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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. 9 minutes ago, jp1409 said:


    The shade they went with at first was pretty bad but the new one is pretty close to the throwbacks (might even be the same).



    It sure doesn't look like that. What does TruColor's site say about the colors?

  2. 13 minutes ago, MJD7 said:

    As for the Dolphins, although I often flip-flop over which shade of aqua I prefer (the primary or throwback), I find myself leaning more & more towards the throwback shade, as the primary aqua is starting to look way too “minty” to me. The throwback shade seems to do a better job at contrasting with the orange, as well. 

    Agreed on both accounts. I feel that the current shade is too far into the fluorescent shade for my tastes, as is the orange, IMO.


    IMO - TM@oldschoolvikings 😆

    • Like 8
  3. So I'm sitting in my hotel room in the KC area to go see the Packers play on Sunday.  All afternoon on the ride down I'm reading the :censored:show that was the interview.


    I'll always cheer for the Packers. I don't really care that the starting QB is a nozzle if he plays well. But, he can't be gone soon enough.


    Yes, our fanbase is akin to the BFIB Cardinals.  I get it. We deserve some bad football after the last 30 years. I'm not wishing for that, but just GTFO.


    I'll try to shut up about this because I feel like I've said too much without adding much. Thanks for letting me vent.

    • Like 9
  4. 1 hour ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    This season my team is bad and will likely only get worse before crawling to an undignified finish, firing the coach, and cutting massive amounts of salary as we head into a protracted rebuild. With that in mind, I plan to go full hater and take whatever pleasure I can in the misery of teams clearly better than mine. Aaron Rodgers, once again, looking like a complete toolbag is making me smile.


    Gotta say, my favorite part of the Aaron Rodgers covid story is the slippery con he tried to pull with the "immunized" comment.  Hilarious.  Yeah, that crunchy cocktail of wheat grass, guava juice, and electrolytes  sure did immunized you, you greasy haired pinhead. At least the moron quarterback on my crappy team came out and just admitted he was a dummy who didn't plan to get the jab. He didn't try to go all political with one of those "technically not exactly a lie" quips.


    Of course, playing in the God-awful NFC North with my garbage Vikings and the equally garbage Bears, and the even more garbagy Lions ensures one home game for the Packers, but hopefully this particular Rodgers nonsense will be what costs them a seed or two, so he can once again prove himself to be the best QB that ever lost an amazing amount of Championship games.

    This Packer fan agrees


    Rodgers is a nozzle who can't take criticism so he lied to avoid flack. The team will likely get slapped for failing to follow NFL rules.

    • Like 6
  5. 17 minutes ago, Sport said:

    That felt like watching a Marvin Lewis era loss yesterday. Bad tackling, weird gameplan, flat as can be on offense and defense, made a backup QB look like Montana, blew a two score lead late in the game, and all because it looked like they got a little high off their own supply. I'm not mad, just disappointed - I thought this group would be less prone to big-headedness.


    Also the helmet-to-helmet call on third and 11 with 2 minutes left basically ended the game. One of the worst calls I've ever seen. 

    If it could have been called on both players, it shouldn't get called.

    I get the logic for the rule, but it certainly isn't consistently called.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, DoctorWhom said:

    Patriots finally remembered how to win a close game. Good win against the Chargers that could go a long way in determining a wildcard spot. 


    Didn't see Brady & The Bucs getting upset by The Saints. Seems like Brady can only beat them in the playoffs. 

    Saints are such a Jameis Winston team right now. One week they look fantastic and like real playoff contenders, the next they look like a team competing for a top draft pick. 

    They won't look like Jameis the rest of this season.

    • Like 1
  7. 26 minutes ago, dont care said:

    People not knowing who he is or knowing that it happened for that matter is different than being ok with it. Aaron Hernandez I’d say is just a detestable if not more. He was also a coward offing himself rather than serve his time.

    I'm a big baseball fan. I know who Mel Hall is. Other than @SFGiants58 making mention of this, I've never heard of issues.


