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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Not really a new trend. Even in early '00s, the Eagles had 'run game coordinator' (usually the OL coach), and a pass-game coordinator (or specialist... can't remember), usually the WR coach. I think in part, the titles are like the BS "associate head coach" ones which are to make a title seem bigger than it is, since unless expressed permission is granted, coaches can only leave for "promotions". Is "associate head coach" above "OC"? LOL no, of course it's not, but "RB Coach / Asst Head coach" is enough to block a guy from being allowed to jump for a RB coach job, and maybe if it came down to it, it could be argued that "Associate Head Coach" is the #2 in command. It's all nonsense.
  2. Spoiler alert - nothing is going to be done.
  3. It's not the same style, but it's still chainstitching. The Phillies (who's has always been on a patch) switched from the Cardinals former style to the Cardinals new style in 2019. I think the old style looked better, but either way, it counts.
  4. I guess it depends on your definition of "live". That's certainly fine in much of flyover land and in country areas far outside of cities, but not enough for any desirable area of a big city, and not enough for home ownership in many cities.
  5. In addition to it being the highest-level and highest-paid level of competition that people can play, a true "global" major-league needs to have global appeal, while an American major-league needs to have national appeal. MLB, NBA, NFL, obvious locks. MLS - highest level of play in the US, I'd argue that it's achieved a pretty high level of national appeal (even if it pales in comparison to the previous 3), so I could see giving it that status (even if it's not even close to the top level globally). Still have guys barely scraping by financially, so fair or not, many people aren't going to view it as "big league" if guys are making sub 100k salaries. Hell - many people's threshold is much higher. NHL - still higher than MLS, but mostly (IMO) because of its history in many of its markets in North America, and Gretzky kinda bringing national attention to it. But it's still barely in the conversation with the first three. NASCAR - forgetting whether it's even a sport or not, it completely fails the national appeal test. It's more like 3+1+1, or 3+2. If fractions aren't allowed, I'd say there's only a big 4, but MLS is very close to entering the chat with NHL.
  6. To fire a coach after the SB when most of the popular candidates have already been hired would imply that they know exactly who they're targeting, and it's either a current position coach or one of the fired HCs that are out there. The thing with the latter is that they'd possibly be one-and-done Would Belichick take a DC gig? Have also heard that Rex Ryan might want back in. Staley would make sense, as he's not a shoo-in to get a HC job next year like Vrabel might be.
  7. If I had any power, I'd give it the belt.
  8. Whoever made that decision for the Phillies can kiss my whole ass. Whoever you are, :censored: the hell off.
  9. Phillies appear to have ditched the chainstitching, at least from what I can tell.
  10. Just remember, the original Nike NBA jerseys tore all the time, and they got over it.
  11. That's basically how they changed the Phillies chainstitching in 2019. It's too "perfect" for my liking. They put a gray outline around the Phillies road script, but because it's twill, it stands out like a sore thumb. (it's even more noticeable in game action.)
  12. Im pretty sure it was actually Dick Vermeil that somehow fixed them up. He was doing something with the chiefs, his TV contacts knew hers, blah blah blah.
  13. Marshawn Lynch is the best. not sure how to embed. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3PktAOrXrG/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=9ab7bad5-13f7-4298-8f63-782094d7d4b9
  14. Patches lose their 3d detail I wonder if they're even sewn, or just heat-pressed.
  15. I'll defer to your judgement since I'm basing mine on watching a lot of old NFL Films and reading talking to my friends' families who lived through that era. But I'm not old enough to have seen any of it first hand. I still think we'd agree he's not in the same discussion with Mahomes, yeah? I should probably be suspended for posting a Reddit link, but in here, people saying he was one of the original "gunslinger" types, who happened to be clutch in the post season, but equal parts great and horrible in the regular season when not being carried. Among the top guys for his era, but not overall in the convo for a top guy overall. I'd love to know a modern comparison, and I'd love to know if, on another team that wasn't among the greatest dynasties in sports, how would he have done. Is there a BBTV-era comparison (mid-80s on - basically starting with '85 Bears) you could make to help me visualize?
