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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Are we still in the era of star players not signing until right before spring training, or is it realistic that the top guys will have signed prior to EOY?
  2. That's neat. I wondered if/when 3d-style logos would make it to NFL helmets like they have with MLB batting helmets. It's probably not practical since they'd get knocked off and would be tough to clean, but it's still neat to think about 3d wings or horns.
  3. Atlanta's entire look - regardless of combination - needs to be thrown in a burning drum. I wouldn't even donate their jerseys or pants - just burn them.
  4. I turned the game on for a few minutes and I honestly didn't even notice the black helmets for a few minutes - I'm not sure what - if anything - that says about them. Maybe because deep down my brain is just tricked into thinking they should be wearing black helmets with the all-black uniform, so I notice the silver when they wear those, but not the black? I probably would have noticed a lot more if they were wearing them with their normal pants, or the blue or white jersey. They're better off with keeping their normal uniform, ditching the sleeve numbers (unless they're some kind of inside joke that we're not in on), and keeping the silver helmet. But the black is harmless. Unnecessary - like all non-throwback alt helmets are - but harmless.
  5. If Turner doesn't end up in red pinstripes then Bogaerts will. I honestly have never heard of Bogaerts until reading stories about the offseason free agent market, but he sounds pretty awesome.
  6. LOL Castellanos is such trash that there's actually "rumblings" that the Phillies might be willing to package one of their top pitching prospects in a trade just to get someone to take part of his salary off their books.
  7. I get that - but that's not my point. My point is that if you already follow the blue-check, then the imposter wouldn't appear in your feed unless you sought it out.
  8. Only "modern" example I can think of is late '90s Pirates (note the one on the bottom left isn't from that era, as you can see by the sleeve patch - but it's pretty much impossible to find embeddable images that show both jerseys from that era in the same photo.)
  9. Barkley doesn't have much room to call anyone out for buffoonery. Also, I'm not sure how reasonable it is to set anything but the lowest of bars for people with little-to-no education who's role models have always been athletes... with little-to-no education. Wealth begets wealth, but so does stupidity. The only difference between some of these athletes and stupid people in other communities is that these athletes have millions of "followers", while Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel waiving his stars and bars in the trailer park doesn't (though now he's verified! )
  10. I don't totally understand this. If you follow the real people, then how do you even come across these fake accounts? A legit local NFL reporter was fooled by the fake Adam Schefter account even though he obviously follows the real Schefter. How would these fake guys even come up in people's feeds?
  11. It's been talked about here all year, but now Jayson Stark is reporting "rumblings" (whatever that means) that Trea Turner wants to sign with the Phillies if the numbers work out. They're going to get one of the big-name shortstops, and I'm not knowledgeable enough to know which is the best, but from what I'm gathering, it's Turner. Money isn't an issue, as the Phillies just cleared a ton of money and don't care about the luxury tax anymore, but I guess it's the duration that could be a sticking point.
  12. I really like the yellow with the Braves (though as you noted, Acuna overdoes it.) I would like red with the White Sox if it was one of their colors, but until it is, their accessories should be limited to black, white, silver, or gray.
  13. This word almost always guarantees that a post will be incorrect.
  14. the top one is absolutely not dark green. There’s definitely blue in it, and I’m not even 100% sure it’s a different color than the current - it’s just super sensitive to differences in materials.
  15. I don’t know if he’s even known nationally, but usually the OCs of the best offenses get tapped. He’s been the play caller since they turned their season around last year (taking over for the HC) and has previous OC experience on other teams. Seems like a logical bet. The Super Bowl LVII Champion Apparent Eagles will also likely lose their DC, albeit IMO that’s not a big loss.
  16. the eagles took off last year after Sirianni handed over play calling to Steichen, who still has it now. It would be a blow to lose him.
  17. Prediction - Eagles OC Shane Steichen gets a HC job next year (possibly Colts?) and Frank Reich returns to Phila as OC. Either that, or Doug Pederson brings him into Jacksonville as some kind of "sr offensive assistant".
  18. Wait - Jeff Saturday wasn't even on the coaching staff??? WT MFn F? They literally just called a guy who's doing TV commentary and made him the head coach? That's disgraceful. I don't care about the Rooney Rule piece, it's just disrespectful to everyone in the organization that they'd do this.
  19. Turned on the Rams/Bucs game right at the end, and couldn't believe that the Rams weren't more aggressive to get that first down. Everyone knew Brady would get a TD if he got the ball back with a short field. The Rams, and McVey really blew this one.
  20. Reminds me a bit of the Billy Tibbets case. I remember the Flyers having a PR nightmare when they signed him, then eventually saying "whoopsie daisies" and releasing him the next day.
  21. You're misunderstanding his intention there. He's simply embodying the blue-collar worth ethic of the city and, like all of us, wants to win so bad and is so locked in that he sees and feels things differently than average folks like us. Did he get hit? That's not for any of us to judge, as we can't possibly understand what it's like for a world-class athlete like him.
  22. It's either illegal or it's not. And it is. So I don't get your point. Did it matter? Of course not - but it's just another indication that there's no oversight in that dugout.
  23. As an outsider, it seems like the Twins have been one of those teams that has just never had an identity and just kinda exists. Since the early Puckett years, there's really been nothing remarkable or unique about their look. They're just another navy + red team in a sea of navy + red teams. As someone with no attachment to the team, they certainly seem like a candidate for a full refresh. I can't believe the current home set has been around since 2015. Feels like just yesterday we were reading the rumors of them dropping pinstripes and adding gold. Whatever they do, I hope they fix the disconnect between home and road scripts. It's always bothered me that the road wordmark is an actual script, while the home one is not - it doesn't make sense to do it that way. They should either both be the same, or have the road go back to the boring block font that's still very different from the home mark, but in line with baseball tradition.
  24. Puff your chest out all you want, but the fact is, he got hit by a strike and made no effort to get out of the way - similar to what his teammate got busted for the other day. Pretty sure the rule is that he shouldn't have been awarded 1st base, so no, I don't need to tell Manfred anything, except to maybe put more eyes on that sweat hog that's wiping his hand on every part of his body between every pitch, and cleans his hands before being inspected by the umps. Oh, and to enforce punishments on players that use illegal bats like they got caught using in game 1. I had always been somewhat of a defender of the Astros, though now that I've actually watched them play, it's an all-time unlikeable bunch of guys that play in a gimmicky park in front of fans that barely care. Maybe some of that is just world-series fatigue in Houston - or maybe it's as lousy as it came across on TV. Their team is so goddam good too - they don't need to cheat or look for every single little thing to exploit - yet they do, and that's why they'll never go down in history with other great teams.
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