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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. 1 hour ago, tBBP said:

    You know it's bad in Lincoln when even live music acts get in on the fun.


    I spent the weekend down in Omaha...while there I caught a live music show downtown at Jewell Jazz Lounge. Nikki Boulay and her band performed Aretha Franklin's I Will Survive...as an ode to the fans of Nebraska football. She even went so far as to pause right in the middle of the verse, speak a short soliloquy to Scott Frost...and then picked right back up with "Go on now go, walk out the door/just turn around now, cause you’re not welcome anymore..."


    Had the whole place dying of laughter.

    The rest of the Big Ten views Scott Frost the way the NFC Central fans used to view Wayne Fontes 🙂

  2. 1 hour ago, SwavyTree said:

    I'm just a guy that love uniform aesthetics like everyone on here. This isn't even a part of my life though, so please don't assume my personal feelings are tied to some sports  clothing. 

    I didn't understand your original point, so I asked about it. Then I disagreed with your opinion, cuz that is what we do here. We discuss things. See @oldschoolvikings post also.

    • WOAH 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, SwavyTree said:

    Great, you disagree. Now what? I love the Falcons uniforms when they have contrasting pants,  and no other swinging Johnson can tell me otherwise.  Live with it and move on. I do t give a damn about SF to be honest.  Just used them as an example of a traditional uniform that had too much of one color and not enough contrast.  My point is still valid... that even traditional uniforms with block number font and stripes can look bad .

    Sure. But your last sentence isn't what you said, unless you think the Niners all black, Packers all green, or Falcons current uniform are tradional.


    Feel free to get mad when someone asks for clarification. I don't care.

    • Like 1
    • WOAH 1
  4. 11 hours ago, SwavyTree said:

    It's easy to be lost when you don't know the starting point.  I was alluding to a previous post about how even though the Falcons and Jets uniforms aren't traditional, they still have consistent elements that don't clash or look out of place. Clean and modern. The post also points out that even teams with universally loved uniforms can look bad with the wrong color balance and top/bottom combo.

    Thanks. Now I can disagree on the substance.


    Both the Jets and Falcons have elements that look out of place. The Jets have those spiky things that would work better with their 1978 logo, not one that is without angles. They also have the (IMO) random inclusion of black elements so that they can introduce their black uniform.  The Falcons have a chrome facemask where the only other chrome is a small amount in the logo. They use an overly large nickname on the jersey. 


    As to the wrong color balance for SF? That's simply the wrong color. I don't believe their black uniforms would have been so hated if they were red or white (more representative of their team colors). 

    • Like 4
  5. 20 minutes ago, Sport said:


    Reminds me of the time in college when there was a nasty brawl between a dozen Browns fans and a dozen Steelers fans that spilled into the middle of the street and I just stood there in my Carson Palmer jersey and calmly watched while eating a burrito.  

    I don't care if this really happened or not. This is awesome!

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, SwavyTree said:

    I remember people not wanting GreenBay to wear a green color rush uniform,  Those same people hated the 49ers all black uniform..but If it were a Falcons uniform, with a touch of white,  people would love it. Its so crazy how fickle people can be.

    I'm not sure how those are related in your mind. Care to explain?

    1 - People generally seemed opposed to a team like Green Bay, Las Vegas or Chicago from participating in color rush as their uniforms are (again, generally) considered timeless or not to be tinkered with.

    2 - The Niners used a color that, while on their helmet, isn't really a team color.


    3 - I have no idea where you're going with the Falcons uniform.

    • Like 3
    • Applause 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Brave-Bird 08 said:

    I'm so confused. For one, Iowa State -- a school a stone's throw from Minneapolis -- already set the table for non-sensical alternates by wearing black-and-white uniforms for almost an entire season. 


    Now, Minnesota, who has the same colors (generally) as Iowa State, chooses to make the same exact mistake, almost as if Fleck saw Iowa State highlights all year last year and thought "Let's do that too." 


    I just don't understand. These uniforms don't look good. They did an entire unveil and hype video for it. The players even seem more fake-cheering than actually digging it. We've definitely lost it if coaches feel like they need a "black and white" alternate just to keep up with the Joneses. 

