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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. 1 hour ago, IceCap said:

    The first is that in this era of mass media it's easier for younger fans to see and experience older teams than its ever been before. Media is so all-encompassing that the idea that younger fans just don't know about teams that played before they were born isn't true anymore. 

    I think that very fact (i.e., younger fans don't know their team's history) has been proven on this very part of the interweb.

    • Like 3
  2. On 7/2/2022 at 2:05 PM, DarthBrett said:

    Does anyone on here have the Brewers' city jersey or has anybody seen it in-person? Just curious how their powder blue color compares to other team's that currently have powder blue jerseys. 

    I've seen it in person, but seeing it and comparing it to another color that isn't on the field isn't where I think I could go.

  3. 7 hours ago, tBBP said:


    Ha...the RA'ys! 😆


    Actually, I really do have a question about that, for the smart guys on this forum (of which I am not--at least in this wheelhouse, anyway): how likely could it be, or would it even be possible, for the Rays and As to pull a Steagles or Card-Pitt from way back in the day and actually merge?? I mean, apparently neither franchise is getting much of anywhere in getting a new ballpark, one seems to have pretty good fan support from TV but not at the gates while the other can't get a stadium or it's fans back (from what I've read in here)...they're on both coasts (for now), so could merging them & moving them to the middle somewhere (Vegas, Montreal, Nashville, wherever) ever actually happen?


    (I legit don't know the viability of something like this; just figured I'd do like one user's name says and throw u a scenario...)

    An odd number of teams is unworkable from a scheduling standpoint. Period. Itwould have to be an even number of teams contracted, and @BBTV pointed out some of those problems. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, LMU said:

    At least the SEC can still claim to be a conference in the southeastern half of the country.  This isn't ECHL "the letters mean nothing" chicanery.


    The B1G, on the other hand, is an affront to every math, accounting, and science major attending its member institutions and has been since Penn State snuck in and they crammed a negative space 11 in the logo.  The one thing that the ruins of the Pac 12 had going for it was that they had logos for all the different numbers of possible member schools already drawn up when they rebranded.

    That was the B1G that did that. I'm not aware of the Pac-12 also doing it.

  5. 1 minute ago, MJWalker45 said:

    With the short notice no other PAC-12 teams can leave for the 2024-25 season, but I wouldn't be surprised if those dominos don't start falling in a few weeks.


    I'd be surprised, if only because it lengthens the amount of time that they get in-conference backlash.


    We'll see. I agree that there will be more dominoes, one way or the other.

  6. 17 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    At least, I'd think. I saw reports of Oregon and Washington planning to jump, but if the rest of the PAC-12 decides to sail away from the imminent dead carcass, 24 could be a possibility with PAC-12 teams moving to the big Ten or the Big XII. 

    There was a June 30 deadline to get out, which is why this happened as quickly as/when it did. nobody else is leaving the Pac-12 NOW unless it falls apart from the inside.

  7. 14 minutes ago, JayMac said:

    College football, as we knew it, is completely dead. It started dying 12 years ago and it was on life support when Texas and Oklahoma bolted for the SEC.


    This might really kill my interest. I have no desire to see Penn State play a conference game against USC or UCLA


    Do you also hate seeing Penn State play a conference game against Michigan?

    • Like 2
  8. 24 minutes ago, Germanshepherd said:

    ACC contract being locked until 2036 might prevent some teams from jumping ship. 

    2023 may well be the last season we see where conferences have unique personalities. Cherish it. 

    Didn't this already happen when the Big Ten had to hide its 11 in the name?


    • LOL 1
  9. 32 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    If they settle with the original group that says they hold those brands I think you could see the references to the original league and teams come back next year. Reportedly they are looking to get funds to expand in 2024 as well.


    I found it completely laughable with this statement though:

    "With MLS franchises now worth about $400 million each, the math goes that the USFL with its eight teams could be worth at least $3.2 billion a few years down the road".


    The whole league isn't even worth $200 million at the moment, how do they think it could appreciate that much? And how many years are a few? 

    Is the part that I bolded actually true?


    Even if it is, it has no bearing on the second half of that sentence.

  10. 1 hour ago, gosioux76 said:

    Not to defend the guy, but isn't plausible that he's just doing a photo op here to mimic the goofy cake topper on the wedding cake? It's not like the guy was standing at the altar in a Dolphins helmet. I'm pretty sure there's some strange pictures of me at my wedding, too. 

    Devil's advocate - they added the helmet to the cake topper so that he COULD set up the photo op.

    • Like 1
    • LOL 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, Lights Out said:


    The Oilers' logo is at least simple and legible at any size or angle. Pat Patriot is the worst of both worlds: overly detailed and ill-suited to a helmet.

    I absolutely agree about it being overly detailed. I happen to think it works just fine on a helmet, though.

    An issue with Flying Elvis is its depth to the back of the helmet, eliminating the possibility of helmet stripes. That isn't a flaw, but I have seen concepts that try to homogenize things by adding stripes to a helmet with Elvis, and that won't fit (unless the stripes are truncated or Elvis is modified, and I haven't seen a concept that does that).

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, TrueYankee26 said:

    LMAO this team may get no hit again.


    What a joke. Frauds.

    Yeah - it sure sucks to be [checks standings] playing at a .722 clip, far and away the best in baseball, and have tied this game up.


    Inexcusable. [Inigo Montoya] You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.


    • Like 4
  13. 10 hours ago, NicDB said:



    C'mon now... obviously I'm not pointing fingers at ayone here personally. But are you really gonna deny that there's an entire sociolpolitical culture propped up in the WOW Counties based on resentment of the big city and the people who live there?



    Since I live in the evil Lake Country, and have since 1992, I think I am better equipped to know how it reacts than someone who doesn't live here.


    EDIT - In fact, I'll take this a step further with examples. This strikes me as very similar to the type of 'explaining' that I hear from soccer fans who like to tell the non-soccer fans what they are thinking and why they are wrong. Since you aren't in the group of people who don't share your feelings, you can't know why they are the way they are. A sportswriter can't tell a fan why they are wrong for booing the guy that the sportswriter covers (and likes) because the sportswriter is looking for the story, and not for the rooting interests of his favorite team; soccer fans can't tell non-soccer fans what it would take for the sport to increase in popularity based on what non-soccer fans 'want';  you, living not only NOT in the WOW counties but now not even in Wisconsin, don't have an idea of what people out here think, you only have your perception based on whatever your experiences are. Trust me when I say that the next time I hear someone out here declare an expression of resentment toward Milwaukee, it will be the first time.


    That doesn't mean that there aren't racist people who have other issues. If that is the direction you want to take, I'm in agreement -- but that isn't how you have framed it.

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