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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. On 12/14/2021 at 7:18 PM, Sodboy13 said:


    Milwaukee requires you to pay the Blackhawks several hundred million for territorial rights. Hartford was a small-time WHA oddity with an arena that sucked 25 years ago and no intention to build a new one. Moving on.


    Adding to this - Fiserv Forum is laying an ice sheet for the first time for a weekend college hockey tournament. I have heard it can lay ice for essentially 'one offs', but it really isn't designed to host hockey long-term.

  2. 10 minutes ago, IceCap said:

    I typed up a whole response but apparently it didn't post so 🤷🏻‍♂️


    Short version is there's leeway on the rule in question. The Bears didn't get it. Packers would have. 

    OK - I'm being 'that guy'. There's no leeway, or if there is, please point it out (are you confusing which penalty was called - that's all I can come up with):

    ARTICLE 5. KICKING TEAM PLAYER VOLUNTARILY OUT OF BOUNDS. During a scrimmage kick that crosses the line of
    scrimmage, and prior to the end of the kick, it is a foul if a kicking team player goes out of bounds voluntarily (without being
    contacted by a receiving team player) to avoid a block by a receiving team player.
    Penalty: Loss of five yards.
    If a member of the kicking team is forced out of bounds, or goes out of bounds voluntarily, and does not attempt to return inbounds
    in a reasonable amount of time, it is a foul for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. (12-3-1-v) 


    NOTE - the penalty called was NOT for the citation in 12-3-1-v, which would have been a 15 yd penalty as opposed to 5 - (v) If a member of the kicking team is forced out of bounds, or goes out of bounds voluntarily, and does not attempt to return
    inbounds in a reasonable amount of time.

  3. 39 minutes ago, CS85 said:


    I can't argue that, it is certainly garbage.  Apologies if I was rather barbed in my response.


    It was Packer-Bear talk (or Bear-Packer talk, depending on which side you are on 🙂). No apologies needed. 



    53 minutes ago, IceCap said:

    The punt that the Packers miffed and the Bears recovered for a TD.


    The call that brought that back could have gone either way and I'm sure if the team were reversed the Packers would have gotten a more favourable decision. 

    Again, the penalty was correctly called. A player on the punt team can't go out of bounds of their own volition, because they can't be touched/blocked by the receiving team while they are out of bounds. If they are blocked while OB, it's a penalty on the receiving team. This isn't something that happens often, and therefore it isn't called often, but it's a real easy call to make when it happens.

    Put another way, what makes you say that call could have gone either way?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, CS85 said:


    The Packers were certainly rudderless after that injury, I don't blame you for being upset.  Their season is spiraling down the tubes for sure. 


    Don't go into "Screw this FIB, dumbass Bear fan!" typical Packerdom nonsense, please.  I acknowledge routinely that your franchise and evil quarterback are infinitely superior to the franchise I unfortunately root for; I will not extend the same courtesy to their "owners."


    And I didn't say "the Packers always get the calls," I merely implied that if there is a tough decision to be made that would favor the Packers vs (insert non-elite franchise here), the Packers tend to be the benefactors in those situations.  I'm honestly extremely surprised Rodgers didn't get cushioned with a ton of roughing calls last night after the sacks in the first half.  A freak occurrence, I'm sure.

    Sorry if that was how I came off. It was not my intent.

    Much like the Bear fan behind me in the stands last night, I don't care if you hate the rule and therefore hate the flag, or if you only hate it because it was called for the Packers/against the Bears. When a penalty is appropriately called, THEN I hate that it's being called out as a benefit the team who gains from the call (be that the Steelers, Patriots, Packers or Cowboys - probably the Big Four who get called out as being 'favorites'). Put another way, this penalty was appropriately called. If there's a complaint about a non-call that the Packers were handed, I'm happy to agree when they shouldn't get called (like the Roughing the Passer when Rodgers' facemask was lightly brushed, leading to the Hail Mary in Detroit -- horrible call that many/most QBs don't get).

