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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Okay, so...for all y'all who don't know, "Pgh" is the actual shorthand Pittsburghers use and have used since well before I first moved there back in '03--shoot, to this day even I still use it sometimes. It's purely a local thing. (So there's your "City Connect"ion.) Now that we done got that out the way... I'm cool with the fade effect in the jerseys--it's a good bit reminiscent of the Three Sisters in certain settings of sunlight. That they used their three little symbols to achieve the gradient fade is definitely a Nikeism, but in this instance at least it's tasteful. As for the symbols themselves, well...read about all of the design stuff here: City Connect | Pittsburgh Pirates (mlb.com) I will say this: I can appreciate how deep into the details they (Nike) went with the research, and what symbols they chose to appropriate for this. (Well, except for the whole "check" thing--that's a dang square. I know where they got it from: the heraldic term "chequy", otherwise defined as a "checkerboard" pattern.) But that custom font is all kinds of booboo...there's just no way around it. They could have gone full-on Germanic a la the Motre Bame Brewers and it would have made far more sense than...that. But eh well...that's what they got. (I may snag me a cap while I'm there this coming weekend...)
  2. Depends on one's viewpoint, but...I'd say it's relative. Would I have preferred the Grizz to hold onto Jones? Yep, because he's a good young solid backup--and could actually be a decent starter on several squads right now. However, 1/ Desmond Bane is still around (who I've always preferred to run the point anyway as he's a better facilitator) and 2/ it's clear Memphis was/is looking to add some veteran leadership to that locker room, and Smart gives them that, while also fitting in with Memphis' defense-first mentality. I see the business sense of it, but...it still bites either way. If anything, Memphis could use a veteran big--but I don't know who's out there that they could get without sacrificing one of either Stephen Adams or Brandon Clarke. (Because they AIN'T giving up JJJ.) I'm curious a/ how Smart will adapt in Memphis and b/ how his hair will look in Beale Street Blue...
  3. I was today years old when I realized this connection...and now I feel dumb. Pardon me while I go cry in the car truck...
  4. That's not a shocker to me at all. I done seen Packers paraphernalia all across this North American landmass. It may surprise some, but there's a surprising contingent in, of all places, Pittsburgh. That said, somehow the Indiana Pacers have made it into this thread twice. Yesterday I saw some random young middle- school-aged girl wearing an Indiana Pacers t-shirt...in Thief River Falls, Minnesota.
  5. Prior orange > newer orange. That is all. (Oh and single-layer sleeve numbers are booboo.)
  6. For a less-annoyingly-voiced version of the same: https://www.wwltv.com/article/sports/nba/pelicans/pelicans-stadium-renovations-new-orleans-nba-basketball-sports-local-news/289-7afd0d76-5c6a-4870-9bb2-5939a26add42
  7. You know what they say about assuming, right?
  8. As far as teasers go, this is about the most creative one yet...but shouldn't that license plate read ALT HLMT instead?? My bet: blue with white northwestern stripe...
  9. Wait—time out: is this San Diego MLS thing already a done deal or is all this speculation in hopes of SD landing an expansion franchise? (And obytheway, San Diego...ATLUTD kinda already has the red and black thing going—then again, Vancouver being two-tone blue didn't stop SKC and NYCFC from adopting a dang-near similar scheme, so...)
  10. I'll wait to see who else catches this reference...
  11. I don't know how the Cubs haven't reinstated this as their road set yet...but they sho' need to.
  12. I zoomed in on that cap pattern and...I'm seeing what looks like letter Ys all through that. If they tout out the yinzer angle imma just...
  13. Holy geez, dude...you might be onto something. I've known about that prototype design for years; never dawned on me that they would ever *potentially* think to actually recreate that in real life. And if they actually do, then I, my Buc-kin @FiddySicks, @hormone and a whole lotta other people throughout central and south Florida and L.A. (thats Lower Alabama, known to the rest of y'all as the Florida Panhandle) are gonna be out some for sure.
