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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. I share that concern. Prime was definitely building something there. Plus, I highly doubt we see anyone with Prime's personality and charisma, shoot, ever, let alone at the HBCU level. That said, even with all that, Prime's just one man. The question now becomes: who's gonna be next to step it up?? And just because I just thought of it, Prime already had his entry slogan: "Who is PAC...if he ain't PAC???"
  2. And the corroboration: I ain't gon' front--I was kinda hoping he'd stay on at JSU, given that he's done so much not just for JSU, but Jackson, Mississippi, and HBCUs in general. However, I can't fault the man for climbing up that career ladder, and I think the fact that no one, not even the Betazoids, saw Prime and Colorado in the same book let alone the same sentence adds a whole 'nother level of intrigue to this. Plus...there's a lot of nice scenery up there in Colorado, and I'm sure they'll give him a completely clean slate to work with--which may also have aided in Prime's decision (he's long said he's looking for ways to elevate some of his staff; this may be one way to do it.) Go get 'em, Prime.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised at all if more casual fans chose the black over the green. I think it'd do all of us Creamerites some good to remember that we still are a very niche community of aesthetic scrutinizers up in here (and, to whatever degree you wanna buy this next part "purists" when it comes to sports design). There's far more of "them" than there are "us", and the numbers prove it. All of which is a long-form way of saying more of the everyday fans "out there" probably do prefer the black, because it's "slick" and it's "cool" and it's "tough"...and not care one ioda about the fact that green is/should be the Jets' core primary color.
  4. And there's your Twitterverse public opinion poll evidence right there--the twitterfolk prefer the black. Much to all our chagrins, apparently...
  5. Meanwhile, on the other side...I've never liked Florida State's current sets--well, that's not true. I like the Unconquered font and the new pattern...I just feel that pattern is WAY overused on the jerseys. Left to collar and cuff trim, it'd be cool. As it is, too much. I also like the current spear; far cleaner than the previous. But then there's the color shift that happened, thanks to Nike insisting FSU adopt one of its stock red fabric colors--the current garnet appears too dark and in some instances too purple, and I won't even talk about the "gold". As for the pre-2014 set, they may be plain to some, but they're no less solid. The colors were strong as they were, and of course at the time no one else had the Glades Bold font, so it was FSUs own. I guess to summarize: both uniform sets have their strengths. But left with a choice, I'd add the current pattern and spear to the pre-2014 set, go with Glades Bold or Unconquered, I wouldn't trip on either one, but DEFINTIELY keep the old garnet and gold shades and leave it at that.
  6. You forget one thing here, my friend: The Snatit are the Snatit for a reason. Don't be surprised if Tennessee ends up getting rolled by like 20 despite the Birds being thin on the defensive side. (On the other hand, if Tennessee does pull that dub out--and by a sizeable margin--that'll say a heckuva lot more about Mike Vrabel's prowess as a head coach.) And now back to the picks...
  7. Look, as altruistic as I know all of us are and would hope MLB clubs would be about this whole ads on uniforms thing, the reality is this: these teams got to somehow find ways to bankroll these increasingly exorbitant player contracts some kind of way, and if the additional ad dollars make sense for the clubs, they'll make the business decision so many of us despise--because it is in fact a business, after all. (Not saying we have to like it—because we don't—but as the saying goes, "it is what it is" at this point in the game.)
  8. Just wanna add my full-fledged agreement to. Both of these statements. Figure it out, Ottawa. That design has Andrew Harrington written all over it. Of course I ain't a Pens fan, but if I were--& I had the scratch--I'd snatch one of those so doggone fast it wouldn't even be funny. (And dang it, adidas...can y'all PLEASE hold onto the NHL contract beyond 2023, pretty please???)
  9. I know it's a little early for this but...heck ALL THE WAY TO THE YEAH!!!!* https://www.si.com/college/fsu/football/florida-state-teases-the-return-of-a-fan-favorite-uniform *if true
  10. If they insist on going white-on-white, this is the best one could hope for. Ah, those original Tennessee uniforms. I may or may not have just let out a little whimper inside...
  11. This just makes me even more glad I got my non-apparel-branded tackle twill-numbered Red Sox jersey from the 47 Store across from Fenway when I did
  12. Buffalo vs. New England Green Bay vs. Chicago Pittsburgh vs. Atlanta NY Jets vs. Minnesota Jacksonville vs. Detroit Tennessee vs. Philadelphia Cleveland vs. Houston Washington vs. NY Giants Denver vs. Baltimore Miami vs. San Francisco Seattle vs. LA Rams LA Chargers vs. Las Vegas Kansas City vs. Cincinnati Indianapolis vs. Dallas New Orleans vs. Tampa Bay
  13. So, going into tonights game, Pittsburgh is 3-7 and Indianapolis is 4-6-1...that's a pretty terribad matchup of records in prime time. So now I'm curious as the worst all-time head-to-head team record prime time matchup...