    I am not denying that there's something, just saying I've never heard of them.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, the admiral said:

    They might be outsmarting themselves with that one. The Cardinals went from a clear channel to a dumpy station that barely covered St. Louis County and said they'd make up for it in the network. They were back on KMOX in like four or five years.

    Understood, but iHeart has the outlets, too.

  9. 59 minutes ago, the admiral said:



    Wow, that's unbelievable. They must have paid handsomely for the rights. If it were a matter of simply getting on FM, WTMJ could have worked out a simulcast with WKTI and kept the AM for outstate listeners. Woooooow. I hate seeing this as much as I hated seeing the Cubs leave WGN and the Cardinals leave KMOX. Some broadcast relationships should stay forever.

    A great theory I read was that this makes the radio deal more marketable. TMJ has such a strong signal that it can be tough to sell the programming around the state.  Now 97.3 won't have the 60000 Watt blowtorch, so you sell the programming to little stations all over the state, who can then sell their part of the broadcast. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, tBBP said:


    Oh yes you can...ever been to a Steeler game at Heinz? Or anywhere in town while the game's going on?  If so, you've heard this about eleventeen pazillion times more than you need to...



    Listen at your own risk.  (This doesn't even count the dolt who made a whole song out of mispronouncing Troy Polamalu's last name.)


    That said...I've been to Lambeau twice (though not to a game...YET). For what I have to say about it, Cheeseheads are some of my favorite fans to converse with. They (y'all?) know they're spoiled with success, but don't act all entitled or pretentious with it, unlike a certain fanbase anchored in western Pennsylvania (or North Texas--but that's a different discussion).  Y'all good with me, man!

    1 - I haven't been to a Stillers game at Heinz yet.


    2 - You wanna come to Lambeau? I know a guy 🙂

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Sport said:



    Yeah you mean the super cheesy fight song from the late 60's.


    They stopped playing it for a while, but leaned into it over the last 15 years and now hearing it after scores is the most fun part of any game. I love that game ops is embracing more and more of the late 60's camp they were born out of instead of trying to pretend we're cool in any way.



    I'm glad you had fun, but that's a most basic Steelers fan move and they are the Worst People AliveTM. I'm not mad, just disappointed. 😄

    Yeah, sorry about that. This is where self-aware Packer fan (me) says that you really can't get any cheesier (pun intended) than Go Pack Go over the PA at Lambeau. We think we're cute on the road. We don't mean to be bad people, let alone the Worst People Alive, but we aren't all self-aware.

    The fans I dealt with in Cincy were awesome. Lots of fun talking back and forth about the game and all.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Sport said:


    We do! Since at least whenever it was that Guns and Roses released "Welcome to the Jungle", but probably before that too. 


    Their new thing this year is the ultra corny "Ruler of the Jungle" for each game. Here's first ever draft pick Bob Johnson getting the honor. I love it.




    The good news is the o-line has improved to league average and he's taking way fewer hits. And with the defense being what it is they don't have to throw the ball 60 times a game to keep up. It's always in the back of my mind, but I'm a lot less worried about it than I was this offseason. 

    Ultra corny, but given that y'all tie it in with that old song from when the team began (at least I assumed that was when it was from) that leads into Who Dey - yeah. It works.


    Not saying we didn't start chanting We Dey a few weeks ago, but that's what happens when you win on the road.

  13. Just now, Ridleylash said:

    Well, considering it's been over a decade since the team last had it and whenever the topic comes up, people are still saying they should bring it back full-time and multiple players have said they outright prefer the Mighty logo to the current logo...it's clearly pretty damn iconic to have still endured as "the" look for the team in spite of so long not being so.


    It's one of the logos most people will know when you ask them about hockey logos, even if they're casual fans of the sport, as "The Ducks". The Webbed D, in all of it's time, hasn't really gained that kind of traction.

    That it is liked by people doesn't make it iconic. That's not what that word means.

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