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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. I personally still think it's the 49ers' conference to lose...but then that means they better not lose to...*them* tomorrow. Should they prevail, and Philadelphia hold, that's gonna prove one heckuva fun matchup to watch. But let's let the weekend play out. Speaking of the weekend...Bills/Bengals is gonna be a tough one for me, because I'd like to see both teams finally lift the Lombardi before my time is up on earth...it's for their respective cites and their fans. (As a side note, Buffalo and Cincinnati are two of the chillest places you'll ever visit.) That said, if someone forced me to choose between the two, I'm taking Cincinnati. I'd be cool either way, and even more so if either knock off KC en route to the Lombardi. Speaking of KC...I too join along those of y'all who don't particularly *hate* the Chiefs. Annoyed at times by them? Sure. But I don't *hate* them. The only reason I really get annoyed is because of all their annoying frontrunner bandwagoners all up here through the upper midwest who didn't care anything about them pre-Mahomes. (I've seen this movie before, too...the same thing happened back down home when folk all across the Panhandle and through the deep south acted like they'd been Saints fans all their lives when pre-Brees and Payton, no one outside of southeast Louisiana cared about them.)
  2. Can't even be mad. Mahomes definitely added to his legend tonight. Of course, the question becomes how well will that leg hold up in the 'ship?? This. For a squad that "ain't even supposed to be here", they've accomplished way more than anyone, even they, thought possible. Unfortunately, though, as DJ said, they're just not *there* yet. Then again, most figured next season would be the one in which they challenge the Snatit for division supremacy. For that to happen, though, they've got to get surer hands out there on the flanks. Jacksonville's receiver corps dropped balls all over the field all season—especially Kirk, who dropped a couple tonight—and that's got to get rectified if they really want to take that next step. Of course, completely forgotten by everyone is the fact that they'll gave Calvin Ridley in the fold next season; we'll see how that impacts things. (And if the rumors are true that DeAndre Hopkins wants to join the Jags, that'll even further impact things.) Oh well, good season, Jacksonville. Duval will be back next year. (And I'll still be flying my Jag flags until then.)
  3. Aaannnnddd the comeback bid might've just been fumbled away. Them be's the breaks sometimes...
  4. I know, right??? 's getting nauseating. I mean Mahomes still being out there is one thing; I get that. The rest of it, though...bruh. EDIT: Aaaannnd now Kirk's hurt. Not good.
  5. There we go! Only down three now. Travis Etienne really reminds me a lot of Warrick Dunn with the way he's able to find and slip through holes that don't even look like they exist, yet somehow he manages to squeak through find three or four yards out of nothing. Now, can the Jags' defense come up with a critical stop???
  6. Tru dat. This Lawrence-Kirk connection ain't really been connecting today. They've had success on the ground, but that ain't gonna score points. They've reached the point in the game where they HAVE to take some shots...which also means Kirk & Co. HAVE to haul in those passes...
  7. Time out...have I been listening to Jac Collinsworth this whole game? I could've sworn I was hearing Cris. Lord that boy sound just like his daddy...
  8. Wellp...one half to go. Im trying my best to remain as objective as possible, but yeah, those "soft" penalties in the first half, so...anyway, no one should be surprised at KC getting "soft" calls. Also, all that what @DG_ThenNowForever said a few posts up. That said, Jacksonville missed some opportunities in that half—Christian Kirk specifically, who's had a habit of ill-timed drops all season. That and it seems like soon as Mahomes got hurt, the Jags dialed down the rush some. Can't be doing that with these stakes on the line. One more half to go...
  9. Methinks that thrill was more so the jersey representing the manifestation of Jacksonville even having won that expansion bid in the first place, given the 20-year buildup to that point and all the dominoes that had to fall (through in some instances *cough*St. Louis*cough*) for them to win it. That jersey probably could have been bright magenta, they still would have been thrilled. And interestingly enough, the teal color was actually the idea of Weaver's wife (stop me if you've heard this before). That it and black just happened to be two of the "three colors of the '90s" (purple being the other, which as we saw went to Baltimore, and most likely would have gone to them or St. Louis even if either had won the '93 bid) was a most timely coincidence...
  10. I'm still waiting on those clear side panels... (Then again, given what that's led to with the hotpants some women wear these days, ehh probably not.)
  11. Of course not following the Coyotes I didn't know anything about any of this or who a Rhuigi was, so I did a little background research and it turns out dude's been in the fashion design/streetwear biz for quite a while now. For anyone else curious about this Rhuigi Villasenor, here's a Forbes article on him, which also partly tells how he became involved with the Coyotes: Rhuigi Villaseñor Of Rhude Becomes Head Creative Of NHL’s Arizona Coyotes (forbes.com) Back to the jersey...seeing his previous work with paisley does indeed explain the stripped-down kachina pattern (which I feel like the Coyotes could use to pretty great effect so long as they don't go too far out the box with it). As for that chest script, thanks Andy for explaining the inspiration. The final execution doesn't really do it for me personally (but then, these weren't designed for me either ), but at least now I know what led to the styling of the final piece.
