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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. That was indeed the Alliance. And you're right; it did add a lot of transparency for those of us watching on TV.
  2. That in itself is a problem. Well the $300 price tag I can kinda get, IF it's to spec with the on-field product. $130 for the replicas, on the other hand, is another story. The problem I've been noticing--well one of the problems, anyway, and this is across the board, not just with MLB--is that the quality of even the replicas has gone way downhill from what they used to be, even before Nike got involved. I think the textile fabric may be slightly better, but the scripts, numbers, and NOBs all leave MUCH to be desired, from inaccurate colors to inaccurate sizing, even in "authentic" form in many cases. (Though I wonder how much of that is a Fanatics thing now, not that these issues weren't going on before they dang-near monopolized the fangear market.) FWIW, even Mitchell & Ness has fallen victim to this deteriorating quality/authenticity problem...don't know what led to it, but it's very noticeable now.
  3. I'm right there with you. Setting aside the fact that the Euro-conventioned "Internacionale" is utterly superfluous and completely unnecessary--and the fact that Inter Miami doesn't roll off the tongue anywhere near as well as Inter Milan--that is, in fact, quite the nice remix of the parent club's badge. (That said, when is CF Miami--can I call them that, instead?--going to do something about that pale shade of pink??) I'm gonna guess that this go-round yellow is the new black in MLS??
  4. It won't. It's here to stay, and I've pretty much resigned myself to it. That said, for what it's worth, it still appears, for now, that less teams go dark mono than don't, so we have that, at least. And while I'm not completely opposed to dark mono, it doesn't work for the Lions—well, unless they design their next set specifically for that...
  5. That's new to me, too. Almost looks inspired by [any one of the] bridges around town. Anyone got a blown-up/clearer version of that?
  6. And if ever there were an example of the tail wagging the dog, this would be it...aggrandizement of the highest order.
  7. They really needed the lighter silver to make that blue really pop...the dark gray just dingies things up a bit much.
  8. How the NEXT Pro team got a better crest than the parent club??? (Well except for the F and C being split on two sides like that...)
  9. I mean, I'm sure we ain't finna just skip past this, are we?? Let the speculation run rampid! I know this much: that darker gray got to GO.
  10. So here's the million-dollar question, for the teams that don't have more than one alt (and I honestly don't keep up with who has what, so I don't know): say some team, in this case hypothetically the Mariners—and let's pretend they only have the navy blue alt, now away—goes to play, say, the Twins, who choose to play in their navy blue alts. What they would the Mariners (or whatever team) do if they don't have another alt? Play in their City Connect? (See what I'm getting at?) I agree; I think 3 really is a good number to cap it at—a home, away, and an alt at baseline. Some teams due to history or something unique about their locale may have another alt in their rotation, and I'm cool with that, too. But I think a lot of people are criticizing the 4+1 because they/we see it for what it is: Nike's baked-in way to promote their own stuff.
  11. Two things: 1) Having spent entirely too much time in my younger days around 1960 and Kuykendahl (IYKYK), and probably more time than should've been legally allowed down around Richey Rd (again, IYKYK), I feel you on H-town wanting to go Houstocentric—and in no way will the Texans EVER eclipse the Cowboys. (Shoot, from what I remember they had a hard enough time eclipsing UTA!). I suppose the thing that concerns me with whatever they're cooking up is that the McNairs/Nike may overdo it to the point of corniness*. Of course, all this could've been averted way back when had they gone with Toros rather than Texans; then they could Houstify their heart's desires with no problem! And 2), regarding a red/white/navy colorway wherein red takes the lead, the AAF's Memphis Express showed us it can work, and doggone well, too: (Man I miss the Alliance.)
  12. New York Banana Bulls??
  13. I've been trying to figure out for years exactly where the inspiration for the Oilers' colors came from. If that's what it was, then that's about the last place I would've expected. Also, more evidence* that "H-TOWN" is gonna figure prominently in the Houstonians' Texans' next branding life...
  14. Ooh...me likey. Me likey mucho... Joints is fresh, yo. I might have to cop me one of them...
  15. These are the kinds of things irrelevant franchises do to try to drum up interest. (And to try mask their own ineptitudes...but we'll talk about that in a different thread on a different day.)
