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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. I remember that, too. I think the pewter hue back then wad a custom mix (much like the former Seahawks slate blue color)--not that that should have been an issue with a company that prides itself on "innovation technology"--but okay. That's why Tampa "kept their former pant fabrication"--only to morph into the Alarm Clocks barely a year or two later. Speaking of that, I went back and found that press release from the 2012 unveiling, only because I remember the hackneyed way in which Nike used to write those things and...this is what they wrote about Tampa's: Original press release here. Recall the days when they used to copy-paste these descriptions across teams? (Lest we bring up the "iconic jaws of Husky Stadium" bullcorn again. ) But check out how they slid in--and then slid past--the reference to Tampa's pants while hyping up the parts of the uniform (the jersey) Tampa did take on.
  2. Asking because I genuinely don't know, but is Steichen one of the current crop of "boy wonder offensive nerd/genius" types? Because that seems to be the hot new trend of HC hires of late... That it is. When I first got exiled got planted in moved to Indiana in 2010, the Colts were about as model a franchise as one could find, based on what I remember then-current players and free agents remark about the organization. Don't know what the heck done happened since then--other than Irsay being a drunkard knuck--but they are close to reaching Jacksonville-levels of ineptitude. Sucks for their fans and the town...they don't deserve the show they're currently getting.
  3. Probably worth reminding what that original Showboats logo looked like: An anthromorphized...something...toting the rock. Looks like half whale half steamwheeler or either that big eater fish thing from Super Mario 3. The rest of that package: Whole lotta red going on...right along with the rest of the USFL.
  4. I knew the game was over when Tennessee could only muster three points off that gift interception Travis Kelce dropped straight into #20's hands. To that point--and its worth reviewing--KC, or rather Butker, left four points on the field: a missed PAT and missed FG; otherwise Tennessee would have been playing with a four-point lead, a fact which I'm sure was completely lost on Todd Downing, much like how to scheme an actual efficient offense. But I'll deal with that tangent later, because... No doubt! Credit where credit is due, though: Mahomes definitely has that magic in him, and it's frustrating as heck when he finds that groove and gets it going. It did NOT help at all, though, that so many Tennessee defenders kept tripping at his feet once they got within arm's reach of him. Even one of those guys actually manage to tackle him in space and it might've been a different game. Tennessee needs an overhaul of wide outs, period--but, this problem is compounded by two things: 1), it seems Jon Robinson and Mike Vrabel are hellbent on replicating the "Patriot Way" in Tennessee in hopes of replicating the success Belichick & Co. enjoyed up there in New England--an inherent part of which includes rotating role players throughout the system, very few of whom were big-name stars (Randy Moss was really it up there for the longest time, aside from Brady himself on the offensive side); and 2) that doggone Downing. It wouldn't matter if AJ Brown was still there along with a healthy Julio Jones and the doppelgangers of both Derrick Mason and Frank Wycheck--if your OC can't scheme properly to get guys open in space OR call an efficient game plan ro keep defenses on their toes, all that would be mostly for naught. That Derrick Henry has had the success he's had is in spite of Downing, not because of it. And because no team in the league respects Tennessee's offense aside from King Henry himself, they can just load up the box (like KC did last night) and hope to stop or slow him down, to varying results. Which leads me to THE most glaring issue with Downing and his offensive playcalling: someone tell me how in the two-tone-blue heck does Henry only touch the ball SEVEN times in the second half??? How was that legally allowed?? Even with stacking the box KC had trouble containing Henry...and then that?? And the last offensive drive of regulation, Henry wasn't out there ONCE. Hey um, earth to Downing: that's a rookie QB you got out there, along with receivers who apparently couldn't have caught briers let alone balls last night...at least present the appearance of an offensive threat to the defense. Not having Henry on the field at all let everyone know you were going RPO with an obviously unprovensignal caller. Predictable as all get-out--and thats been the main issue the past two seasons: predictable playcalling. And inefficient predictable playcalling at that. Yet for some reason, Vrabel is sticking with him. (Probably worth reminding that this Downing guy is the same OC under which Derek Carr regressed some in 2018 before the Raiders fired him.) This Snatit team as presently constructed has the ghosts of Jeff Fisher all through it...but it's actually giving me Tony Dungy-era Buccaneers vibes: dominant defense, especially along the D-line, dominant running game but no kind of efficient offense otherwise (along with a string of inept OCs), and because of that, their window is gonna shut real quick, and Vrabel who to his credit has his guys playing hard and together, at least on defense, is gonna eventually take the axe for it. (This whole situation may also compound into Henry eventually hitting a wall from being overworked--when he is on the field, that is--and probably frustrated himself at the lack of other offensive help.) /rant
  5. Aaaaannnnnddd the rookie doing rookie things to close out the inevitable result. I mean granted, the playcalling did Willis no favors (nor did his receivers), but still...even the Andorians saw this result coming. The killing thing is I don't think Tannehill would have done much if any better in that frame...Snatit still gonna Snatit. Todd Downing has got to go after this season...dude cannot call an efficient offense to save his life.
