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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. OMG the Yankees PC Richards whistle is SO FREAKING ANNOYING. How do Yankees fans tolerate this? Every single strikeout is pure agony. It's legitimately aggravatingly annoying.
  2. There wasn't much to miss - you don't remember? After the Padres said they were afraid to play in Philadelphia, Manfred decided that the BFiB deserved a second chance so he put them in the NLCS, but they literally threw in the towel in the 7th inning of game 1 after Schwarber hit his 5th HR and the Phillies took a 31-2 lead. But since it was a forfeit, the final score was only 1-0, and it's the only NLCS in history to end 1-0. Since the game ended so early, the Cardinals bus wasn't ready, and they had to hang out outside the stadium and try to get Ubers, which is nearly impossible after Phillies games, so they took the subway and only 22 of the 26 players have been accounted for. (obviously meant the Padres... but the above story would have been more interesting.)
  3. I don't know, but prior to the expansion of IL play, it might have been neat if the teams wore patches for their respective leagues either on their sleeves or side of their caps. The Phillies had a totally stupid IL cap, but I would have rather them wear the regular cap but with the NL patch (or better yet... just the regular cap.)
  4. That is correct. It's a shame that neither the Cardinals, Braves, nor Cardinals could beat a mediocre team.
  5. Plus it has a FedEx logo on it. Definitely looks more like a Commies release. Something icy no doubt. Betting it will have some kind of treatment that makes it actually icy - like silver flake or something.
  6. I'll bet you 3 months of "winner chooses loser's avatar" if they drop the gray and keep the red.
  7. I’m being serious. Santiago gave me the thought. It’s one way to reissue numbers without reissuing them (unless they’re considered the same for sports purposes like they are for math purposes).
  8. Would the Yankees issuing “02” infringe on Jeter’s “2”?
  9. This looks ridiculous. He's not a player/coach. Hell - a manager isn't even really a coach. There's no reason for a manager to wear a uniform - top or bottom. Seriously - what's the point of a manager putting stirrups and baseball pants on, when the most action he's going to do during the game is make a pitching change? It's a ridiculous tradition born from the days of player/coaches and there's no reason to continue it. It's not the hill I'm going to die on, but I have no issue with teams pulling the numbers back from their coaches, and not requiring managers to wear a uniform. Base coaches - maybe. They're full-time on-field personnel, so I can understand that - but they don't need numbers.
  10. You're right - I should be able to come up with some creative torturing for him. I don't actually want permanent harm to happen to him (or any sports figure). He should be terminated from his job, then have his eyelids taped open and be forced to watch the 2003 Detroit Tigers season recap video while being kicked in the nuts.
  11. I don't get it - I swear I read before the season that they were dropping the reds. Ain't no way they're dropping either of the other two, so I guess they're keeping all 5 and telling Nike to suck it. The cream jersey has been a staple since '08, and they sell a ton of blue caps. The powders are obviously popular . The red serves absolutely no purpose - they don't sell any, and it doesn't serve to add another hat to sell lie the cream does.
  12. I think I also found this place via SSUR, back in '03 or '04. Or maybe it was the old Village Voice UW columns (that where I read about the '03 Eagles changes.) I think the Bills CFL uniforms were either the first unveiling I was a part of here, or maybe i joined right after. There were several reveals that "broke the internet" (which was a lot easier to do back then!) but I think the most broke the net ever got was when the 'Slug was unveiled.
  13. CB Buckner should be terminated. From his job, and from life. How the hell are umpires rated as bad as him allowed to continue to call games? It was nearly as bad as the guy from the college game... but at least 3 or 4 times, and always one sided. Even Rangers pitchers were laughing out loud and giving the Philies the sign, because they knew it was ridiculous. Many umpires are cowards, sissies, and small-dicked over-compensating jerkoffs who never have to answer for their performance and want to be the star of a game that they were never good enough to play. Everyone makes mistakes, but when it's consistent, they should be removed from the games - and the individualized strike zone is something that should never have ever been tolerated, but we now have the ability to replace these ballless pricks with technology - do it.