  16. 50 points for whoever uncovers the first legit image of an Eagles jersey with the new wordmark.
  17. Trent Dilfer sucked. Brad Johnson might be a better comparison, at least right now. I think that as long as Shanahan is around, Purdy will have a better career than Brad Johnson and become more than just a "game manager", but for now that's probably where he's at. I haven't thought of Brad Johnson in a long time, but I think Purdy's decision making may be even better (though he does tend to make at least one insane cross-body cross-field backfoot pass (that should be picked) each game.) His mobility is also better than what I thought it was. Doing it in the salary-cap era is more impressive to me, though I can't ding anyone for excelling within the rules of their time. I just think that Bradshaw's job was more "don't lose the game" (more than that, but kinda that), while their defense was winning the games. He also had HOFers at RB and WR, and basically the whole defense. I have nothing against Bradshaw, but he wasn't much more than Brad Johnson but on a team full of HOFers. I'll stick by my guns that no rational person would say that Terry Bradshaw > Patrick Mahomes. If we were starting a new league where players from all time could be drafted (while in their primes), there's no draft in which Bradshaw is selected ahead of Mahomes. None. I'm not sure there's many scenarios in which 3 QBs are selected ahead of him, unless someone's seen the old timers like Unitas or Staubach and feels they were better in their primes than Mahomes is right now. If Mahomes retired today, the Sandy Kofax exception would apply, and he'd be in the HOF. Without question.
  18. Tell me you’ve never ever seen Terry Bradshaw play without telling me you’ve never seen Terry Bradshaw play. Come on dawg. If Mahomes never played another down, no sane person would rank him equal or below Bradshaw.
  19. 49er players are now saying that they weren't coached up on the new OT rules, and legitimately had no idea that they wouldn't have won if they got a TD. Chiefs players say that Reid told them on day-1 of SB prep about their OT plan, which was to kick off, and go for 2 if the 49ers scored a TD and practiced the 2-pt play options. As has been mentioned, you have to be perfect to beat the Chiefs, and even that one detail was enough to cost them.
  20. I'd say right now, Brady has his own tier, and Mahomes is clearly in that next tier, with the likes of Joe Montana, Ken Anderson, and... well I'm not sure anyone else is in that next tier. After that we're talking about the Elways, maybe the Staubachs, the Foles', and some of the early-SB era guys. EDIT: Regarding everyone's favorite IT admin Brock Purdy, he's got some early-Brady vibes. Early Brady was winning titles without being the star - just making great decisions and not making dumb plays. I'm not saying Purdy is going to have that type of career - especially if there's a coaching change at any point - but he's proven me wrong. He's the kind of guy that I think will be able to make plays even if their offensive talent declines.
  21. Yeah I don't think championship count is the be-all end-all. Once you get to an elite number (and let's be real here, 3 is pretty elite), you're in that top tier (well, top "non Brady" tier). Not saying that 3 titles automatically puts you in that tier - nobody is going to say that Troy Aikman or Bradshaw is in that discussion - but we can start talking about him in the same breath as Montana et al, and barring injury, it's fathomable that he could go down as 1-a, or 2. I can't see anyone eclipsing Brady, but if he continues to drag teams even after Reid retires, then we have to have that conversation. Still a long time before we're worrying about that.
  22. It's funny how when Kelce does this, it's because he's passionate and just wants to be on the field to help the team win, but when a guy like AJ Brown - by all accounts, a really good dude - does it, he's a selfish show-off diva that wants the ball all the time. Brown pointed this out himself, albeit in a slightly -dramatic way ("When I do that, everyone wants me off the team.") Turns out the "it takes all of us" end-zone paint and rear bumper statements aren't effectual - who knew?
  23. The team sure thinks so. I hear they've been putting him through cybersecurity and AWS trainings in hopes of him advancing from help-desk to CIO. It's the football stuff that's currently holding him back.
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