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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. On 10/19/2022 at 9:08 AM, MJWalker45 said:


    I think the Saints have the issue that they can't really use the pope as a mascot and what really is a saint and how should they look without pissing off everyone?

    Well, the Pope isn't a saint, so I don't know why they would want to use him as the basis of a mascot.

  2. 30 minutes ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    I'm disappointed theYankees pulled it out, but I'm looking forward to all the crybaby weeping and bitching when the Astros (hopefully) take them out. 

    Personally, I'm rooting for a meteor in that series, but I can't fault your statement!

    • Like 2
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  3. 1 hour ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    McCarthy got carried by a stellar defense and an all-time QB to one SB win, which is the only reason he still has a job (that, and the fact that Jerry can push him around). If anything, Dallas should make Dan Quinn the head coach, just out of fear of losing him to another team.

    Did you read the link? The 'highly successful coach' is what he called himself 🤣


    In other words, we agree!

    • LOL 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:



    Oh wow. That's really bad. The nature of concrete is that it cracks, but it's also supposed to be reinforced and repaired on an ongoing basis.  For example, I noticed when I was at T-Mobile Park a couple weeks ago you can see the epoxy in the floor of the upper deck; it's just the way it goes.


    At the same time, if the load-bearing stuff is starting to degrade beyond repair, then the stadium needs to be shut down immediately. It's kind of a binary situation; either it's too dangerous to be open or it's not.

    If I recall correctly, there were even statements about insufficient rebar/support within the pillars. It's not just needing to fix cracks and patch items, as mentioned upthread, it appears to have been shoddily built, and thus "fixing" it contributes to that exorbitant repair price.

  5. 36 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

    Are the Jets actually good or did Green Bay just have a crappy game?

    Yes to the Jets being good - their lines were great yesterday.

    If I say the Packers had a crappy game, that takes away from the fact that the Jets owned us in the second half. Rodgers has lost downfield accuracy this year. His receiving corps isn't anything to write home about. Both LaFleur and Rodgers fall in love with passing the ball and fail to use their two best offensive players (not named Rodgers) in Jones and Dillon.

  6. 47 minutes ago, fouhy12 said:

    Michigan announced its Maize Out uniforms. Going monochrome in exactly the color you would expect from that name.


    Navy blue. 



    Apparently in this case, "Maize out" means they're out of maize.

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  7. 7 hours ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:


    That's really tricky. You have to get the right groups lined up and run it past them. For example, getting the Navajo nation to sign off on a brand identity with a team a thousand miles away in a different state is just making this messier.

    The Blackhawks have not been forgotten about and a lot of 'Hawks fans accept that its only a matter of time before the logo changes. Then again, there's a lot of good bird head logos floating around out there so for them it will be an easy transition.

    I think where the Guardians did well was leaning into familiar aesthetics. Not just the base uniforms which remained effectively unchanged but tapping into the old "Caveman" aesthetic from the 70's, the script Cleveland sign, and the baseball logo being reminiscent of the movie Major League. I expected the number font and arched "CLEVELAND" to be irksome but they've wound up looking good (or at least not distracting). Maybe they can put the headspoon back on the jersey? My only gripe is that I miss the red undershirts at home but that's specific to me and predates the name change.

    So thumbs up Cleveland, you done good.

    Sigh. It wasn't caveman. It wasn't Greek. It was stereotypical of the style that was indicated by the former team nickname.

    • Like 4
  8. 46 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

    Overall I like the Bills current look, and it’s MILES better than the nickel infused mess they had before this. But I do think the red helmet was a better look for them. I’m hoping they bring that back as the primary helmet eventually. 

    I’m assuming they probably have worn the white helmet for longer than the red, but basically all of the Bills memories I can generate came with them wearing a red helmet. 

    Silver - 2 years

    Red - 26 years

    White - 32 years

    • Like 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

    The Guardians brand still irks me a bit. I don’t necessarily hate it, and have warmed up to a lot of it, but it still just feels too close to the old Indians brand, which I can understand what some may like that, but I personally don’t. I wish they had given themselves just a bit more of a separation from the past. I think the biggest issue I have is keeping the colors. They had the perfect opportunity to get away from the overused navy and red, and  really stand out from the crowd a bit. I think played it too safe, and IMO the whole thing ends up feeling kind of uninspired and derivative. I get the argument that they’ve always had those colors, but they were kind of forced to make a drastic change, and it somewhat feels half assed, in a sense. 