  14. 50 games minimum or Adam "The Neck" Silver has no spine. An entire season shouldn't be out of the question, either. I personally wouldn't be mad if it was more than that. (And I say that as a Grizz fan )
  15. The Caps only went black-heavy once they made what was their alternate their primary, and even then that was only during like the last two or three years of that branding life. Now, the scripts on the blue sweaters I'll give you—I could take or leave those—but as far as everything else, it had about 100 scoops more character than the current sets, in every way. Now I get the typeface/font wasn't everyone's cup of tea—how many of those unique fonts from the 90s were?—but I always appreciated the tie-in that font had with what's printed on U.S. currency notes, which gave it even more of a "federal" feel. (Looking back, though, it could've probably used a modest retooling.)
  16. Here I go, about to contradict myself AND sound like a broken record at the same time but in this instance, I don't care, because... ...Those are the ONLY sets of uniforms the Magic need and have ever needed—nothing they've unveiled since has been better or even came close. For my two one-hundredths of a dollar, those were/are every bit as quintessential NBA classic as the Bulls' and Celtics' primaries. (I'd include the Lakers too but they feel the need to keep tinkering with what was a quintessential NBA classic.) Until they reclaim these in all their quirky pinstriped glory, they'll never look "right". "This is my word...and as such is beyond contestation."
  17. Correct. And apparently, that shade of orange changed in rather short order...it may have even changed ahead of the 1977 season (and again sometime in the '80s, I think). Whatever the case, the original creamsicle orange was definitely closer to what one would call "peach". I wanna say it was around '92 or '93 they shifted to PMS151 aka "Tennessee Volunteer Orange", which was a touch bit richer in hue. I still don't know what they heck Culverhouse n'em were thinking pairing red with all that bright orange, but regardless, we've now got these cult classic uniforms that are definitely an acquired taste, and that those of us who grew up rooting for the laundry (and that daggone winking-behind pirate) have a definite love/hate relationship with.
  18. Not for nothing, but: I never thought those were bad, so to speak, but I always did find them wanting--and at any rate not better than what they replaced. (Although that's an entirely subjective statement on my part, since the mid-'90s/young Ovechkin-era sets are still my favorite set of uniforms in sports history...period.)
  19. I don't know if--not that this matters in the grand scheme of things--I'd want to see the white-jersey version of the creamsicles...and DEFINITELY not the 1976 0-for version. 0-14 ain't nothing to commemorate...at all. And actually, now that we're talking about this (*Bucjack immiment*)...recently I'd been going back and watching highlights of the old Buccaneers I grew up cheering for, and...yeah I think I'm about at that point. That away look (and sometimes home, since even back then they were keen to wearing white at home) might've been a tad more tolerable had they kept it to white-on-white...but those orange pants...man, they stick out like a sore thumb now when I watch them. I mean, just look at this: That's about as loud as loud gets. Now contrast with the white-over-whites: I still adore the orange jersey/white pants combo--and I'm never not going to--but those orange pants (which showed up in '92 IIRC) were just not it.
  20. This is one of those things wherein you look at in hindsight and be like, "they actually did that???" And I'm not just talking about the darker blue pants...I'm talking about that entire uniform set...man is that set dreary to look at looking back. I guess if there's one thing the current set got right, it was breathing some sense of life back into their identity. Yeah, chickenfeet trim and all that, but one thing the current set is not is lifeless. Having said that, I did some poking around the interwebs at some concepts that move a little closer to what I think would be an ideal color pairing for the Seahawks: a significantly-lighter-than-navy-but-darker-than-royal blue, and a bright green that's less yellow and more blue, sorta like so: (Courtesy of Jack Moran on Dribbble.) Obviously, those numbers wouldn't work--at least not in that guise, or as single-layer green like that--but perhaps single-layer white numbers (as a callback to the Kingdome uniforms) and--yeah Imma say it--green pants over blue socks might be a good way to go. And of course I must remark on how unique a take that concept logo is, and the striping pattern Jack managed to extrapolate out of that...some strong indigenous art vibes there, without even trying all that hard.
  21. Well, now that Vegas done lifted Lord Stanley's Cup in those glittery gold sweaters, y'all know what that means now, right? THEIR UNIS ARE NOW ICONIC AND CAN NEVER CHANGE!!!4321
  22. And now Mark Stone with the hat trick...on his third try for the empty net. Shorthanded, even-strength, and empty net. That's a true hat trick there! (And like @DG_ThenNowForever, I'm wishing I had my Mark Stone jersey with me right about now...but it'll be waiting for me in my closet when I get back home )
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