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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Skating past all the football stuff, congratulations on the (hopefully) future life!
  2. I, on the other hand, couldn't care less about "rules"...if it looks good, it looks good. If it don't, it don't—that's the only rule I care about. I do have certain preferences, sure, but I’m flexible about those, too—I actually care more about contrast than anything else—and the more mono looks we see, the more I find that to be the case. That said... ...This is a perfect example (that I also agree with). When you can explain it no other way, conventions be doggone, then it just plain out looks good. Now, on the other side of this white/dark/medium spectrum, we had this: Granted, that was a short-lived combo during the five or six seasons Tennessee designated the light blue tops as primaries—but the Snatit tried it both ways and neither looked good. Much of that could probably be attributed to the fact that that uniform wasn't designed to be worn that way, but still.
  3. It defintiely is. It also shouldn't shock anyone who's watched the team play this season. No one talked about the Giants all season long, which I think took some pressure off them—but that's a GOOD squad and they have been all season. It completely wouldn't surprise me at all to see them blaze a trail straight to the conference title game—which yes would take them straight through Philly. If this season has shown anything, it's that no team is invulnerable (that includes you, Kansas City). It may also be about time to give Daniel Jones some well-deserved props....dude's been playing like budget Mark Brunell (the Jacksonville version) for a good while now. Speaking of Danny Dimes, I know he wont do it, but wouldn't it be something if he mocked Kirk's YOU LIKE THAT...YOU LIKE THAT rant on the way to the locker room??
  4. I saw an interesting take from Matt Hasselbeck that might shine a little light on both that situation and a certain trend even I've noticed from all these new young offensive wunderkid head coaches in the league lately—but rather than repeat it, I'll just paste the clip in here. You can start at Rex Ryan's take at 4:55 for context; Hasselbeck's take comes in at the 8:38 timestap. (He also provided some interesting insight into Doug Pederson at the beginning of the video.)
  5. DUUUUUUVVVVAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!!!! Y'ALL SEEN THAT THERE!!! Omigod...I'm going through all kinds of emotions right now. And if THAT wasn't about the most EPIC way to Charger a game away....jeez!!! I'll commentate later...but I'm SHO finna celebrate now!
  6. Completely unrelated to today's game, but in light of the whole Lamar Jackson soap opera, I want people to remember this when they get to criticizing the aforementioned Jackson, Trevor Lawrence (up until London happened), Justin Fields or whatever other young/rookie Q "they" wanna hype up next: can't do if you ain't got around you. (Or in front of you). On the other hand, what Mr. Irrelevant is showing (and several other journeyman backup stopgap in times past) is that you don't have to be a world-beater; just be good enough to not lose the game, get the ball to your playmakers (provided the guy even has playmakers to begin with), get good protection to throw behind, and a decent defense to protect your points, and that'll solve half the issue right there.
  7. Why exactly would Brandon Staley be in danger of losing his job? The Chargers are in the playoffs after all. BUTTT...I also don't follow the Chargers so I have no clue what's going on within that organization to know why Staley's seat would be even warm let alone hot. And if losing to Jacksonville this weekend is what would get him the ax, their brass might do well to remember that those same Jaguars—actually, the 2-6 going into London version of those same Jaguars—blew them out earlier this season, on their "home" field.*
  8. I figured they were gonna do that. It needs navy shorts for contrast. (Shoot, I'd have maybe even gone for navy socks as well, just so the pink red shirts would stand out more.) And I'm still not too hot on that yellow trim...
