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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. I see someone in that front office is up on their E-40....
  2. So I'm sure there's a good reason I just saw a large Savannah Bananas logo superimposed onto the side of a resort hotel...in Las Vegas.... Like, why would anyone care about an MiLB in South Georgia team way the freak out here??
  3. Truth. I saw that and was like "yep, there's that postseason anxiety showing up". Like Jamal Murray dang near threw the game away on one of those inbound passes late in the 4th; they were fortunate LeBron missed that layup, otherwise that could have gotten ugly. They pull that mess in LA and they'll find the series tied up going back to Denver. (Or does the conference final do the 2-3-2 thing? I can never remember.)
  4. So ummm...anyone else thinks Denver really wants to win a 'ship this season?? Mind you, Denver is gonna have to keep this same energy in LA, but yeah...they are looking like they 'bout ready to do the dang thang.
  5. I worked in lumber and building materials for over a decade. Other than certain fence contractors, I ain't never seen nobody be excited about no doggone concrete.... ... And also, did the Braves basically just parrot what the Cardinals put in their ad reveal video???
  6. Total aside, but I have long wondered this and never asked: why do MLB teams wear different jerseys for batting practice than in the actual games, anyway?
  7. Ah, so they DID redo the script...that is niiiiccccee. Wonder if they did a Sacramento script to match? All that said...I hope they're not changing colors to red and blue. If anything, they can be the straight purple and white team with that script. Use some black trim if they absolutely must, but otherwise...own the purple.
  8. Alaska. (And actually, even that almost happened back in '06. Eh well...) Also, re: all the Old Bay stuff, thank you for confirming that I am not, in fact, crazy. (Well, I mean I am, but...not..certifiably.)
  9. I could take or leave the pants stripes...but I would have preferred to see an update on these, with current number font—single layer on the reds, stroked with black on the whites—and of course their current 3-D optimized logo. Devoid of context, that blue looks so random, but in context it's one of those fun uni quirks that creates an interesting yet harmonious dichotomy between the home and away looks...plus it just looks great (to me) used as stripes. On the topic of the Texans and the Snatit: what Houston is gonna end up with will be the lovebaby of too much nostalgia and trying too hard to—well, let me say it in a more swooshified way—connect with the street culture. First, the obvious: we've seen teasers of a blackletter-styled letter H. I have no idea how they intend to tie that glyph style to their current logo, short of jettisoning their current primary in place of just a simple H monogram (which now that I think about it might not be the worst idea in the world IF they can make things cohesive...which they won't because, well, you know), but that style of lettering has benefits used in street culture going back at least to the early 80s, if not sooner, by the Hispanic crews in LA and surrounding, which then of course spread to other communities. Then, there's the colors: there's no combination of red and anything lighter than a royal blue that won't be an either explicit or implicit callback to the Oilers...I'm sure if there's even a sliver of a crack of a way the Texans can skirt IP law to pull that off, they will. The problem with that approach, though, is it's obviously derivative. They'd be better off cooking up an entirely new colorway altogether instead of trying to feast off the memories of times past...especially if they're looking at catering to younger generations, many/most of whom have exactly zero emotional connection to the old luv-ya blue and red, or the old oil derrick. And while we're talking about luv-ya blue, what has happened to the Snatit, with the two-tone blue AND the two-tone grey AND silver AND just a little bit of random red is exactly why people say it ain't always the best idea to allow the current crew up there in Beaverton too much creative control over new identities. I'm 100% positive we see something new before 2025.
  10. Not for nothing, but I was just in Baltimore over the weekend...got to see the O's get blanked by the dang Pittsburgh Pirates in Camden Yards (that is quite the nice park, by the way). I also saw more Old Bay cans, signs, and seasoning than I've ever seen in my life...I never saw that much the one year I spent living [just south of] there! Anyway, my brain never made the connection between the Old Bay font and the Baltimore [supposed-to-be] City Connect...probably because the CC is a whole bunch of blah-bland nothing. Ironic, because Old Bay is some of the best seasoning in the world. And now that the two Cincinnatians have chimed in, I can offer my two-cent critique: the [infra]Reds CCs are what happens when a/ your innovative idea fairy stops sprinkling her pixie dust on your brain and b/ you spend way too much time presenting dang near every...single...new uniform reveal in dark, black environments. They're gonna suck something serious in the daylight...even under stadium lights at night if they ever wear them then. I get the idea, but this one's gonna be a hard no from me, dawg.