    It's all about PJ Fleck, not the school. Once he rows his boat out of there, all of the oar imagery will be gone. Hopefully uniforms that are oddly colored will be as well 

  8. 2 hours ago, jerrylawless3 said:

    What I find so strange about the "Fleck"ing of his program's uniforms is that PJ Fleck has said before that his favorite college football uniforms are Penn State's. I guess this is a case of catering branding toward his coaching philosophy and not actually making good looking uniforms.

    I take it that is a good quote, but not what he ACTUALLY believes 🙂

    • Like 1
  9. I don't have pictures, but I took a tour of the Bucks' locker room once. The part that was interesting is how they pointed out that the lockers and entire facility, really, was designed for above average human beings. Once they said that, you realized that lockers were a bit bigger. Counters and such were a bit taller.

    • Like 3
  10. On 8/16/2022 at 10:17 PM, CrimsonBull9584 said:

    Is no one going to talk about what happened with MLFB? 


    I don't understand why leagues keep failing. Don't they know they need to have money saved up? Why are people not learning their lessons? Spring football DOES work, but it just won't stick. It's getting depressing.

    You say 'I don't understand why leagues keep failing', and in the next sentence you say 'Don't they know they need to have money saved up'. Then you ask why people aren't learning their lesson? What part of that lesson haven't you learned? You state that you don't understand why leagues keep failing, yet you seem to know that they don't have the money.

    Then, you say that 'Don't they know they need to have money saved up' followed by 'but it just won't stick' in the same sentence. Which one is it (answer - it doesn't work).

    I love low level football. I've worked in the AIFA, CIFL, MSFL. I was a season ticket holder for 5 years (2-hour drive one way to games) for af2. Fans in general want to watch THEIR Team. Typically, that is their high school or college (not to mention the NFL), whether the one they attended or the one that they have a connection to for whatever reason. Those of us who love this type of football AREN'T indicative of the larger fanbase. Spring football won't work because it doesn't have this connection.


    I'm not doing this to pick on you. I'm doing this because I truly don't understand your statement (as evidenced by my questioning of it now and my laughing at it when it was posted. I get it - you love this stuff and have worked it as well. That doesn't change the whole need for money.

    • Like 1
    • Hurl 1
  11. On 8/17/2022 at 7:42 PM, BBTV said:

    Audacy laid off the entire local Milwaukee sports station, and is just airing national CBS programs now.  It's been known that they were going to do another round of layoffs because they're risking being delisted by NYSE, but to cut an entire market's station seem extreme.  I"m not sure if Milwaukee is a one station or two station town, but given that it was on AM, I'm guessing one.  Sucks for them, especially with football season right around the corner.





    It was a three station town. And that doesn't even count the flagship for the Brewers (WTMJ AM 620) which had also been the Packers flagship up until this season. The AM signal had been broadcast on the FM dial up until late last year (I think) when that station flipped to hip-hop (again, I think). The writing was on the wall at that point. I know that the decision was pretty rapid, as a friend of mine was scheduled to appear on air at 4:15, and the kill shot was delivered at 2:45.

  12. 1 hour ago, DCarp1231 said:

    I still don’t understand why they felt the need to have a random person dress up in full uniform when it’s clearly not the normal player who wears 24. Was Darrel Williams just simply not available for the photo shoot? I suppose I’m just reading into it too much.


    If they're trying to hide something, you do that by having 'nobody' in the photo, not someone who would be asked about it. It's not rocket science, and yes, you are reading too much into it (it's what we do here).

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, ManillaToad said:


    The Guardians and the Elks both kept their same basic uniforms and even chose names vaguely connected to the ones they had to get rid of it. Everyone moved on with their lives once the changes were made. Washington could have done the absolute bare minimum of swapping the logo and changing 4 letters in their old name and we would not be here 2 years later still discussing the controversy

    Quoting for truth. Good point.

    • Like 8
  14. 4 hours ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

    Had the WFT kept going as a brand for a few years longer, do we get a Marquette Golden Eagles situation where the brand gains greater affection based on a foundation of being "better than expected."

    I don't think Golden Eagles has gained any such greater affection 🙂


    Saying it is better than "Gold" is one thing. Saying that there is affection for it is quite another.


    As to Washington, they probably had to distance themselves from the previous uniform so that they could distance themselves from the name. Yes, it would have looked better than what they have now, but it truly wasn't an option, IMO.

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