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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. 13 minutes ago, Sport said:

    That's actually laughable. Nobody hated their uniforms from 2004-2020 more than me [1]. I had no problem trashing them 17 years. I have no problem pointing out some of the current uniform's flaws (the Finding Nemo pants, for instance). I'm not a fan of the uniforms because I'm a fan of the team. I'm a fan of the uniforms because I think they're good uniforms. If I didn't think they were good uniforms I'd say as much. 


    I'm just honestly asking Red what he thinks is so wrong about them[2]. 

    1 - Highlighted for truth.


    2 - Not Red, but I'll take a shot. My football aesthetic doesn't like it when pants are a darker color than the jersey, UNLESS the jersey is white. There's nothing WRONG with the combo, but I don't like it.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, BltzW said:

    #0 & #00 is a dream. I love it in the college football, I think the NFL may as well open up the number thing so it can happen


    It depends on how the statistical program used by the league is written. Those numbers may not be functional in that program.

    Long live Jim Otto and Ken Burrough.

    • Like 7
  3. 50 minutes ago, infrared41 said:


    What it basically does is move the "who's in, who's out, who got screwed" argument down to teams 10 thru 12. Someone will still get screwed, but it won't be as big a deal because no one cares if teams like Washington or  Oklahoma State don't get in.

    Thanks. That's said way better than what I typed.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Red Comet said:

    Either way, that 12 team playoff can’t come soon enough. 

    It will make it less concerning over which teams are 3-6, but it really won't add any teams that are worth being called the best team of the year. If the format is more like the basketball tournament, ok.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Kooky01 said:

    Only reason I was watching is because of my girlfriend and she doesn't care if it's not the US (I mean, she'll still watch, but very casually and let's me put on something else). So there. 


    Also, does everyone hate me just because i'm an Astros fan? 



    You got that reaction for crapping on something you don't like that others do. What was the point of it?


    Yeah, we can share opinions.  That statemwnt is just being a douchenozzle.

    • Like 5
    • Huh? 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, Red Comet said:

    Not Brass, but I just don’t like Thursday night games period regardless if it’s Amazon or an inexplicably wealthy Mom and Pop store who paid for the rights. If anything, I think teams should have their bye before the Thursday night game so they aren’t playing 2 games in 5 days in order to downplay the risk of injury. That and I’d prefer football to be the last part of the weekend instead of happening right before the work week ends.


    Thanksgiving should be the exception to that IMO but I still think the Lions, Cowboys and whoever else plays should have a bye the Sunday before.

    Since the players had the opportunity to say no to this, but instead said yes because they realized there was more money to be made, I think the faux outrage is misguided. if the players were really concerned about safety, the money from a 17th game wouldn't have mattered. They weren't. I'm not either. If that makes me a bad guy, oh well.

  7. 9 hours ago, Brass said:

    Out coached. Out matched. Yuck.


    However, two silver linings. One, another horrible game for Amazon to have to present. Two, there is a sliver of hope it gets Matt Patricia and Joe Judge fired.

    Just curious - what makes that a silver lining? Is it because big bad company paid money to big bad NFL to increase NFL salary cap and force players to play an 'unsafe' Thursday game?

  8. 1 hour ago, gosioux76 said:


    It could just be the angle of the photos, but these pictures suggest that, at some point in their history, the Seahawks either shrunk the size of the bird head or pulled it further back on the helmet. 


    The Jim Zorn / Steve Largent photo has the beak edging right up to the facemask, while the later image shows a few inches gap.  

    I'll go in a different direction. I think it's the same decal, but applied on a different style of helmet. These were applied from the ridgeline forward, so they'd stop in a different place.

    • Like 5
  9. 1 hour ago, WestCoastBias said:

    The CFP killing the Rose Bowl would be the final straw for me not giving a damn about college football anymore. Let the Rose Bowl keep its January 1st date, we need to still have at least one tradition left in college football. 

    I get what you're saying, but I think it lost that once the Rose Bowl was no longer guaranteed to be the Pac 12 Champ v the Big 10 Champ (in whatever numerical configurations for each conference).

    • Like 3
  10. 4 minutes ago, Volt said:

    I'm a fan of Grey uniforms, and I know I'm in the minority.  I actually like Detroit's Dark Steel Grey (it's not Anthracite) and Seattle's Wolf Grey as alternates.  Seattle's best look is Navy/Navy/Grey, so I hope if they must get rid of the Grey jersey (do they have to?) that they at least keep the Grey pant, so that they don't go mono-Navy.


    The Seahawks throwbacks will look great on the modern template/fabric and I look forward to seeing them.


    I think there's a general swing in society starting now to go back to some more traditional things; I think it's part-nostalgia, part-burnout of everything "modern", and part-emotional desire to see things go back to simpler times as an escape for how wild & obscene today's world is.

    Either way, I'm in support of it.

    What do you speculate (if you do) on how they handle those sleeves, though? I really hope they can pull  it off, but I have to think it is going to be something different from the logo wrapping the sleeve.


    Like (I think) I said, I'm interested in seeing these.

    • Like 1
  11. 56 minutes ago, PaleVermilion81 said:

    It's the most unneeded secondary and doesn't deserve any respect beyond that. It doesn't even deserve the name "wolf gray", because that just makes it sound cooler than what it is: a light gray uniform that is almost indistinguishable from the white and half the time you have to squint at the TV to try to figure out if they're wearing white or light gray.

    Patriot gray.

    It's the same color.

    • Applause 1
    • LOL 2
  12. 39 minutes ago, 4_tattoos said:

    Possibly an unpopular opinion, but I never understood the hoopla over those old Seahawks uniforms. Those made them the third blue and silver team in the league with some green stripes and an ugly logo. The 2002 unis gave them unique colors and a much needed upgrade on the logo.  I understand some people weren't fans of monochrome slate blue becoming their primary look, but even on the rare instances they wore slate blue over white, or white or slate blue it looked significantly better than the silver era uniforms imo 🤷🏿‍♂️

    I think the royal and green are better, in the same manner that I like the Rams blue and yellow over navy and gold. I agree that the new logo was an improvement. 


    The sleeve stripe on the original uni can't be replicated with today's cuts, so I'll wait to see what this one looks like.

    • Like 5
  13. 41 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    Refs just took a big catch away from DK Metcalf and the Seahawks. 


    If it takes 5 minutes and a million replays to overturn a catch, you probably shouldn't overturn it.

    It  was the correct call. After rolling over, the ball is rolling toward his thigh. He's OB. No catch.

    Oh well, I'm gonna watch my team get pounded by a team wearing crappy unis. It'll make a swell night.

  14. 30 minutes ago, Froob said:

    I know what statistics are, I can’t do a poll of their entire fan base. I just know it’s a common ask amongst their fans online.


    I’ll rephrase to “a lot of cardinals fans seem to want the flag in the unis again.” 

    Closer to correct. A lot of  people who express a preference for Cardinal uniforms on Twitter and Reddit want the flag in the unis again.

    • Yawn 1
    • Eyeroll 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, monkeypower said:


    It's probably a pretty decent measure of what fans want. Unless you're expecting a peer reviewed study of a survey taken at the entrance to the games, it's probably the best measure you're going to get. It going to be biased in a couple ways because of the demographic of the people who use Twitter and Reddit, but again, it's going to be a the "best" measure of what fans want.

    Nope. It's only an indication of the people who use those resources. 


    Yes, if you are saying you know what fans want, you need to accurately sample from the population of fans. Neither Twitter nor reddit are that.

    • Yawn 1
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