    So, if my gripe about a non-call that should have been made, as evidenced by an injury suffered in connection with what should have been a call is seen as being one of the dopey Packer fandom nonsense, I can't help it. Yes, Rodgers has gotten calls that other QBs haven't gotten. That's not to say that we haven't been the victim of similar calls. I'm of the opinion that NFL officiating is subpar, as opposed to evil.

    • Like 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, CS85 said:


    Was referring to the flag about the guy not coming back in bounds immediately that killed a muffed punt recovery.  It was kind of a crappy call, but this is the Packers we're talking about.  They may not have a bunch of titles, but the officials in this league are absolute softies for the Pack, and the Bears, well, let's just say the Bears don't have a lot of friends around the league.



    OK. I guess it sucks when rules are enforced, like the blow to the head of EQ on the punt return that negated that long punt return TD, which caused his concussion that took him out of the game.

    Wait - that didn't get flagged? But ... we always get the calls?

  6. 18 hours ago, Discrim said:

    I haven't worn a snapback regularly since I was a high school freshman (and that was an old Brewers gold-front cap I got at Value Village).  I don't miss wearing them.  Or trying to wear caps backwards either, given about the only adultwho looks good in a backwards cap is Ken Griffey Jr.  As you can probably tell, I am not Junior.

    I dunno. I've never seen you and Junior in the same room. Frankly, you'd be unlikely to admit it if you WERE him.



    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, CS85 said:

    I hope the Packers put up 50 points before halftime this Sunday night.  I hope everybody in green and gold in the stands is rolling in laughter.  I hope the broadcast team are wiping tears from their eyes, cracking up that such a lousy team exists, only to be fed to the Football God here in Green Bay.

    I hope they run the typical "here's how many quarterbacks each franchise has had" reel.  I hope the Bears have a dozen mismanaged timeouts, illegal formations, and ineligible receiver penalties, and just as many dropped passes.  I hope they show Virginia McCaskey up in some booth, frail and miserable, her bug-eyed son George walking around nearby, and Matt Nagy screaming from the sidelines as his team has the wrong personnel on the field for the umpteenth time.


    I hope they show shots of Akiem Hicks, Allen Robinson, Danny Trevathan, and Khalil Mack on the sideline in street clothes, getting paid millions not to play.  I hope we see Nick Foles sipping Gatorade, wondering why he's even there, but loving that he's getting paid so much to do so.  I hope it's a wake up call for a franchise that like it's owner has needed to go to Jesus for years now but simply refuses because that would mean progress.



    I'll try to do my part.


    On the serious side - the old saying about 'you can't fire the owner' is true in both Chicago and Detroit. Does Ted Phillips have pictures of someone, or is he related?

    • Like 1
  8. 54 minutes ago, the admiral said:

    LeBron should go full Online Chinese and respond to his detractors by saying "you stupid American dog, you smell like onions and sour milk, you white whore-mother, you have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. u bum!"

    Sounds more like the Iron Sheik

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, tBBP said:




    I asked the team brass about this very thing the last time I was up at Lambeau two years back. I was still kicking myself for not buying in during their last stock sale; they mentioned at the time that they didn't know if they'd do another one. Lord willing, I am not missing out this time. 


    If only you might make an appearance there in Week 17 and have a chance to "pony up" in person???

  10. 5 hours ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    I watched the Packers/Hawks game and, yeah, Carroll is right on pretty much everything here: https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32638605/pete-carroll-officials-played-huge-part-seattle-seahawks-loss-green-bay-packers



    One play doesn't decide a game, but it was 3-0 headed into the fourth. Clearly, every play mattered. The refs killed the Hawks multiple times on those early drives.


    It was a bull :censored: game.

    New York made that correct call. Wilson was short of the first down (you can't tell me he wasn't, can you?). This is the unofficial use of replay that happens when they announce 'After discussion...'.

    • Like 1
  11. 15 hours ago, jp1409 said:


    The new one is the 2002-2012 shade which is indeed way darker than the 2013-2017. And from the mothership in 2018 when they switched :


    "The Miami Dolphins will indeed be stepping back, but it will be as they’re taking the field wearing their classic shade of coral (orange);  certainly a brighter and bolder shade of the colour than what they’d been wearing over the past five seasons."

    Yeah - that matches the color swatches, but it doesn't match what my eyes see 🙂

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