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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I think a lot of people expected the Eagles to be good after the way they revamped the roster. Maybe not "best in NFC" good, but in the top 4 or 5 for sure. I don't know what Vegas said prior to opening day, but it wouldn't have surprised me if their win total was something like 10.5. Could be totally wrong though.
  2. I knew at least a couple of kids with hyphenated names back in the very early '90s, but at least in my experience, it's become far more prevalent in just the past 15ish years, give or take. I have yet to encounter anyone who has a hyphenated name and then carried that over to a child, who also had a hyphenated name, but as the current crop of hypnators reproduces, it's sure to become less rare. Like if Dominique Rogers-Cromarti had a kid with Jane Doe and the kid was Jack Rodgers-Cromarti-Doe. At that point, the uniform would either not be letterable, or they'd have to get really creative, like a single nameplate but with the letters screened or printed in a custom size / treatment.
  3. It's awful, but we are fresh off of an era where color rush ran rampant, the two-toned Jags helmet existed, the mismatched Rams trainwreck was a thing, the Cardinals still looked like they do now, and the BROWNS HAD A WORDMARK ON THEY DAMN LEG! If there's not 5 worse matchups just among those dumpster fires I'll eat my hat.
  4. I'd be cool with the Rays going full powder with yellow and navy trim. Maybe go yellow wordmark with navy trim? But even the regular navy one would be fine. Just hopeful they're not going to wear solid alt tops with gray pants full time on the road.
  5. might have been on one of those dumb nickname little-league gimmick jerseys that they did the past few years. Here's what a long name looks like when vertically arched. It's basically impossible to maintain the arch once it gets to a certain number of letters, so compound names would generally require their own NOB treatment separate from the rest of the team if any team went back to vertical arching. Here, it looks like they're using their standard lettering and just flattening the curve: Here, it looks like they compressed it more and it doesn't look horrible, but long compound names would still be challenging.
  6. But is it really "home and away" scripts if they wear the "away" at home and the "home" never? In principle I like it, but it doesn't work in football unless you have two of each primary-color jersey since at the very least, you'll end up wearing your "home" jersey in Dallas pretty much every year.
  7. My first thought when I saw a highlight of that game was that it was Steelers v Cowboys, and the Steelers were wearing their throwback/color rush black jersey with the yellow numbers. I wasn't listening to the sound, so it wasn't until the graphic came up at the end of the clip that I realized it was the 32s. What an awful uniform and an overall awful rebrand. THEY HAD TWO YEARS! Shoulda stuck with WFT for another year (or permanently) if that's what it would have taken for them to get it right.
  8. That was such a bad trade for the Saints, and everyone even said it right at the time. I don't know what they were thinking... but as an Eagles fan, I ain't mad at 'em. What a lousy day in Phila today - probably the hardest rain I can remember during an actual game at the Linc, and among the worst days rain-wise I can remember in a long time. It probably would have looked like that Bears game, except that the field itself is much better than Chicago's and it seems like the grounds crew may be a little more competent.
  9. Are they using the original logo on the helmet / sleeves too - like a "throwback" uniform (that hardly anyone would recognize as a throwback)?
  10. Has he been concussed a few times? 1. The fact that they have a person who's job it is to enforce the uniform code and fine players has less than no impact at all on the league's ability to focus on player safety. Ramsey apparently doesn't understand that big companies can work on multiple things at once, and if player safety isn't being focused on enough, it has nothing at all to do with him being fined for his socks. 2. He really comes off as unintelligent. OF COURSE they're monetizing your "swag" and making money off of what you wear. That's literally their job - to make money - and then use that money to pay you. He's a dummy and just wants attention. I have no problem with someone wanting attention, but this is kind of a dumb way to go about it.
  11. OMFG Antonio Brown. If you haven't seen, he took off his shorts in a hotel pool, started touching himself, a seemingly-random woman, suplexed said woman in the water, rubbed his ass on her, and so on. Definitely not going to post any links to tweets here, but some of them show what appear to be some incredibly unbelievable things he was doing. At the very least, it's indecent exposure... but it's probably assault.
  12. Welp, the Phillies coughed up not only a multi-game lead over the Padres for the 2nd WC slot, but a 5 game lead over Milwaukee for the final spot. I don't understand how a team that's not the Mets can consistently choke every single September, despite different management and different players. It's absolutely maddening how they had the 2nd or 3rd best record in baseball from June 1 - Aug 31, then one of the worst since Sept 1. This team sold out every single game for 5 or 6 consecutive seasons, now can't sell any tickets for late August or September games even when they were up 5 games in the WC chase. They sent out a poll to former ticket holders (like me), and apparently many people replied that they weren't going to waste money because they knew the team would likely fail. I totally get not selling tickets in August, but struggling in September speaks volumes for how lousy they've been.
