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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. One can't very well score more points if errant/inane officiating takes those points off—and that's kinda the whole point, especially with the McLaughlin thing (which I watched that game and saw it live...yeah, dude had a point there). All that to the side, though: I really feel like eventually the NFL is gonna endure its own Tim Donaghy/NBA corrupt officiating scandal/exposé before long...this mess is just way too obvious at this point. The only question is which official is gonna blow the whistle first...
  2. I most certainly hope not, though knowing those two teams that's probably exactly what we'll get
  3. So check this out, right, and then tell me if you, ESPN, or the Saturnians saw this coming... ...Jacksonville's remaining schedule is as follows: at NYJ, at Houston, and then home vs the Snatit to close out the regular season. All three of those games are very winnable; it's not out of the realm of possibility that the Jags win out and in the process of doing so straight up steal the AFC South from the Snatit (who at 7-7 have the Texans, Cowboys and Jags left on their schedule) and end up in the doggone playoffs. That'd be one of the doggonedest things to happen if it does...and for that very reason, I am pulling hard for it. (Hey, the Snatit brought this potential mess on themselves... #FireToddDowning)
  4. Geez, I remember first going "what da eff" when Alex Rodriguez first got that 10/252M deal from the Yankees. Now we got that many players banking 300 M's?? Dangone, boy...
  5. Make that four for my squad! Wow, just simply wow. I would have been happy either way, but I'm EXTRA stoked that Messi got his long-elusive World Cup to go along with that fourth star. But France balled out, too...wouldn't totally shock me to see Mbappe go on a legendary tear similar to Messi before it's all said and done. BUT ARGENTINA THO!!!
  6. As a fan of both, I'm ECSTATIC. QFT. Now, yes they're a young squad. But this same young squad also hung tough against the Chiefs, in Kansas City, and if not for two minded TDs (one taken away on a ref's call) and an untimely turnover in goal-to-go, they likely would've won that game. So no, I'm not the slightest bit surprised Jacksonville pulled it off. Y'all seen what I wrote about them after they mollywhopped the Snatit in Nashville. That said, because I know so many Cowpoke fans everywhere, including my own hometown where their (and the league's) all-time leading rusher hails from, and I truly mean this from every part of the innerest of the innards of my soul:
  7. So, y'all wanna see something truly unique? Check out the Cure Bowl going on right now between UTSA and Troy State. UTSA's QB is wearing #0...and he's a lefty. Odd all the way around and cool as heck at the same time.
  8. Wait--when did "Fenway Bowl" become a thing??? And I sho' hope no one runs too fast through those end zone corners, because um uh...yeah.
  9. I get you, but at the same time...is it really, though? I mean at one point an entire conference minus one team played in Texas--and that outlier played in a state that borders Texas. (Of course back then the conference only had 8 members, not 17, so there is that.) And then there's the sheer size of the state...873 miles one way, 504 (plus some) the other way...thats a lot of ground to cover. And then, of course, is the long-running (still true) trope that "football is religion in Texas". So there's that, at least... Okay--at some point that conference is gonna have to drop the whole "Ten" thing. It ain't been Ten since they there the BIG TelevEN. I don't care about "name recognition" at this point; if that mattered to them they wouldn't have expanded to 16 in the first place. As someone without either one, I also despise this realignment. See above. That really depends on who you talk to, BUT...I agree with you. Then again as one from a place so far South you gotta drive north to get to it, anything north of I-30/I-40 is "the north" for me As many times as I done been through both of those places...I didn't realize that, either.
  10. Yup—and it's going on in two threads simultaneously...
  11. Not that any of you care, but my two favorite international squads in the final? I'll take that!
  12. I personally would have flip-flopped 1 & 2, but that's just personal preference due to the greater color contrast. Unless or until they figure out a better striping scheme, the Ravens really need to keep that as their default away set. Re: the Jaguars...I definitely believe they should inject as much teal as possible whenever possible--but that ain't the way to do it. Definitely needed the black socks with those teal pants (which somehow have been appearing much brighter of late, I've noticed). No words on the Snatit, except an update can't come soon enough...