  9. That's part of it. I think the other and more noticeable part (and @FiddySicks I've been thinking the same thing for a while) is that 1) the current red jerseys are actually a touch bit brighter/lighter than the '97-'12 red jerseys (probably owing the change in fabrics that Nike uses currently), and 2) the collars only have that slight trim of black on it while the former Reds had a full black collar. Along with that, the "pewter" pants are more like too-dark charcoal gray (which only enhances how bright the current red is). It's missing that slight brownish undertone that distinguished the former pewter--that itself was helped by being in dazzle fabric (though thr players constantly complained of how hot those pants were). Whooooaaaa there kemosabe...shoot I'd like to see the Jags in the big game myself, but let's take this thing one week at a time
  10. Setting aside the fact that I always wanted KU to adopt the basketball program's old circus font across the rest of their sports...if they were to thin up those block numbers a bit & hold on to that striping pattern (and add it to a set of white pants while keeping their blue pants as is), they'd really be onto something there. There's only so many ways to do royal blue and cherry red--I think that arrangement in that photo does a great job of distinguishing the colors in a way that LA Tech used to perfect. Now, with all that said: can someone explain to me why those jerseys say "Jayhawk" minus the s? Throwback of some sort??
  11. That's copyright infringement, my dude
  12. HAHA is right! Somebody might wanna remind Russo that Chris Weinke won his national title at 28—then became the oldest Heisman winner in history. And wasn't there like a 30-something-year old special teamer playing at South Carolina or something this past season? Hey...nothing wrong with sticking with pursuing your dreams, no matter how long it takes.* (Fun fact: Chris Weinke was originally part of the same recruiting class as Charlie Ward, except he chose to purse pro baseball instead. Funny how things work out: Heisman winner Ward chose pro basketball, only for the former pro baseballer Weinke—who enrolled into Florida State at 25—to step in a few years afterward and win the Heisman.) *Says the guy who's finishing up his bachelor's degree at the age of 40
  13. Actually, they should take the pattern off the sleeves...it's just too much ovekill (and the fan jerseys have never looked right with that pattern on the sleeves). It needs to stay on the collar, though (and go back on the sleeve cuffs) to maintain the continuity with the previous two iterations. (I'd also like for shiny gold--or at least a darker shade than flat khaki--to come back, as well, but I know that's fighting a losing battle at this point.)
  14. The announcement I saw was that they may debut a pre-2014 alternate uniform, not a full-scale change--although I SHO' wouldn't mind if they did bring those back as primaries. (But if they do, they'll have to get back to the former shade of garnet, as well--and we all know Nike prefers its teams in whatever stock textile colors they have on hand, so...)
  15. As one with a vested interest in both places...them's be fighting words. (Although KCMO and Little Rock probably do have more in common than most folk care to realize.)
  16. Wild Card round: Seattle vs. San Francisco Los Angeles vs. Jacksonville Miami vs. Buffalo New York vs. Minnesota Baltimore vs. Cincinnati Dallas vs. Tampa Bay
  17. The Jags can solve their *lack of teal* problems simply by sticking with teal pants home and away, especially with their current sets. They do that and we'll be guaranteed a lot more teal on the field. (Plus, as long as they stick with single-color numbers & this current set, I personally think it's their best primary pairing.) Observe: They keep it to this and, while not ideal, I could live with the teal jersey as an alternate--and I'd be fine with never seeing the white pants again. Plus, since "Black and Teal" has been their marketing thing for almost a decade now, what better way than to emphasize them the most with the color combos they wear on the field. (Yes, I realize I'm making a ton of concessions here as a fan since their inception, but given their current state or aesthetics, if this is what they're gonna stick with, those are the best ways to present it.)
  18. Does NCAA D-2 count? Because if so, my hometown school (UWF) won its *natty* in the 2019 postseason—against a team 3.5 hours up the road from me, no less...
  19. I won't completely (though there's been exactly zero rumors even hinting at this) rule out the possibility that sometime in the next two or three seasons we see a teal Jags helmet. I've seen several prototypes in person, one with that anodized finish (or whatever its called) that the Vikings currently use, and while it'll defintiely be different, I think it may look good as an alternate—however I don't know that I'd want it to be primary. I know one thing, though: they better not even THINK of doing an alternate white helmet...
  20. Now who gon' buy all that big ol' house he'll inevitably leave behind in Arizona?? And so are three other assistants, one of them being the DB coach. That's what happens when you roll off seven straight Ls. It'll be interesting to see who Vrabel brings in to do...something...to/with that offense.
