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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Y'all know I stay forgetting that particular Jaguars uniform existed, right?? And I usually do a great job of it until someone brings it up in here
  2. I don't hate it—in fact, it looks pretty good for what it is—but it definitely needs the navy socks to bookend the navy sleeve caps. Who are they wearing this against? (And...I'll be the one to say it: I also wouldn't mind Dallas basing a new primary set off this. Slightly lighter blue, though.)
  3. That was a HUGE win for Jacksonville* out there today. With that win they get one game closer to the division title.
  4. That font looks more like a mashup of the Nets and Blazers to me...
  5. I've never been a big fan of that font--it's one of those scientifically chopped-and-screwed custom-for-custom's sake fonts Nike's been notorious for cooking up over the years (although sometimes they get it right, like with Oklahoma State). Plus, nothing about that font design says "cat" to me, DEFINITELY not the way their first team font did--their current reads more like razor blades or something the Raiders could use--but for consistency's sake, I'd take that over what they're using now. And since we're talking about this, let's dissect this (and thus continue the Jagjack), shall we? (best I could find on my current browser but it gets the point across) There's a lot going on in here, so let's get to it. But first, think in your mind of some characteristics of a large cat--or a cat period, if you prefer ("speed", "sleek", "agile", certain shapes like its tail--things like that.) Now, with all that said...I think (I can't prove it though) that the above font was built from a modified version of Dharma Expanded, same as with the Philadelphia Eagles, which far more obviously to me was modified from Dharma Slab (see here). Mind you, the actual numbers were more rounded on the tops and bottoms than the above graphic shows, but check out the half-serifs on the stems of the 1 and 7, the stem and join (top right) of the 4, the terminals (if you want to call them that) of the 2 and 3, and that top bars (or flags) of the 5 and 7. (Those half-serifs show up in different ways in the letters of the shield logo, as well.) They're subtle, yet effective, and adds a touch of class. (That upward-pointing half-serif on the 5 is my favorite little quirk of this glyph set.) Notice the spine of the 2 has that slight curvature to it, much like an actual cat. But, if you want to see where this glyph set REALLY shines, then check out the terminals of the 6 and 9...I don't know whose idea it was to do that, but look at those and tell me you don't get even a slight impression of a cat's tail. THAT is how you add some distinctive character into an otherwise static base font. That's also the reason I haven't always liked the too-often-hackneyed and at-times-too-scientific hack and chop jobs Nike's been churning out like with (the U of) Minnesota and the Snatit even (FTR, I haven't seen nearly as much of that with adidas or UA, but there may be some I haven't seen yet), and of course Jacksonville's current font. I know why the cuts and angles were made the way they were--to form perfect lines and angles with as many glyph pairings as possible. The problem is then you end up with stuff like this: The top of the L, the left arm of the T, the bottom terminal of the C, and the Y which has no special treatment are examples of what happens when you try too hard to customize--you sacrifice readability with all that wonky white space going on around the glyphs and end up customizing all the connotative character right out of it. (Remember all those cat characteristics I mentioned thinking about?) It can actually cause more strain the eyes to try to read it as well...although, to be fair, we're really just dealing with jersey numbers here. Even still, I personally feel the original font embodies more connotative characteristics of a cat whereas the current one was more "flavor of the moment" custom chop job.
  6. ^ I'll give you that...I think that pic is from 2003 or '04. I want to say they added the solid black road pants in '06, maybe '05...either way, they hadn't hit full-on Blaguars mode at the point that above picture was taken, but they were pretty dang close. (Blame one J. Wayne Weaver for that...dude never liked the teal.) Those above uniforms also have much more gold, whereas the current ones, apart from the logos, have exactly zero ounces. Ideally, if they do indeed throwemback to '98 (to borrow a phrase from our favorite former Creamerite troll dennisbergan), I would hope that they leave the numbers intact--the last thing I want the Swoosh to do is start jacking around with that, trying to add their lil' dash of modern-futuristic to it. Really they could even do the same Machine Block NOB font many other teams employ...but I think it'd lose something if they went single layer (which I'm sure they'll do anyway for economic reasons.) One thing is for sure, though: MOAR TEAL is a must. And since we're pretty much into the process of Jagjacking this thread, I just took a lil' trip through memory lane and...man oh man: I know those black pants were not everyone's cup of tea, but I personally loved them for the alternate wrinkle they provided--they also seemed to wear them quite a bit more than I realized in 2004. There's something about the way the teal kinda jumps off that black background, with the lil' dash of gold in there to flesh them out. I could live with those as a changeup to the white pants with similar striping for that reason. I really wouldn't even mind if those were made primary and white pants a change-up, so long as the away numbers remained teal. As I said earlier, MOAR TEAL should be the goal, not less. (And if they do revive those black alternates, they need to swap the black stripe on the sleeve cuffs for teal to really complete it--either that, or swap the gold stripe for teal.) Again, just one man's opinion...my two rusted Lincolns.
  7. I'm also 100% certain that they're going to severely overthink this, because Khan, after all--but whatever they do next, I wouldn't mind the slightest bit if it gets as close to, or right on the nose of, '98 as possible--number/NOB font, everything. Yes, even the double-stroke. Shoot--they can even get back to the original '95 sets if they promise to never touch them again. (Okay, maybe add a pair of teal pants--but after that, then ever touch them again.) It'd give me a reason to wear my '95 Brunell throwback again. Let's see...San Francisco, Cleveland and then Tampa (or was it Tampa then Cleveland?)...Jacksonville can fall in line!
