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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. This is one of those games where I have no doubt SF is picking up this 3rd and 20. Happy to be wrong. If Detroit doesn't answer with a TD, it's done.
  2. Another drop. The moment is clearly too big for most of the Lions. Other than Goff, not sure how many of them have played in meaningful games. Now they botch a chance to pin the 49ers within the 1 yard line. They weren't ready for this moment.
  3. Welp, time to bite some kneecaps. Lions ain't making their first SB today.
  4. Believe it or not, before that happened, I thought "they should take a 5-yard penalty here". 1st and 5 makes it much easier for KC to get a first down and work the clock. Intentionally taking a penalty resets it to 1st and 10 without taking any time off the clock. Those 5 yards are meaningless in that case. Good decision... horrible way for that dope to do it.
  5. "you fumble here, this happens. You fumble here, that happens. You fumble through the end zone, and... well, you won't believe this..." "if you tackle like this, it's cool, but if you wrap like this, it's not, if you put your weight on him then it's bad, except in some cases when it's OK, but there's other cases where it's real bad." Try explaining PI! But IMO the clock things are the most arbitrary and frustrating, because at least the other rules stay consistently inconsistent for the whole game, but the fact that the clock rules change is ridiculous. College may be worse, with the clock stopping on a first down, but at least they don't have the 2-minute warning, which also makes no sense. Oh, and explain spiking it - "well, if you intentionally throw the ball away when you're in this area, then it's 'grounding', unless you intentionally spike it into the ground, then it's ok, and it's also fine if you move three yards to the left, but only if your intentionally bad pass goes a certain distance"
  6. I was at the gym during the first half and happened to glance at a tv and saw their TD, after which I was like "damn, I was so wrong about Lamar - he's grown up and is finally able to make the most of his talent". Then I get home, do some errands, and turn it on right in time to see overthrow after overthrow, a perfect throw that some idiot gets called for a taunting after and then fumbles away (it was definitely taunting, but the rule shouldn't exist), doesn't throw it away on 3rd and 1 and gets tackled for a loss, and then interception into triple coverage. Not ready for big lights / big stage.
  7. I'd make a small friendly wager that he's the Eagles head coach by this time next year - possibly as early as mid October.
  8. Neither of the first two were without their flaws, but WHAT THE MOTHERFCKING HELL was someone thinking when they thought that was an upgrade? I don't doubt that Nike influenced some change, even if just to sell new stuff. OK, changing to sell merch happens all the time. But to that? THAT? THAT? THAT???????? I get that it's kinda throwbackish, but the white outline is completely unnecessaary. It may be passable with just the red and navy. And the split in the I? The only silver lining is that they've cemented the serifed block as their "forever" font, which I think is kinda cool. I get that there's only around 500 Nationals fans in the world, but my heart goes out to them right now. Sorry
  9. If this is the "Garrard era" jersey, then it's absolutely not worth being brought back as a throwback. I can't speak for their fans, but I can't imagine there's any connection to that uniform or any form of nostalgia there. And that number font is laughable. Fortunately, I think it'd be too tough to recreate on Nike's silly-ass templates, which may be the only positive thing that I can say about them.
  10. Football is the hardest sport in the world to explain the rules to someone. "The rule is this up until 2 minutes left in the 2nd q, then it changes, then goes back to it for the next 25 minutes of the game, then with 5 minutes left, it goes back to what it did in the last 2 mins of first half." "You can do x within 5 yards of the LOS, unless the QB does y, in which case you can only do x within a yard (or whatever)" It's no wonder it's not more popular world wide.
  11. It's done. I guess Moore has abandoned being a HC? They were supposedly targeting guys that wouldn't be poached for a HC job if they were good (unless they're planning to can Sirianni half way into next year, and want Moore on stand by.)
  12. Don't know how I should feel about this. Seems better than getting one of the girls giving handies behind Walgreens, but definitely not a $10K escort. Maybe it's like getting taken care of in the champagne room after buying a bottle and giving Chastity and Destiny $500 each?
  13. True, but that's from 1800s. This version of the Nationals was what- 2004? They could have done whatever they wanted. It does get half a pass since it's a resurrection of an old name (like Grays would have been... and still what I wished they went with) but out of context, it's ridiculous (same with Phillies.) Phillies tried tinkering with it in the 40s, but that didn't go over so well.