  21. While I do agree with that statement, if the Vegas Golden Knights, Florida Panthers, and even the Jacksonville Jaguars have taught us anything, it's to NEVER underestimate the prowess of marketing to the military demographic of a city and/or metro region. (Lord knows the Austin area got plenty of them—heck I used to be one of them.) And if Precourt n' em think they can extract more dolla dolla bills by doing that, then I'm willing to bet that's just what they'll do. And if Austin should embrace anything in their local culture, it's bats. All them bats that be hanging out up under that bridge downtown (can't remember the name of the street offhand). I still think that's what they should have gone from the beginning. The Mutiny has long been gone from MLS; time for somebody to be the bat squad somewhere. * *Yes I'm aware of the Louisville MiLB team, but there's enuff room for another bat squad out here somewhere.
  22. This hasn't been officially confirmed yet, but I do know Ms. Adams Strunk has been pushing for it for a good while now. Chances are pretty good we'll see the 1960 sets next season (and then of course we'll have folk all up and down the chain clamoring for Tennessee to make those the primaries, which they won't nor should they.) This is the correct take. I've seen many call their number font "horrendous"; I have yet to see anyone explain why they feel such way. And if all one has to go on is "they're not block" or "block would be better", one's gonna have to do a lot better than that to convince me. (Modified) Matrix has become and is integral to their overall brand identity; I'd hate to see them toss it aside in favor of some newfangled CFCS hack-and-notch job. Also, I find the coincidence in colors between the two teams amusing, but the Ravens are to the NFL what the Rockies are to MLB--and they should stay that way. If anything they could probably do away with the black dropshadows in favor of a thicker black monowidth stroke--but other than that (and as someone noted probably adding stripes to the black pants—I personally would like white-purple-white braishers, but I think I'dbe cool with the reverse order as well), they don't need to touch a thing with their uniforms. The logo is a different story, but the uniforms are contemporary classic sbrasher, And speaking of updated Ravens logos, *shameless plug* again: (Combo of their unused profile bird head from '96 and their current bird head, with 100% less B.)
  23. This is a complete aside that at the same time lines right up with what you wrote: I'm noticing this same issue (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) with apparel, as well--especially with the Snatit Titans merchandise. I'd long thought something was off with the light blue on the Nike game (fan) jerseys...turns out, I was right. Check this mess out: I shot these the last time I was at the pro shop in Nashville...now look at the difference in blues from the number strokes to the fabric--and that's on the second-level Nike fan jerseys (I don't know what fancy name they call it now; it's whatever the next level up from "game" is). The killing part is that the columbia blues match on the heat-pressed game versions! (You can really see the difference in the second photo.) How that made it past quality control completely baffles me, unless they (Nike/the organization) just really don't care because they know fans gon' shell out ends for it anyway—and yet they wanna charge 110 and 150-something bucks for this mess? BRUH. (Shoot, even Mitchell & Ness' quality control has taken a nosedive lately, especially since being [majority] bought out by Fanatics. Or maybe all this is a Fanatics issue. Either way it's some bull.) I think just about everyone in here wishes the Saints would get back to those shades of gold, if not a truer "brassier" gold (see below)...I believe if they wanted it, they could still get dazzle fabric pants—I don't know if Nike currently has any dazzle fabric in their *proprietary* stock, but it looks like the current *gold* the Saints use is pulled from one of Nike's stock "gold" shades (which basically is the same flat khaki just about all of their college teams currently use). The gold in that top picture is more yellowish—but YES, I'm right there with you on that 1969 gold. Of course it may also be the technology of the day that makes that gold appear as dark as it does—either way I'd be all for that making it onto the present-day uniforms/field. It goes back further than that...Tampa's been doing the white-at-home thing really since way back in the '70s (though not regularly), but particularly during the first half of the season since about halfway the '90s, even before the switch to red and pewter. (I never cared for it back then, either.)
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