination of all of the above. And the opponent that also wears silver.
  13. Yeah, I'd say it bothers me more with the Dolphins and Habs jerseys I previously mentioned because they're lighter colored numbers against a white background (aqua and royal blue, respectively). With white against black and navy against white there's enough contrast where it somewhat works.
  14. As simple a disagreement you'll ever see. I respect your opinion, but you'll never convince me of that. I feel like the white gap in the numbers makes them (marginally) more difficult to read and overall weaker. For the same reason, I've always thought the Montreal Canadiens' white jerseys were downgraded massively in 1998 when they added a double outline to the numbers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (The change in the shade of red doesn't bother me that much)
  15. Double outlines with a meaningless white gap = I don't know how you can argue that this is better than this
  16. You can have a classic visual identity and still have a modern brand. Look at teams like the 49ers and the Chiefs that have not drastically changed their modern uniforms in decades but still let the personality of their players shine through. That needle can be threaded. Look at the Steelers (yes, they changed their number font but they're still one of the most stagnant visual brands out there). A mashup of classic and modern can be amazing (Vikings, Browns, Lions, Bengals, Chargers) but it can also lead to massive flops or boring looks (Rams, Jaguars, Jets, Falcons). I think if the Dolphins want to go mashup, the early 90s uniforms are a good compromise (aqua facemask, sleeve logo, aqua pants). I'd still prefer the 70s, but this is a perfectly good look.
  17. No Fun League indeed. The NFL and the Titans continue to feed my agenda that they only brought back the Oilers uniforms out of greed and spite.
  18. A jersey that beautiful doesn't have an expiration date to me. And this isn't the first time a flashy, historic offense has worn these jerseys (1984). Modernization wouldn't be a bad thing, I'm not suggesting that everything should stay the same as it was for decades, but I don't think I would keep any aspect of the modern uniforms over the throwbacks.
  19. The one time the Rams made it to the Super Bowl in the helmet endzone era, the horn didn't make it onto the NFC helmet. Strange that it did for the Bengals but not for the Rams. (Also I understand that there needed to be contrast for the helmets, but not really a fan of when both endzones are the same color)
  20. If we're talking about fields... (If you can't tell, I really liked the classic helmet endzones.) Best recent field. Could have been even better if both teams did helmet logos.
  21. Those stripes are beautiful and look better than the sleeve logos imo. Aqua pants would be great (without aqua socks).
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