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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. 5 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    Most won't, but the ones that like to talk down use the lack of big names as a way to dunk on the league.

    So if they use this to dunk on the sport, how will making that change help to grow the sport? That was what I was disagreeing about in your earlier post, not whether certain non-fans dunk on it for whatever reason.

  2. On 6/17/2022 at 1:03 PM, MJWalker45 said:

    I think a bigger reason soccer hasn't made that big jump is the resistance to open up MLS to full free agency, and ditching the salary cap.

    Speaking as someone who isn't a fan of soccer (nothing against it - it's just not my thing), that sounds like something that may appeal to soccer fans, but non-fans won't care.

  3. 2 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    In the early 70's, the Minnesota Vikings had two home jerseys... one with stripes and one without...


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    It seems to be a warm weather thing, as the stripeless one was worn early in the season, and again in Dallas in the championship.  My guess is that the stripes were applied on the traditional jersey in the same way it had been done in the previous decade, that being directly woven into the fabric, which made a heavier fabric more necessary.  The stripeless ones were most likely a newer, lighter man-made fabric and they hadn't yet worked out how to apply stripes to it. Just guessing... no one would've been talking about these things then.


    I always loved the look of the plain purple jersey with no stripes... classic.



    Apparently, the Dolphins had multiple jerseys  with and without stripes around that same time, too.






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    These are "interesting facts" to me, at least.

    The Dolphins had different helmet logos, too. I think you can see the Dolphin contained within the sun on Griese, but his out of the sun on Little.


    The Bears also had different white jerseys in the same timeframe, IIRC. I agree with your suggestion that these were temperature driven

  4. 19 hours ago, dont care said:

    Yea, nothing but the signing bonus is truely guaranteed. There are plenty of examples like Antonio brown not getting their guaranteed money because they broke the contract terms.

    This ENTIRE CONTRACT  is guaranteed.  It's why the other owners are upset -- unwritten rulethat you don't do that.


    There is apparently an amendment to it where presumably Watson told all as a way to clear up the legal issues. If he wasn't totally truthful, that's where Cleveland would have a chance to get it voided. 

    • Like 4
  5. 3 hours ago, gosioux76 said:

    This is a good point. 


    The drabness of the bone color on its own wasn't the biggest problem. It was pairing it with two excessively vibrant shades of blue and yellow. That jarring contrast is what makes it so visually offensive


    I'd think that if it were used with teams that have darker primary colors, as you and others suggest, the complaints wouldn't be so loud or justified. The Bears and Browns would be perfect examples of that. 


    I don't disagree with you, but to me the most jarring contrast is when compared to the white Los Angeles name tag. That really is jarring to me, because my brain wants to look at the uniform and process it as white, but that glaring bit of white won't let me.

    It's akin to watching a football game at Boise St or a basketball game on a grey court in Brooklyn (making it look like the TV is black and white). It messes with my mental image of what I am watching.

    • Like 3
  6. 7 hours ago, nash61 said:

    I'm super confused. The Ticats have been practicing in black pants with two yellow stripes on them, but they wore solid black pants in their preseason game vs MTL.

    I don't know that this is the reason, but teams frequently use old equipment, pants especially, for practice gear. They'd certainly look better on field with striped pants, but nobody asked me.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sodboy13 said:


    I'm at a Kane County Cougars game right now, and they're beating the Dockhounds 10-0 in the top of the 4th. Their players are almost entirely not American Association caliber, and the uniforms feature whatever gray pants they could get on the cheap. Some have piping, some don't and some are MLB surplus. I stand by my statement.

    Makes me glad I didn't pursue a position.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, GrayJ12 said:

    Hey all, I've been having an issue trying to change my profile picture.


    I am wanting to change it - but each time I do, the quality of the photos gets so bad. For reference, I have a MacBook Pro - I have tried both Safari and Firefox. Would I need to change to Chrome? Is there something I need to change with my settings? Thanks in advance.

    Where are the photos stored that you are using for your profile? What size and quality are they?

  9. 22 hours ago, VDizzle12 said:

    The XFL should avoid Houston or any other city occupied by the USFL. It feels inevitable that the leagues will merge at some point. So many of these leagues can't even finish their first seasons, I have a hard time believing two can successfully co-exist.  Have to think the XFL's relationship to the NFL already gives them an advantage.

    Each league ought to be maximizing their ability to succeed, not be concerned about a possible merger with another league.

    • Like 3
  10. 7 hours ago, JTernup said:


    Totally agree on the Avs, growing up in Colorado but not really following hockey closely I see those blue helmets and breezers and it somehow feels like a different franchise. I never would have guessed how important the black was to the look and feel of the Roy Avalanche teams until it was gone. Even worse, the blue numbers look so out of place on the back of the white sweater.

    I think it's less how important the black is, and more how used to it we are.


    If we flip it around and the Avs changed to black following 20 years of blue, I think the general consensus here would be of OMG BFBS.

    • Like 5
  11. 4 hours ago, the admiral said:

    I don't know if you've listened to Monday Night Football on the radio recently, but for years they would hype up Jim Gray's halftime show with Tom Brady as the centerpiece of the entire broadcast. It was Brady calling in on a normal civilian phone like Lou from Parsippany giving Mike Francesa a piece of his mind, couldn't even be bothered to ISDN in or do a Skype call, and it would just be five minutes of "we need to play our kind of game and have a good attitude." No one has ever had less to say than Tom Brady.

    Yes I have, and you are right.

  12. 11 hours ago, Geoff said:

    ESPN doesn't cover you unless they broadcast you. It's not necessarily because they're partnering with the XFL but I'm sure that helped.

    Agreed. I foolishly think of Sportscenter as a news show about sports. On that basis, I expect it to cover things that ESPN doesn't cover (like the NHL in the past, Arena Football when it was still worth saving, the USFL now). I'm wrong of course, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't bug me.

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