  12. Oh yeah, that's right—initially Super Mario did want to go the black and gold route...but fan outroar led him to backtrack on that. That is, though, in part how we ended up with *those* helmets...and now, mostly thanks to Tom Coughlin (who also thankfully is now long gone), they're back to black and teal, and nary a trace of gold apart from the logos. I tell ya, that team has gone through some weird branding cycles...
  13. That's most likely due to the connotation the color purple holds in Christian religion—royalty, regality, "kingdom", in another word. There's another USF here in South Dakota that also uses purple--the University of Sioux Falls.
  14. Okay—I just got a better look at this. What exactly were they going for with that script? Looks like a one-click Illustrator Live Trace job...
  15. That move wasn't random in the least; it was 100% deliberate, at the behest of one J. Wayne Weaver, former owner, who apparently abhorred the teal. The abhorrence first manifested in '03, picked up in '05 with the removal of the stripes on the black pants—and carried over into the away look in the '09 redesign (that i keep trying to forget ever existed, except the current wordmark is a modified holdover from that era, so...). You're also correct that most of the Jags fans didn't particularly care for it—I know I sure didn't. Enter Khan, and with him, more of an emphasis on the "Black and Teal" marketing thing that's persisted ever since. Since we're on this, I've actually convinced myself to accept the reality of a black primary jersey IF they decide to keep to only teal pants home and away, with black pants under teal jerseys as alts (as I stated in a previous post). I'm actually planning to write a personal-penned letter to the organization advocating for just that; if any of y'all wanna co-sign this thing with me, just let me know.
  16. And watch how many of them completely miss the rest of what he said (in general but specifically the praise about the KC environment) and focus only on the part the media outlet pulled out. But of course that's the media's job: to incite drama. I'm sure I'll hear about this when I get back to Sioux Falls tomorrow afternoon, too...not looking forward to having to shoot down that bunch of quacks up there, but it is what it is.
  17. I have zero idea how sports betting works, so what does all of that mean if you don't mind explaining? Oh and I'm loving all the Jacksonville love! Of course I'll be pulling hard for them—especially since EVERYBODY AND THEY MAMA done decided to jump on the Chiefs bandwagon up here in South Dakota...anyways: Jacksonville vs. Kansas City (total homer + see above) New York vs. Philadelphia (because why not? ) Cincinnati vs. Buffalo Dallas vs. San Francisco
  18. So Jacksonville's 2023 slate of opponents is out and... ...Based off the way teams finished the season, next season is gonna be a good one to see how they hold over from this—they definitely drew a winner's slate. Thankfully for them, they play four of their toughest non-division opponents at the Bank (home field)—San Francisco, KC (finally—feels like KC aint played an actual road game in like three years!), Cincinnati, and Baltimore. That game up in Buffalo should be interesting, and they usually play Pittsburgh tough, and have had their number pretty often over the years too, especially at Heinz (or whatever it's now called). That said, the NFC South will be a straight crapshpot next season (as it has been the past two or three seasons anyway).
  19. That is....certainly something. Decent idea theoretically...just not well executed. It's too bland—much like the colorway. Speaking of that, someone asked what the Coyotes' "color scheme" is: ever since '97 I always saw it as black with forest green and [what I thought at the time was] brick red added in with sand. Of course that only became more convoluted when the green third jerseys with the purple and orange came out...at that point I didn't so much associate "colors" with the Coyotes as much as "desert". Then they went full CCCP on us for those couple years, which this alt seems based on. Problem is, the sedona is too muted and the sand too bland. If I were to suggest a new colorway, I'd stick with the southwest blue (okay, purple) and orange they already use, with green and sand to spell it. Did not know it was a one-season thing. That said, thanks for providing the backstop. It's interesting to see how weird little quirks like that come up—and now that I see that, that should be even more of a reason for the Flyers to keep it—like the one-logo-on-side-of-helmet Steelers, it's their own little unconventional thing that no one else has. (Oh and add me into the camp that a/ thinks the Flyers don't need to change a thing and b/ sees no good way in which a jersey change ends well.)
  20. There may be another approach to this scenario if red absolutely has to be a part of this colorway, especially if gold and white must also remain: darken the purple and eliminate the black. Something like this: (Their current purple is closer to that middle square.) It's either that or keep the black but 86 the gold (which is also not a bad idea). I'll have to play around with this some more in my free time—y'all done gave me some new fodder to work with in revisiting the case study I did on this whole Ravens brand identity...
  21. Not as much as you might think—but your point still stands. I just keep thinking about the Bellagio whenever the topic of Vegas comes up, only because of all the water it uses for those fountain shows out front, juxtaposed with the repeated water restrictions that keep going on out there. The way things are going it'll be close to 3 million more in about 26 minutes... I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about that Then again my income ain't quite disposable (& probably won't be for another 14 years), but I find it more enjoyable to take in the game at the park. I CANNOT do baseball on TV, I just can't. But something about being in the park, though... I haven't been down to Tampa in a few years, ao things may have changed—but wasn't/isn't there still a patch of green space next to the RayJay to the north, across from the Tampa Yankees park? Is there a good reason the Rays can't fit one in there? (I don't know, I'm just curious.)
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