  8. Is there a reason that the league currently doesn't? I didn't even know that was a thing...
  9. I don't know where that story came from, but Adams Strunk went on record as liking both blues prior to the change. I don't remember what led to Tennessee switching back to navy primaries the year Mariota was drafted, but I don't think that had anything to do with it. I will say though that she is very obviously open to listen to fan/Nike input, and I personally attribute the fact that the colombia blue in Snatit's current uniforms is such an afterthought to both that and Nike's obsession at the time with their proprietary colors of obsidian (navy) and wolf gray. As for the increase in red in their branding and stadium signage, that had been going on since the 2017 offseason--but the stadium itself always had more red than anything else. My guess has to do with matching up with the state flag, but that's purely a guess.
  10. Is that OD green??? If so, how in the world did they come up on that choice for a color?
  11. Well I guess after four years into these cosplay costumes, they may as well have redefined [whatever] their identity [is supposed to be]--but not in a good way, fa' sho. I can piecemeal everything that's wrong with their current look, but I've already done that once. The above photo does, however, illustrate the most glaring issue (and its one that's been around ever since the Adelphia Coliseum days): take a look at the wordmark painted on the field behind those guys. If one didn't know any better, one would think the light blue--which up until four years ago was their primary color--would be for some type of special promotion. See all the red accents? That's also about the amount of color distribution you'd have seen at Adelphia-turned-LP Field--there wasn't a trace of light blue anywhere on or in they stadium apart from the team store. I was just in there a few weeks ago and sure enough, they've removed just about all of it from inside there, too...it's mostly white and navy now. I'm not surprised; right before I moved from down there they started adding more and more navy and red signage all around the grounds and even changed the team name wordmark above the door to the pro shop from light blue to red. That's when I knew something [more) was up. Lolz I'm actually gonna back you--somewhat--on this [gasp!], but with one ginormous caveat: you have to separate in your mind the light blue from their brand for this to work. Simply from a color blocking perspective, these two looks: ...are not bad. (Those are actually set up inside the pro shop at the stadium...all that gray was at one point light blue.) If they kept it to that consistently, they might have a bit stronger on-field identity, or at least little better looking. As it is, they just all over the place. They definitely need to choose a lane during their next branding life and drive steady down it--either keep the gray and ax the light blue, or reinstate the light blue and kill the gray (and red along with it).
  12. That one threw me off for a hot second. Don't know that I'll ever get used to that...
  13. Well we all know what happened the last time Pittsburgh played a game on a special occasion for one of its players (XL). Which is to say: watch the officiating veeeerrrrryyy carefully in that game...
  14. Did they adjust the hue of their pink or is that just lighting? If they did ratchet it down a couple tints, that's what it should have been from the jump instead of being barely distinguishable. (Maybe CITY coming onboard with their own pink color sparked some sense into them?)
  15. Great. Now allocate him to one of Columbus. Montreal, Nashville (ugh), Real Salt Lake or Orlando...or Cincinnati. Or Colorado. Why should only NY, LA, Seattle & Miami have all the fun?
  16. Have fun with that...we're due to catch that mess out this way tomorrow into Thursday--along with 15-below temps & 40mph winds. It's -5 now. Can we pick ties?? (You know I really don't pay much mind to many of the games unless I have a vested interest or its on wherever I am...which is probably why I'm like sixth or seventh from the bottom in the standings )
  17. Lotta folk hot on Jacksonville now! Which makes me extremely nervous for this coming Thursday. With that said.... Jacksonville vs NY Jets (only because I can't get past the nerves) Buffalo vs Chicago New Orleans vs Cleveland Houston vs Tennessee (purely a spite pick) Seattle vs Kansas City NY Giants vs Minnesota Cincinnati vs New England Detroit vs Carolina Atlanta vs Baltimore Washington vs San Francisco Philadelphia vs Dallas Las Vegas vs Pittsburgh Green Bay vs Miami Denver vs LA Rams Tampa Bay vs Arizona LA Chargers vs Indianapolis (because why not)
  18. Yeah, thangs is going on down in Nashville... ...Dem boys is cooked.
  19. Hey, if Elvis ain't dead, then Jimi ain't, either...rock on.
  20. Okay, so hold up--does this not violate any kind of IP protocol or something? How were they able to pull this off? Or did they reach out to and clear this with the Winnipeg Jets first? That said, that whole Atlanta Thrashers identity was one of the most underrated looks in the NHL—of course it all went in the crapper once they went to that whole "Believe in Blueland" bullcorn...
  21. Okay--I might be coming around on the idea of the Kings going to a purple/yellow colorway...especially if in those shades. That said, it's only because I like the color...I still think the 2001 Luc Robitaille joints are the superior look (minus the pelvic scripts, of course), but this ain't a bad backup. I never noticed until now how nice the new Sens joints turned out. Something about those two simple red stripes on all that black really works...it'd work better if they used the updated 2-D centurion the braintrust seems to enjoy forgetting even exists. (Given my choice, I'd still prefer the black-laurel-on-gold striping, though...with updated 2-D centurion, of course.)
  22. Thanks, FarmBoy...now I'll never unsee this.
  23. +1, ...iykyk. But if you want my reasoning, it's simply this: given the timelessness of the Futura typeface--and the reason for/era in which it was designed (1920s, during the Bauhaus design movement, which sought to combine form, function and aesthetics, for ancient curious), it was and is about as perfect a way as there is to modernize a classic uniform without losing its essence. (Now if you want the Steelers' reason for keeping the 1998 update around, I'd say point to merchandise sales...because if you know Steelerheads like I do, you could sell them a dangone toothbrush just because it has a Steeler logo on it...of course they'd double up on the jersey swag, man! )
  24. Skiiiipppp...is that you?? I caught that too. Well played, Vet.
  25. It shouldn't be, for obvious reasons, but I'm catching a bit too much of a BiG "M" vibe from this. It's probably the serifs.
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