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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. I don't know how many of y'all are watching this Tampa/Toronto [intrasquad scrimmage-looking] game, but Tampa is straight SERVING Toronto on their home ice right now...
  2. Taking in some playoff hockey and it appears some blue and white team is playing another blue and white team, or maybe some team is playing an intrasquad game against itself...I don't know
  3. Friendly reminder that these are being brought to you be the same innovative people who brought you these... ...and this... ...And...um... *ahem* those... ...oh and for good measure: THAT. All of which is to say... they could be a lot worse.
  4. ... That won't be hard to miss at all unless one is actually inside the park...or looking at a picture of it inside the park. And I think that might be one of the issues M&P advocates have with the lack of such on the new sets. That said... ....All of this is a very valid critique, which by the way I 100% agree with. That said, I think that if the Twins wanted to maintain it for uniform use—and for all we know, they may have explored that in the R&D phases of this rebrand—they could've found someone to optimize M&P for greater legibility, scalability, and for embroidery purposes (think Jacksonville Jaguars...although that still looks too cartoonish for its own good), but it seems like ultimately they chose to go as simplifued & Minnesota-centric as possible with their supporting marks, hence "the blob".
  5. And exactly why again is the NBA doing this in-season tournament thing??
  6. I'm pretty sure that whatever the name of the orangeish color is won't actually have the word "orange" in it...because that wouldn't be "innovative" enough...
  7. And from everything that's been described thus far...I'm thinking 2018 Snatit rebrand level bad. If not worse...
  8. And the stadium political quibbles continue: https://tennesseelookout.com/2023/04/17/titans-stadium-deal-opponents-slip-in-language-to-redirect-funds-to-taxpayers-pandemonium-ensues/ Of note is the fee/tax slid on by one councilman that redirects some of that revenue into the city's general fund; that has become the point of contention as opponents of his amendment claim that those fees/taxes would render rent costs for collegiate events and, namely, the CMAs, "too cost prohibitive". Still, though...2.1 billion dollars for this stadium project...
  9. They probably wanna keep Philly in or at least as close to Philly as possible just to maintain their championship pedigree (I think they've won three of the four league ships they've played or something like that?) As for Jersey, well...shoot I don't know.
  10. So... can we call these the "MetroConnect" sets, then?? You know what...in a vaccum, on their own, I like them. Sue me. This actually feels more like a Texas Rangers nrasn than the actual current Texas Rangers brand does.... I'm glad you said it so I didn't have to.
  11. That is also exactly why my head went with Lakers in 6 for this series...Memphis has no real defensive presence under the rim, or any size to go up against him. That plus them getting hot at just the right time—and oh yeah by the way LeBron—is a recipe for disaster. And it was. Yeah that was a hurtpiece...that said he actually hurt that wrist earlier, toward the tail end of the season, so whatever he did today just made it that much worse. And if he's out, then yeah...scratch one game off the series. It'll be Lakers in 5.
  12. WE NEEDZ US SUM FOTOGRAFFS UP N HERRE.... (Interesting adornment on the league ball.) And the fan replicas... And in case anyone is curious as to how this matchup looked almost 40 (!!!!) years ago, well...
  13. Speaking of De'Aaron Fox...I wonder how he must be feeling right about now, to have [chosen to] stick it out all that long time with a franchise most presumed left for dead, which has pieces come through and depart out, and yet...how, here they are, not just tasting the postseason for the first time in I don't know how long, but tasting success in the postseason. I love those kinds of redemption stories in sports. Shoot, Giannis experienced it himself (and ultimately won a title)...who knows what could happen??
  14. Florida State and Oklahoma State do it the best...
  15. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! They did exactly what I'd long hoped they'd do with that pattern...now, leave it there for the rest of time, Florida State. * *Understanding that neither the original garnet nor the brighter metallic gold will be coming back, I'm willing to settle for this.
  16. You forgot one. THE one, if you ask me...
  17. Those should absolutely be the Wolves' primary home/aways. It might be a tad bit difficult to translate to white—but then again once the L let the Swoosh eradicate whatever semblance of normal home/away was left (which admittedly was already eroding before The Takeover), it might not matter now if the Wolves were to use a super-light gray color for the backs while using pure/Normal white for the front. (And me personally, I wouldn't mind the split back/front thing again; it was Toronto's thing for a good while, and now Minnesota *could* "own" it if they wanted.) Now, with all that said: I'd like to see them try a...bluer...version of their current lighter blue along with the navy, and a richer bright green with a tadbit more blue in it. And as far as the 90s scripts go, that outer keyline should probably be eliminated; that'd help "clean it up" a bit. Oh and it goes without saying that the tree trim absolutely has to stay. They put their current wolf head primary logo with the above uniforms, leave well enough alone, and they'll be good and set. Of course, that's just one man's opinion...my Two Rusted Lincolns*. *official trademark of tBBP Inc.
  18. I think it's navy. Hmmm....hiding things in plain sight??? Anyone else check the colors on that chopper? They look very similar to that flyer/invitation that @TruColor posted earlier: darker-ish red, some shade of gray, and what looks like desert sand/tan (of course the color filter kinda messes with the clarity). And I don't think it's any accident at all ol' boy picked up a copper-colored watch (though @TruColor mentioned they're not adding [I presume metallic] copper), dressed in all black, then headed out to the desert in a black-on-black vehicle (with one more quick shot of the copper-colored watch on his wrist for good measure). I have zero doubt all those details were DELIBERATELY planned into the video; otherwise, why do it (and/or focus on them) at all? I do find it hilarious that the chopper literally says "Rise Up"--you know, the same slogan used by the other bird team on the other side of the continent that wears its own shade of red. And I wonder if that stripe running down the bottom of the chopper might in some way be a clue as to the striping that might appear on the uniform...
  19. Total aside, but since you're in/from New York, you'll get a kick out of this—I won't name the song that sampled this; you should immediately recognize it, probably not even a minute into this video like ol' boy did... Or you can just listen at the shade Donald Fagen slid in during his and Walter Becker's review of their Aja album—which also put the artists who "stole" the sample from them on full blast.
  20. CLEAR SIDE PANELS... Az an added bonus, it'll be on 4/20. Hopefully no one will need to be high to stomach this rebrand...
  21. Yyyyeeeaahhh the 20th is gonna be real interesting around here. Provided nothing leaks before next Monday, this forum is gonna straight break. (And probably bust the bandwidth while it's at it.)
  22. I thought about it, since I work down there so often, but after second thought (and because I was in Nashville during that draft and remember all the mess that occurred due to it—as if mess don't happen around Nashville without the draft or an All-Star weekend), I was like "nah, I'll pass."
  23. I wouldn't totally hate that...they gray numbers ain't working though. And also, thanks for reminding me that Nikenhas had a penchant of doing some funky shoulder designs on some of their teams' jerseys...case in point: Oregon, TCU, and Virginia Tech. (Which now that I'm looking a this again, that looks like a pretty decent Arizona-ish take on at VT-ish style jersey. And I just KNOW they're gonna shoehorn some semblance of that AZ flag somewhere in their new uniform set; why not there?)
  24. I know that the point of investment is that it [hopefully] grows and accrues value, but the fact that we've reached the point where any big-pro sports team is worth over a billion dollars, let alone six, is still wild to me...
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