    Many people here feel those colors are overused. Many people are likely right. But why should any one team that has used those colors for-freaking-ever feel inclined to change them just because other teams are also using them? That makes no sense to me from the perspective of the team.

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  10. 40 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    For people who have been to Chiefs games, does the in-stadium PA get the tomahawk chop going? Or is it entirely fan-lead?


    Because if the former, that's an easy fix. And if the latter, MLS has successfully removed YSA and the Mexican goal kick slur. It's possible if people care (and want to be in alignment with helmet bumpers and end zone slogans).

    Consider that part of the pre-game festivities includes pounding on the big drum in the stands, it isn't organically drummed up [pun intended] by the fans.

  11. 11 minutes ago, BBTV said:


    I thought I read at one time that one of the reasons the Bills went from white to red helmets was that all the other AFCE teams had white helmets and one of their QBs thought that there wasn't enough contrast when he was looking down the field.  I may also have just made that up.

    Or was it Ken O'Brien with the Jets? The Jets went green when the other 4 teams still wore white shells.

  12. 13 minutes ago, MJD7 said:

    I know I won’t change your mind on this (which is completely fine & understandable), but I’m going to make a case against it anyway.


    One could argue that the purpose of a sports uniform is to visually distinguish one team of players from the other team. Rarely will you see a sports uniform in isolation and not contrasted against another team. So, when the Bears play in Seattle and both teams have navy helmets & pants, the game looks muddied and it’s more difficult to tell the teams apart than it needs to be. Thus, both teams are somewhat failing to fulfill what a sports uniform is meant to do. Usually more of the onus is on the away team in this regard, since they would adjust to what the home team chooses, although the home team can help to make it a better matchup, too.


    Another example would be the Bengals and Ravens playing tonight. Neither team helped with the contrast in this matchup, with the Bengals wearing black pants and the Ravens going complete black-out. My ideal matchup in this specific case would be the Ravens going purple over white (or maybe even purple pants) and the Bengals breaking out the white pants, maybe even with orange socks. although I wouldn’t endorse that combo in most scenarios.


    Essentially, my rule-of-thumb would be that if two teams that are playing each other share a color, or at least shades of similar value, then both teams should generally avoid that shared color as much as possible in favor of the other colors in their respective palettes. Oftentimes this would lead to visually appealing, contrasting matchups.


    The extreme extension of this argument would result in every game being head-to-toe all-white vs. all-black, but I think we can all agree that no one would want that. Then again, maybe that’s part of the appeal of BFBS and white-out looks these days.

    I totally understand your take on this. Thanks.


    You're also right that neither of us will change the other's mind😁


    My aesthetic preference is from a time when most teams had a single pair of pants. It's why mono-white doesn't bother me, because it was the frequent default for football teams.


    I've had my say and should let this drop, but I know myself better than that lol

    • Like 3
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  13. 2 hours ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

    Didn’t say better look for the Bears. Better for that specific game.

    I understand. My hill to die on is that your best look is your best look, regardless of situation. 

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  14. 51 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:


    So about that. 


    Best can have different meanings depending on the context. For example, your best suit might be black but that's not going to the best look if you have to go to court. It will definitely look off if instead of going to court, you go camping. Similarly, context matters for uniforms.


    Take for example the Los Angeles Chargers.


    IMO their best look is the powder blue jersey over gold pants. I think its top 5 in all of football. We can debate that but this is my opinion.



    However, would that pairing be ideal on a day the Green Bay Packers or Pittsburgh Steelers come to town? Those teams sole road uniforms look like this and this:



    So on that occasion, to avoid an all yellow pants affair, the Chargers would be better off, and look better aesthetically, by wearing their white pants. Not their best look but the best for the situation:




    An alternate or throwback can give a team the opportunity to wear something that fits the opponent a little better.


    To give another example, I confess my own bias but I adore the Chicago Bears navy blue over white home uniform. A. D. O. R. E. it. I think its THE best in football. (Long standing, capital S, SUFFERING Bears fan that I am).

    However, I admit that this:




    Looked better than this:




    Context matters and alternates make for opportunities. Teams don't always take proper advantage but at least the option is there.

    Lifelong Packer fan. Hate the Bears. LOVE their uniforms.


    Never will I agree that the top picture is a better look for the Bears.

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