  14. Maybe wherever you are, but i don't think I've ever heard that here, and I have friends there, take trains there frequently, interact with work colleagues there, etc. It's 100% "DC", or "the DC suburbs", etc. I have good friends who work on Capitol Hill who would also say that colloquially, "Washington" is only used to refer to government. In fact, a friend of mine who's not a sports fan thought that the Washington Wizards played in Washington State because of the use of Washington (this friend lives in Phila, not in DC where she'd've probably at least have known the arena or heard them in passing.) Of all the people I know and interact with in the northeast corridor, I don't know a single one that says "Washington".
  15. It's absurd that they even spell out "Washington" on the uniform. I don't know anyone that says "Washington" except when referring to the actual government. It's just DC. Godsdamned DC. The interconnecting DC cap with a DC-chest-logo jersey would be perfect. Nationals is a dumb-ass name anyway. I know what the literal word means, but it's a stupid name for a sports team. Nobody says "oh, that Joey - now that's a fine national if I've ever seen one."
  16. Also, while they tried to keep it quiet Nick Sirianni had his balls surgically removed by team doctors. Rumor was that Howie was going to rip them off with his bare hands without even giving him anesthesia, but cooler heads prevailed. Unconfirmed rumors from "sources close to the team" are that the new coordinators will report to Howie and not Sirianni, and that Sirianni is to have no veto power over plays or even game planning, and if he meddles, they'll have the power over their side of the ball. Howie approves (or is at least made aware of) the game plans (which I think has always been the case), but rather than Sirianni devising the plan and then entrusting the OC to draw up the plays and execute it, now it'll be the OC presenting the plan and having 100% say over it. Sirianni has been rendered a cheerleader. He said that as "CEO of the on-field operations", he may occasionally sit in on defensive meetings, but not meddle, and we'll see how it goes once an OC is hired." Note that he didn't say "when I hire an OC." Some day, I want to advance to a point in my career where I have someone's balls bronzed and turned into a trophy that I keep on my desk, so that they have to look at them every time they come into my office. Hell, I may even bronze each one separately and roll them back-and-forth on my desk while he watches.
  17. This explain why the Ass Birds fired Brian Johnson, rather than let him continue the 2024 Rooney Rule tour. They were holding off, hoping he'd get hired, so they'd get the comp picks. They obviously know that each of the remaining teams has their guy, so no harm firing him.
  18. I’d love to know what a $10,000 call girl looks like. I just paid $50 and a Snickers bar for a handy behind Walgreens. Can’t imagine what $10K could get you.
  19. "Their knees get weak... whenever I'm around, I'm just a Patrick Roy" (Patrick Royyyyyyyyeeee) "I'm not your boy toy" (boyyyyyeee toyyyyeeeee) Yeah, I know. I know.
  20. What if you actually do like them? I paid $160 for an upper-balcony seat for Mitski in two weeks, because the bots got all the tix before the first presale even started.
  21. What if the they got sponsors for the roles? like the Ruffles Offensive Coordinator, the Tostitos DB coach, Verizon head coach, etc
  22. People advocating for Kirk Cousins absolutely blows my mind into itty bitty bloody pieces. Anyway, Nick Sirianni is back, and as expected, bent over for Howie. Brian Johnson was fired (as I’ve been advocating for since week 5) and they don’t care what Hurts thinks about it. Fangio hired for DC, which I don’t like, but whatever. Kingsbury , reich, and someone who I can’t remember are in the mix for OC. They wisely don’t want a guy that’s going to bolt for a HC job. Off topic - I’m sitting next to a tinder date, and this bro is explaining to a young-beautiful woman who clearly doesn’t care about sports, why the Sixers should trade for Halliburton, and explaining the Ben Simmons saga, and talking about how he did jiu jitsu but his adhd got in the way and mirrors freak him out so he doesn’t have any in his house, and I’m 99% sure she’s going to end her life within 5 minutes. Just thought I’d share. Back to your regularly-scheduled programming. She’s like “do you like Mitski?” And he’s like “no I did jiu jitsu”
  23. it’s irrelevant. Why pay a guy when you know the ceiling for both him and your team? You’re literally committing yourself to a certain level rather than prepping to get a true franchise guy. in the NFL, good is the enemy of great, which is the enemy of elite. Plus Cousins is a complete wack job.
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