  6. Aiight, I was wrong...sorta. This thing is going to an extra frame. Maybe the Snatit will lose the game there. Side note: when was the last time KC actually lost in overtime??
  7. Of course they are--we already know what it is! This is another reason why Tennessee needed to actually score points and capitalize more on all those defensive stops earlier in the game. Now they got Malik Willis in a pressure-cooker situation...as if it's gonna matter. Tennessee isn't doing anything with this drive, and KC will go right back down the field and win this thing. Mark it down.
  8. And if Todd Downing had any kind of confidence in Malik Willis--and if Tennessee's receivers would quit dropping passes--the lead would likely be larger. That said, let's not fake the fonk here: Tennessee is winning right now because of their defense (which as I type this is currently being carved up by Mahomes). While I'm on this defense, yes they have four sacks, but what is it with Tennessee's defenders falling at the feet of Mahomes while trying to tackle.him tonight? I think I've seen at least four instances of Mahomes being contained--except defenders just fell about a foot from arm's reach of tackling him. That coupled with Tennessee's inability to score points--and apparently tackle Mahomes as he just scored while I'm typing this--is gonna cost them this game.
  9. Well um, that first half was, well...interesting. So far the Snatit is doing a pretty decent job of handling the Chefs. We shall see how the second half goes...
  10. Yeah...bring back the bronze n' blue!!! Sign me up for that petition...
  11. Dear Buccaneers, IT IS NOT ILLEGAL FOR Y'ALL TO WEAR YOUR RED JERSEYS ON YOUR OWN HOME FIELD. Sincerely, All Earthlings, Martians, Jupiterians, and Humanoid Inhabitants of Cestus III
  12. Why are the Jets wearing white jerseys at *home*?? (Fake edit: they even painted the endzones black...) It's also entirely possible we see this same uniform matchup when the Jets play at the Bills in a few weeks...
  13. And not that it matters for anything except Bowl eligibility, but Florida State just mollywhopped the mess out of Miami. So for me, good day! Oh and also because of this, once again... ...And now why do I somehow feel all this chaos is opening the way for LSU to sneak into the playoff picture???
  14. As common/overused a colorway as red/royal blue is, some uniforms just make it look better than others. This particular alternate is one of those sets...