  13. At this rate I'll be #30 before I know it! Anyway... San Francisco vs. Seattle Indianapolis vs. Minnesota Baltimore vs. Cleveland Miami vs. Buffalo Philadelphia vs. Chicago Detroit vs. NY Jets Pittsburgh vs. Carolina Kansas City vs. Houston (classic "trap game" here) Atlanta vs. New Orleans Dallas vs. Jacksonville (although if somehow Jacksonville wins this...) Arizona vs. Denver New England vs. Las Vegas Tennessee vs. LA Chargers Cincinnati vs. Tampa Bay NY Giants vs. Washington (!) LA Rams vs. Green Bay
  14. Show these to the general public--shoot, even most logo nerds like us--and without the side-by-side comparisons I guarantee you 99% of people would think you were pulling their arm about the logo update. Some people ask "why touch something that didn't need to be touched?" I'll tell you exactly why they did it: optimized legibility and readability in the digital space. It's not something you notice or care about until someone points it out to you--but look real quick at the smaller words, fonts, and icons on the screen in front of you. Notice how much easier it is to read some of the type, and how much easier it is to recognize certain shapes with slightly increased spacing and slightly heavier weight? (And if your eye is REALLY keen, notice how you see no serif fonts on this screen, and rarely if ever on any website? That's because sans serif is more legible and readable on screen whereas serif type is more legible in print--though the more digitized this world becomes, even that line becomes increasingly blurred.) I also noticed they optimized the colors in the peacock's feathers...they appear a couple tints brighter now. All that again is just helping in recognizability in the digital space. All those little optimization measures make a big difference when viewed at thumbnail icon sizes.
  15. I'm getting real strange Spy Vs Spy vibes from those guys... (and yes I'm dating myself by saying that) I'm thinking @McCall meant southern like Carbondale, Cairo, Metropolis area--like waayyyy down there in the depths of the dungeon. (I've been down through there entirely too many times. Paducah is a nice little city on the Kentucky side of the river, though.) That has got to be one of the most inventive novelty items I've ever seen...and if I come across one somewhere, I may just pick it up.
  16. Recently co-opted and remixed to death by the Snatit...who of course got dropped by a full two+ scores to those sneaky streaky Jacksonville Jaguars on their own home field because of course they did...Snatit gonna Snatit after all. But credit to Jacksonville, though... that team is gonna be one to watch next year, if they can keep their pieces together. I see lots of the Del Rio Jags blooming in that group (which coincidentally was the last Jags squad I actually cared about...all they've got to do is keep it together for four quarters consistently--and find another pass catcher or two who can really stretch the field. No one wanted to play those Del Rio Jags.. and if Doug Pederson can keep this up and Trent Baalke doesn't pull a Jon Robinson doppelganger act, the same may be said for this group soon enough.
  17. Aaaannnnnd the Fleckster gets yet another extension: https://www.si.com/fannation/bringmethesports/gophers/gophers-give-pj-fleck-a-new-7-year-contract
  18. Nine years and 360 million greenbacked reasons to remain in New York...
  19. Aaaaannnndd at some point while we all slept, the Snatit officially canned Jon Robinson. I guess having your former #1 receiver go ham on your helpless DBs en route to getting rolled on by 25 will do that to you. Oh but wait...because apparently the plot's been thickening for a while now. EDIT: Aaanndd...there's more. So you know what, Ms. Adams Strunk?
  20. It goes way, WAY deeper than that—but in an effort to keep this thread on topic about sports, I'll save all that for another thread in another forum.
  21. Las Vegas vs. LA Rams Minnesota vs. Detroit Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh Cleveland vs. Cincinnati NY Jets vs. Buffalo Houston vs. Dallas Philadelphia vs. NY Giants Jacksonville vs. Tennessee Kansas City vs. Denver Carolina vs. Seattle Tampa Bay vs. San Francisco Miami vs. LA Chargers New England vs. Arizona
  22. And that would be about the most Santitest thing ever. (But yeah, they definitely got the AFC South gift-wrapped in green and yellow paper with a recyclable bow...)
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