  11. I was thinking one generation past that: Basically the same thing I think the big block I helmet would work even with that base. Now, that said, I always was partial to the numbers from the Illini basketball uniforms from back around the time Deron Williams was there: Perhaps a slightly slimmed-down version of those, paired with the big block I, would be the way to go??
  12. And while we're talking about teams being competitive...break up the Twins! (At least for today.) Baltimore couldn't put a run on credit today; meanwhile Minnesota just put up sixteen on the Cubs (!).
  13. Until/unless their management blows it all up again I feel like this just happened like maybe six or seven years ago...the Pirates actually were competitive for an entire season and actually in the wild card race and then...poof. Right back to being, well, what they are. For the good sake of what fans are left in Pittsburgh, I hope they actually make something of this young squad they have now.
  14. It ain't gonna happen, but I honestly wouldn't mind seeing him in Memphis. Granted, the head brass ain't finna just can Taylor Jenkins like that, but if they were (which would essentially mean they'd have to fire themselves), I dang sure would take a flyer on him if I were their head honchos. Or is Mark Jackson still out there/interested in coaching?
  15. Add this one to the ranks: I was out in Albuquerque New Mexico a couple days ago and, for some reason as yet unidentified by mankind, one of the sporting goods stores out there had a hat basket chock full of Indiana Pacers caps...
  16. So umm...yyyyeeeahh. While sitting in Oriole Park at Camden Yards today watching the home team hey blanked—with two blunders by the first baseman mixed in for good measure—by the freaking Pittsburgh Pirates, I briefly looked at their season thus far and...are the Pirates...actually...trying to be good this season?? I mean, I saw more pop in their bats in the first inning alone than I think I saw in the entire seven years I lived in Pittsburgh. Hits? Runs? Crisp fielding? Who are these guys? (And exactly how did Andrew McCutcheon end up back with them? Didn't expect that at all.)
  17. So apparently they're dubbing these as their "infrared" sets (not to be confused with the heralded CCSLC poster by the same name), which explains the inspiration. From the team's VP of marketing and commo: So there you have it. Not exactly Nikespeak since it didn't come directly from Nike, but sti—oh, wait: Well there you have it. I'll wait to see what our two resident Cincinnatians have to say about this before I throw my little two rusted Lincolns in the mix...
  18. They call that the "glint"...yeah, about as silly as it sounds. Truthfully, so do I...sorta. They'd have to tweak the tints/shades of the green and blue for greater contrast for it to work...but that whole steamline moderne-eqsue artistic style plus the aquatic creature was one of the most unique and coolest brands...ever. I still wish they'd have just updated it rather than toss it aside for the derivative milquetoast MS Word-esque identity they have now.
  19. You're the IP pro here, best as I can tell, so if you see no issue with it, I definitely ain't got a problem with it. Gon' do that then, Rays!
  20. So what do we call this current course, then...Washingjacked??
  21. So...as much as I love a good quality custom number font, I think the Cowboys made the right choice here. The Cimarron numbers aren't bad, but I can tell that in about five years' time they'd look dated. Maybe if they toned down the half-serifs and/or widened/vertically shortened them a bit the forms might hold a bit more staying power. But then again it appears they were looking ar recapturing the classic Thurman Thomas/Barry Sanders days, so there's that, too.
  22. You know the one thing I wish the Rays could/ would do with their current brand to really see them apart, if I/ they know they could get away with it? Ax out navy; add in orange. That's about the most sunshiney colorway there is. The problem is that Allegiant Air exists and they already built their visual brand with those same elements: That's even more of a reason for them to resurrect the manta ray and disambiguate the brand. Of course, this is just one man's opinion...my two rusted Lincolns.
  23. So now the NFL is moving into playing games on Fridays?? They really don't know when to stop, do they? (And you just know this is only testing the waters....reference where things went from Thanksgiving Day classics to the first TNF regular-season games to now.)
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