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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. 3 hours ago, EddieJ1984 said:


    Yes, because the colors work well together and for both were executed good looks wise.



    I can't get past that I expect the Lions to be Honolulu blue and silver, but other than that I really can't argue with you.


    I'm less sure of the Royals' look, but that's about it. 

  2. 25 minutes ago, OnWis97 said:

    I actually think the league found a pretty good solution to the home/road balance by having NFC/AFC alternate years with the extra home game.  Though a neutral site game would have been fun...Europe, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Norman OK, Boise ID, etc...


    Of course, they should not have expanded to 17...

    Should they have stayed at 12?

    It will be 18 within 5 years. Give me more NFL - any night of the week. Yeah, I said it. I'll watch as many games in the regular season as I can.

    • LOL 3
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  3. 1 minute ago, WSU151 said:


    You realize some people have modern daily driver cars and then they also have collector cars right?  


    "If they're so great they should be brought back full time" is a fairly weak argument. Alternates are possible. I have a great suit that is arguably better than the rest of my suits but I don't wear it every day.  I don't wear it to every important meeting. I like to change it up. Pushing the idea that there's some strict heirarchy for all teams doesn't pass muster. 


    Tradition and history are important to a team's brand. Wearing something that honors the past and allows fans to indulge memories of the past at an event that lasts for three hours isn't apocalyptic

    Nor is it necessary.


    In the case of your great suit, that suit isn't your brand (you are). If you change your clothes, you aren't affecting your brand. The same isn't true of a sports team (or other franchise).


    Clearly, it's about the ability to make more money. If it weren't, you'd see McDonald's outfit their employees in throwback uniforms. I don't have to like it, because my preference for sports teams is to always look your best. I won't convince people that I'm right (because who know if I am), but it's what we do here 🙂

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, EddieJ1984 said:

    Ranking the best Royals jerseys - Royals Review


    Detroit Lions new uniforms, branding: A fashionably late review


    These were cool looks, its just that it was on teams that probably shouldn't have had them.

    Just curious - why do you think they look cool? I assume it is because the colors seem to work well together (and in how they are presented), but I don't want to put words in our mouth.

  5. 1 hour ago, Cujo said:


    Sammy's corked bat was really bad optics at the time, but it's been proven and is now very well known corked bats have zero effect on how far a baseball travels.


    Why he's not honored by the Cubs, doesn't have his jersey retired? If i had to speculate, it's because Sammy lied the ownership about his HGH exploits and hard/awkward feelings have just carried over to present-day.

    The effort to cheat is damning, even if he cheated poorly.

    Sammy was all about Sammy, thus the destruction of his boombox when he walked out on the team prior to game 162. It was his music, no questions asked, and it pissed off seemingly the rest of the team in that little clubhouse.

  6. 15 hours ago, -Akronite- said:


    As an example, my beloved an Ohio State:


    Regular uniform


    Black alternate



    The classic helmet wouldn't work as well with the all-black, and I'd hate to see them pair a black jersey with the classic helmet & gray pants. I get the traditionalists who'd do away with all of it, but I think the blackout is aesthetically cool and fine for once a year. Also, glad it's for a night game this year because the blackout looked pointless in the daylight.

    Thanks. I disagree that the game being at night makes the blackout uniform any better, but that's my personal preference.

    You pick a great team (and in fact photo) that I would use to point out why I hate alt uniforms. I think the Ohio State uni is a classic and I wouldn't touch it.  At least Michigan State is in school colors in the photo (needs more green). When I think of Ohio State, I think 'scarlet and grey'. This picture isn't that. This picture could be (probably) a dozen teams who wear black and red. Ohio State isn't a black and red team.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, GDAWG said:


    And then there are QB's who are like "he's still in the league?" and names like Andy Dalton, Blaine Gabbert, Case Keenum and Chad Henne come up.   


    I believe the most well known backup QB in the league is Gardner Minshew, a guy who many people think should be a starter in the NFL.  

    Name 2 who have any NFL credentials.


    I'll hang up and listen.

  8. 16 hours ago, -Akronite- said:


    Well you're living up to your username. I think it's team dependent and two pants is fine or even necessary for a lot of them. I'm also willing to make an exception for alternate helmets if it's part of an overall alt design rather than just another mix-n-match option.

    You're right about the pants being necessary in some cases. Maybe. A single pair of pants of the correct light color would work for every team, IMO.


    Regarding the second point - how would you differentiate an 'overall alt-design' rather than 'just another mix-n-match'. I think I follow you, but I'm curious.

  9. 21 hours ago, tBBP said:


    Don't forget about Florida State....


    ...I don't care if it is barely by the skin of their teeth--the point is they're as yet undefeated.


    You missed the point. Those other schools are basketball schools, or at least known for having successful March Madness runs.

    • Like 3
  10. On 9/17/2022 at 6:24 PM, Bruhammydude said:

    Glad to see Wisconsin finally switch things up! I hope they keep wearing the red pants 2-3 times a year, home and road

    Yuck. No thanks. It doesn't look as good as red over white, so don't wear it ever again.

    UW '87

    • LOL 2
  11. 10 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:


    You mean like how the Oilers just did?


    Multi-millionaires making another penny on the dollar 9-5 wageslave accepting a raise

    Yes, just like that. If it is an honor or whatever that someone doesn't take money offered to them, the amount you make is immaterial to the act.


    If you're a wageslave, get another job.

    • Dislike 7
  12. 22 hours ago, CreamSoda said:


    honestly that’s partly what pisses me off so much about the ads.  They aren’t that noticeable and prominent so why have them?!  It’s not like euro soccer where they are the main element of the jersey. 

    Why screw up a jersey and all the history of the game for a small little patch.  Just so lame and greedy.  


    Please let us all know the next time you turn down money that's offered to you, like a raise at your job.

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  13. 4 hours ago, Bathysphere said:

    I can understand not wanting to rehash memories of a super bowl where they got trounced, but against the Lions for the third time since throwbacks even became a thing? That’s :censored:ing ridiculous. I’ll never understand what it is about these teams picking the same teams to wear alts against over and over, especially uncommon nonconference opponents.  Wonder if the Lions will counter with their throwbacks for a THIRD TIME.

    It's almost as if the teams don't care.


    [Narrator: they don't care]

    • Like 5
  14. 5 hours ago, eRay said:

    There are no red or orange city editions this year, and Detroit isn't going black. Detroit will be green, I am thinking Sacramento is gray, and Orlando has leaked in Black/Dark Gray. The remaining unreleased colors are all navy, black, white, or gray with the exception of Detroit.

    You were saying?

  15. 8 minutes ago, speedy said:


    I'm not sure anyone here is overreacting. It seems that you're the only one bothered about it.


    There's no asterisk for 2017, either. This isn't the NCAA, they aren't going to take a World Series away. Astros players on that team will continue to pay the public price for what happened, and that's that. Guys like Beltran, Cora, and probably unfairly Hinch will always have that blemish.  Do I even actually care that the Astros stole signs in 2017? Not one iota. 


    However.... The outcome of a play doesn't correlate to the seriousness of the level of cheating - in any sport. Just because there wasn't a home run or RBI on every pitch does not make it a lesser infraction. Baseball is an incredibly hard sport, even when you know what's coming you still aren't going to square up on it more often than not.  It's still a very clear advantage, though.

    Adding to this:  'Look what they did' is a horrible reason/excuse.

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