  13. That's not at all what I said. You're really stretching things there.
  14. I'm one that grew up collecting baseball cards in the mid-late 80s, and the numbers were simply magic to me. 60, 61, 660, 714, 755, etc. I have no problem with people breaking records - but the steroid stuff and the sheer unlikability of all the guys that have passed those numbers really ruined what was one of the more special things that baseball had going for it that none of the other big sports had, which was the magic numbers that every kid knew. I was in college in '98 and had totally bought in, and it was absolutely awesome. I'm not naïve - I knew they were very likely cheating, but at the time I didn't really care since it was so fun and at the time I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime season. But then it just kept happening, and then Bonds out-cheated everyone. I even thought it was cool that McGwire hit 70, because that became the new 60, and then there would eventually be some chase for the magic 71 - but they ruined it. Now, 61 just doesn't matter. I once thought, when Ryan Howard was on #58 back in his MVP season, if he'd be considered to be the "clean HR king" if he hit 62, but then I realized that it just wouldn't have mattered. It's over. AL vs NL records should still be kept just for historical consistency, but they're meaningless now. It's not even so much that interleague play ruined it (though next year will be the nail in the coffin), but the rules are now the same, the leagues technically aren't separate from a legal standpoint anymore, and you can watch any game any time, so the allure of the "other league" isn't the same as it was back in the day when if you lived in a NL city, you only ever saw AL games maybe once every other week on the Saturday national game or when there used to be Monday Night Baseball. In conclusion, a boring record for a boring guy. I have nothing against Judge - he seems like a good dude - but like Trout, he's just not the guy that baseball needs to carry it into the future. I'm not exactly sure who is that guy, but it ain't Judge... and if he was on the Rangers, #61 wouldn't even be on the front page of ESPN.com.
  15. I’m going by my lifetime of being a fan, which basically starts right before the Buddy Ryan era.
  16. andy Reid drafted Foles, and Chip only played him because Vick got hurt. Chip hated Foles, and traded him for Sam freaking Bradford! Just one of the reasons he was fired and replaced as GM with the guy that he himself replaced. Chip also hated black star players and traded / cut Lesean McCoy and Deshawn Jackson and got nothing in return. He was a legit racist, never spoke to players in the hallway, no-showed the holiday party, and was just generally a weirdo. his 10-6 records were very hollow, and if not for the magic that the new (old) GM did, Kelly could have set the franchise back a decade.
  17. Rich Kotite was an idiot, but at least won a playoff game. Chip Kelly was worse than Rich Kotite, as was Marion Campbell.
  18. He's going to have to show his work for that one. I didn't try very hard, but my initial searching doesn't support his claim. 2022 Pro Bowl: 6.69 million viewers across ABC, ESPN and DisneyXD, the smallest audience for the game in 16 years 2022 NBA Finals average: 12.4 million. Game 6: 13.99 million. https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/2022/02/nfl-pro-bowl-ratings-decline-least-watched-2006-abc-espn/ https://www.sportspromedia.com/news/nba-finals-2022-tv-viewership-game-six-abc-warriors-celtics/ Honestly, I'm shocked that the Pro Bowl was even half of that number. Regardless, it's not like there's massive bidding wars over it whenever the CBA comes up like there is for the Super Bowl and other major events. I think the networks will survive.
  19. Yes. You flip to Apple, then have to select the game again, let it load (which could take 2 seconds, or 20), then maybe it's live action or maybe it's a commercial, and if it's a commercial and you want to go back to whatever you were watching (Hulu or cable) you have to start the Apple process over again once you flip back. It's not like it's constantly streaming in the background so you can flip back and it's "just on". The "it's just on" nature of cable is why I just can't "cord cut" - that, and it really doesn't save that much money in many situations (but that's a convo for a different thread.) Even if Hulu Live runs in the background and can just be "flipped back to", having to reload Apple or Prime or whatever is a deal breaker for me. It's that Apple and Prime aren't channels - they're whole separate applications outside of whatever your typical live-viewing platform is. Stand-alone applications and live TV just don't mix.
  20. I don't think that streaming works well for live sports for which you don't want to be captive. Something like a wrestling PPV is one thing because the amount of flipping is probably less than in most cases, but for a baseball game or NFL game, I'll be flipping all through that, and simply won't put any effort into accessing the stream even though I have subscriptions to basically every service out there. Now, if it was the only way I could access my team's games - like if I was out of market and needed some package that was only streaming - then I'd deal with it and feel fortunate that I even have that opportunity, because 20 years ago I wouldn't have. And at the end of the day, watching professional sports isn't a "right". But I'm not in that situation, so nuts to these one-off games. Imagine if we had the internet like today in 1998 and McGwire's 62nd was only on some still-obscure streaming channel. That HR chase literally saved baseball after the strike, and IIRC, even regular non-sports TV shows were being cut into to show McGwire and Sosa ABs. Given the current ratings for the Apple games, would the sport had survived if everyone had been fully invested in the HR chase only for it to come down to an app-exclusive game?
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