  15. In too late for Philly/Houston, so... Indianapolis vs. New England Green Bay vs. Detroit LA Chargers vs. Atlanta Buffalo vs. NY Jets Minnesota vs. Washington Carolina vs. Cincinnati Las Vegas vs. Jacksonville Miami vs. Chicago Seattle vs. Arizona LA Rams vs. Tampa Bay Tennessee vs. Kansas City Baltimore vs. New Orleans
  16. Okay, before this gets too out of hand, let me split some joints from narrow here... - Kylie, Kanye, and Nick do not speak for all Black Americans (any more than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson fo, which is to say...they don't.) Let's get that out the way right now, as a precursor to the next statement: be careful about using broadstroke blanket phrases such as "Black antisemitism" which semantically implies 100% participation. Not all blacks think that same way. - Mike's point about the conflation of "Jewish" and Black identity is valid and true. I airquoted "Jewish" for good reason, and it's nothing against the Jews, but it does tie into what Mike wrote about the BHIs: most don't even understand the difference between "Hebrew" and "Jew". Historically speaking, all Jews were Hebrews...but not all Hebrews were Jews. The Jews descended from Judah, one of the twelve (really thirteen) tribes of Israel (Jacob), who himself was Hebrew. So there's that. And the basis of this conflation? Slavery...the history of the enslaved Hebrews in Egypt and prophecies of future enslavement--which the BHIs have equated to the period of slavery here in the States. There's more to that, but I don't care to get into it here plus I don't even subscribe to all that stuff anyway. I think for myself. - All that said, another thing many people don't pause to consider is that Kyrie, Kanye, Cannon (& certain others) may only be speaking on certain individuals within the Jewish community, but sometimes their phraseology and many people's quickness to react without stopping to think for themselves leads many more to think they're talking about all Jews at large, which is highly unfortunate. That that never gets checked in/by the media greatly perturbs me. (And trust me, as a Black man in this country, I know a thing or two about being unfairly generalized with a whole group based on the actions of just a few of that group.) - Lastly, and I'll land this plane here, this is my appeal to anyone who will listen: don't be so quick to broadstroke and/or generalize, or draw conclusions without making an effort to understand root factors/causes. And think about what you're thinking about and ESPECIALLY what you say and how you say it, especially in this highly sensitized day and age. There's a way to say anything tactfully that doesn't make the truth any less true, if it is true. But that's why we people got to learn to research stuff, and think, for ourselves. Aiight I'm off my soapbox now; thank you for your time.
  17. Not for nothing, but...one may be cool, but one will never be pitching-with-tinted-eyeglasses-so-thick-he-can-see-what-you-thinking-about Kent Tekulve cool...
  18. And of not for it being a 9-hour drive from my crib--thru a stretch of highway I'm not particularly fond of driving, and at a time of year I'm also not particularly fond of driving during--I'd be right in there front and center. I did just visit their newly finished stadium and team shop earlier this week and...I gotta say that is one NICE park. I've no clue what that's gonna do for Downtown West or the rest of St. Louis city (the municipality, not the club), but there is definitely a growing buzz around town about the new club. Oh and course y'all KNOW I had to snag me some swag while I was up in there... Here's hoping they debut some good kits...because I'm sure they'll love taking another $200-some odd dollars from a brotha...
  19. So I'm guessing "dark mode" is the flipside to "icy whites" these days?? And if SMU keeps on with all this Dallas stuff, they may as well pull a UALR and completely rebrand themselves to U of Dallas or UT-Dallas or something...
  20. *Megazord sequence HAS BEEN INITIATED...*
  21. Okay...Milwaukee might have something here. And if the NBA in its current state actually cared half a modicum about preserving permanent primary identities, this right here would serve as a great basis for a new Irish rainbow-themed alternate (to pair with the uniforms with the antlers on the sides a la Florida State's basketball unis). But alas, it is what it is, and that's just what it is...
  22. There goes Jacksonville jagging off again... ...And also +1 to the WTF adorning the Chase Claypool trade--then again Pittsburgh has shown a knack for uncovering diamond receivers in the rough, so eh, whatevs...
  23. I'm glad I got myself used to working in process RGB and hexcode colors a couple months back! That said, I'm half-afraid to open all my old files from waaayyyy back in the day now...I do have an old PMS library saved on my system; maybe I'll try to reimport those if my files do go black. All that said, this switch-up really only affects physical/print items, such as thread/textile and paper products. Those types of products are where Pantone's proprietary standardized ink-matching formulas come into play. For digital/web use, this will have no effect (if one learns to work ik hex/RGB). Still though, this is yet another example of capitalism at its finest. I think Pantone may also be double-dipping on this, since they already charge printers for their formulated ink mixes...and now they'll be charging the front-end designer for access to those same formulas in the digital space? (Granted, unless you're working for a major brand like a pro sports team or big conglomerate that really takes their branding seriously, this probably won't mean much.) But as even this little big could open the gateway for something bigger (read: more expensive) down the road, it's worth following how this progresses...
  24. Both y'all are backing up what the people in the Patriots Pro Shop--and a lot of the customers--told me when I asked why they even had Zolak jerseys on the rack...after they got past the bewilderment that I, a guy from Florida, even knew who the heck Scott Zolak was. Just for the novelty alone I aaalllllmost got his jersey...but smarted and copped the Bledsoe joint instead. (Side note, but y'all both might also be a bit surprised by the amount of Patriots/Boston swag currently hanging in my closet at home...)
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