  16. That's actually exactly what I believe they may be planning to try to pull off...
  17. There's that good ol' yinzer tribalism I've learned to expect from my second hometown! Pittsburgh has built a reputation of doing that over the years...and here I thought they were finally turning a corner on all that and WELP.... See above re: yinzer tribalism.
  18. It's not so much thinking as much as it is emotion. That says, I'll sum it up for you in one phrase: "nostalgia is a helluva drug." Houston Texans: "share no details of our future branding with the public." Also Houston Texans: allows tweet sharing details of their future branding with the public. This whole thing is gonna become one big comedy show, isn't it? Now, that said, what I write next is purely conjecture...but it's somewhat educated conjecture inasmuch as such is possible, so here's my wild-behind conspiracy theory behind what I think is happening/could happen... First, I get the distinct feeling this next branding era is gonna be über-Houstocentric*, more so than anything Texan aside from possibly their current logo—so much so that they may as well rename themselves the Houston Houstonians. Why do I feel that vibe? Between Nike's current run of devising metrocentric* team identities (reference both the NBA's and now MLB's "City" programs) and the increasing cross-sectioning of lifestyle/streetwear brands with pro sports branding, it just sets up too well, especially for a place like H-town. And speaking of that, and getting back to the streetwear thing, check the font used for the letters on that cap. Where else do you so often see blackletter-inspired type? Yup, streetwear, especially in Houston—in fact it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out Paul Wall was in on this. Now, last thing (for this post). The colors used for those caps are fueling what's been a growing suspicion of mine the past three or four years: Mr. NcNair, Ms. Adams Strunk and the league may have been/may be brokering some kind of deal to either license or outright sell the intellectual property of the old Oilers colors back to Houston...if enough money is involved, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ms. Adams Strunk jumped on it (and mind you, there's still the matter of a new stadium to pay for in Nashville, though i have no idea how much of a cut a sale of IP rights would contribute to that).That said, I will laugh hysterically if either a/ Tennessee and Houston essentially end up trading colorways with each other or b/ both franchised end up with essentially the same colorway used two different ways. *If neither of those were actual words before today, they [un]officially are now...
  19. Well looking there...congrats, pep bander!!! Now, understand that as of the moment your precious new gift of life first opened ter teeny tiny little eyes and peeked at you...your bank account done been wiped clean, you no longer run anything, and you are about to discover what all the rest of us girl dads have found out: her pinky finger is your new home...because she will absolutely have you wrapped around it. Enjoy your precious blessing, bro...happy for you!
  20. I was thinking the same thing...maybe something Three Sisters-related (since the outfield view of the park looks dead at them, after all). Well there is still that one down there in Clairton, but...yeah.
  21. Hey, he did say he was coming...
  22. I agree with most of that. However, *unpopular opinion alert* I don't think Dallas should reinstate that original number font—besides, they missed their window to do so, as the Colts best them to it. I do think, however, that Dallas should do one of two things with their numbers: either a/ port the number font of their standard whites over onto their dark blues, or b/ port the number font of their dark blues over onto their standard whites, which they've already doing with their white alternates: I personally really like that number style for them; if anything, they could really own it since right now no other NFL team uses offset strokes. But that's just my two rusted Lincolns on the matter...
  23. If it helps you at all: I grew up tied and rooted into the Buccaneers, the old creamsicle post-strike Yuc version—and that was before my cousin got drafted by them (who's now in the Pro Football HoF and I believe still holds the franchise record for tackles). At the same time, once Jacksonville got their franchise in '93, that immediately became my team B. And I mean I was all ABOUT some Bucs and Jags back in the day. Shoot I still have my cuz's [replithentic] creamsicle jersey and my customized red jersey with my first initial and his number on it (because we have the same last name and all). I say all that to say this: sometime between the time MoMo (that'd be Raheem Morris, current Rams defensive coordinator) got cut loose and Ronde Barber finally retired, I emotionally cut ties with them and really at the same time pulled my emotional investment out of being a "uberfan" of any one team in any sport. Sports is much more enjoyable that way. Sure I still have my primary teams I root for—the Jags, the Twins (until I move again), Florida State, Arkansas and VGK (and I may or may not have a few too many black-and-teal-colored items in my place and on my truck )—but *sports* life has been far less stressful since that time. Which is to say: it can be done, if you truly wish.
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