  14. Now THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' BOUT!! It's been a looooooonnnnnngggg time since this rivalry saw a game that good. And I ain't ever seen one in all my life that high-scoring, either. If y'all didn't see this Florida State/Florida...y'all just missed one heckuva barnburner. THIS is what this rivalry has been missing for so long...passion and intensity on both sides. I got to give ol' boy Anthony Richardson his due...he may not have completed many passes, but he singlehandedly kept Florida in that game. I don't know what his draft prospects are, but I think tonight probably helped him more than hurt him with his sheer determination to bring them swamp thangs back from two scores down. And speaking of draft prospects...if Jordan Travis somehow opts for the draft, that game waa a perfect way to go out for him. But yooo...my Seminoles stepped it up BIG time tonight, on both sides of the trenches, Alex Atkins seems to have been putting in some serious work the past two or three weeks with that O-line--they're not complete swiss cheese any more--and it seems Adam Fuller might jsut be figuring out this defensive coordinating thing. I absolutely LOVED that last defensive call...sent the house after Richardson on that last play, THAT'S how winners take calculated risks. And of course the most important thing is...Florida State got the dub! (And before anyone brings up that missed facemask at the end...yes, I acknowledge it was missed--but then I point back to that DPI that shouldn't have been called about 90 seconds prior...then point out that if not for two missed field goals Florida State would've put 50+ on that scoreboard.)
  15. Counterpoint, hot take, unpopular opinion--call it what you want--but to me, these were the best Lions uniforms: I saw absolutely nothing wrong with those--well, okay, maybe the teardrop notches were a tadbit much, but the overall number forms were fine--but those accomplished everything the current sets just don't--namely, sharper contrast. Some may hate on the black, but at least in the previous set it was tastefully integrated (as opposed to obviously shoved on as in during Matt Millen's tenure there). It's that second gray that's causing the current set to look rather dingy by comparison from a color perspective (thank Nike for that, but also the Lions for allowing it). And then there's the half-italicized numbers of the current set. It's like Nike tried to split the difference between Roman and oblique and ended up doing neither. My opinion: their next set should be closer to their previous. I wouldn't be mad if it came back in full. But yeah, that's my opinion--my two rusted Lincolns--and I'm sticking to it.
  16. Good points to both. As to the bonded, that Dome Patrol era is a forgotten era of Saints period--they actually had a pretty good run down there during Jim "Diddly Poo" Mora's tenure--from I think '87 to '93 they won 8 or games each season, had I think two 12-win seasons, and two playoff appearances. Of course more people remember them being the Aints from back then, but for a brief lil' time there, they--especially that linebackers corps--were an official problem for the league. All of which adds credence to you guys' statements about that particular uniform. If the Saints should ever retire their current throwback, that Mora-era set, offset-stroked Champion numbers and all, would be a great alternative, well, alternate to pick up.
  17. Asketh and thou shalt receiveth: Definitely a lock for the Uniform Matchup Hall of Fonk.*
  18. Hey look at that...back down in the lower third. That's what I'm talking about... Buffalo vs. Detroit (watch me be wrong) NY Giants vs. Dallas New England vs. Minnesota Houston vs. Miami Cincinnati vs. Tennessee Denver vs. Carolina Chicago v. NY Jets Atlanta vs. Washington Tampa Bay vs. Cleveland Baltimore vs. Jacksonville Las Vegas vs. Seattle LA Chargers vs. Arizona New Orleans vs. San Francisco Green Bay vs. Philadelphia LA Rams @ Kansas City Pittsburgh vs. Indianapolis @Kramerica Industries: *ninja-edited to reflect corrections
  19. I know right?? And and of how many other college QBs has this been said, only for them to amount of a whole lot of jack? (Brady Quinn, anyone?) Which makes the fact that we have guys who people ain't never heard of, like Mike White, Trace McSorley, PJ Walker and up until last year Tyler Huntley making starts in the NFL that much funnier. Did any of them have the "measurables", too? I don't know, but I know somehow they got in the league with no one hearing about 'em—or their measurables
  20. Watching some of this Niners/Cardinals game...why does Joey Bosa's helmet look like it has eyes in it? (EDIT: George Kittle has one of those power ranger eyeball helmets, too.) These helmets are becoming more Power Ranger-esque by the year, ain't they???
  21. For anyone who wants to see the full sequence of events:
  22. Well, considering Nike also designed the current logo (and uniforms)...I don't think you'll have much to worry about. Speaking of: from where are these cries of redesigning the Broncos' logo coming? The current one, somehow, looks just as modern today as it did when it came out in 1997. (Good Lord...this identity has been around 25 years???) If anything, we all should really hope the Broncos/ Nike don't fool with that horsehead...I shudder to think what they might replace it with. For my two rusted Lincolns to toss into this thing, I think whatever update they do should center on the 1965-1966 set...the jerseys to that set are really the only ones (besides what they have now) that work with today's sleeve caps being, well, caps. Orange or blue helmets wouldn't make me no nevermind, but since orange shells would necessitate a change to the primary logo (which was very obviously designed for a navy blue background), leave the shells blue.
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