  14. I'm grateful that the Dodgers and Giants maintained their names and logos (even though they don't make sense) when they moved in the '50s, but that was a different time, and those franchises had cultural significance. The Cardinals should have rebranded after St. Louis (they had a logical reason to stay the Cardinals there). In my eyes (which is not necessarily how the league or legal system treats it), once the city name changes, it's essentially a new franchise. They should have been the Coyotes or Diamondbacks before those other teams came around. Hell - even the A's should have changed when they went to KC, but they probably couldn't even afford a rebrand the first couple of years (and while they fell into irrelevancy in Philadelphia, they were still recently removed from being among the top teams in the brief history of the sport.) It gets icky when a team like the Rams keeps its name when moving to LA, then (hypothetically changes for St. Louis), then changes back when they go back to LA, but that's a very odd case. The Raiders are one of only a few franchises who's brands are more of a lifestyle and transcend location.. Since that's clearly not going to happen here, I'll take a Jags-style reboot with these new colors and maybe a tad more flair - but nothing like the over-piped, paneled, and yoked disaster that they forced us to watch for the last nearly-two decades. Also hoping for no perma-memorial, though that seems to be a trend lately.
  15. Oh I totally agree that it's silly on the white jersey. Regarding this rumor of new sweaters for next season, it sounds kinda similar to how they widened the sleeve stripe a bit in either late '70s or early '80s before going with the ever-popular black-trimmed version. So if history holds, that version will be the next change. Hockey Uniform DB shows what I'm talking about - though to be honest, I was searching game-worn jerseys during these errors and couldn't detect more than negligible changes IRL, despite the graphic. http://www.nhluniforms.com/Flyers/Flyers.html
  16. I just remember the Sixers trading for some retired guy that hadn't played in two years (Mashburn maybe?) and thinking "this is the dumbest thing anyone's ever come up with". And I still think it is. I don't have a better idea, but no kid should need to even hear the phrase "mid level exception". I think I'd prefer the anarchy of a capless league to one that's impossible to understand and results in a "buyout market".
  17. That's still only 80% of the games. But while I'm sure players care about winning MVP at least once, once they do that, will they really care about the 65 game rule? I doubt it will make much impact. It could never be done, but if they said "65 games to qualify to even play in postseason", that would make a difference. But it's not doable for a plethora of reasons. I didn't think a CBA could possibly get more complicated than what the NBA already had, but here we are. It sucks so much that the average fan has to know so damn much just to understand how transactions work. It also sucks that there's still incentives to trade for expiring contracts rather than players, trade for someone with the intent to buy them out and let them go to a good team, etc. I get that there's no simply way to have a salary cap / revenue-sharing deal in any sport (or industry, for that matter), but the NBA's just seems like the most complex of them all (and I thought the NFLs with "fake years" that everybody knows are fake, cutting a guy in March but designating him cut on June 1, and all that nonsense was complex.)
  18. I thought the idea was that they were made for their white uniforms (when names were mandatory for some games) and they never made separate nameplates for the orange jerseys, so they simply used the white ones when they had to wear them on the orange (and then made orange nameplates once names were required full time.)
  19. Source? I mean, it sounds reasonable that they would, but I haven't read anything from them other than having the throwback this year. They could probably wear the black regardless, since half the people probably can't even tell the difference between it and the midnight green version, so maybe nobody with the league would even notice.
  20. Really looking forward to this. Maroon/orange/white/gray could be awesome... if they keep it simple and don't go super wild with fonts and panels. The sample jerseys posted suck - that font is ridiculous, even if it's only showing the 1. Get rid of the helmet stripe, make the face mask maroon (or white.. don't matter), and maybe make the white sleeve stripe gray, and this works for me.
  21. So if you foul a ball off your foot, or get jammed and mess up your hand, do you get a few extra seconds to recover? Or are you being counted out while you're hopping around on one foot?
  22. This isn't my fight, but allow me to provide my interpretation (which may be incorrect.) meaning... their uniforms have more/less been the same for a very long time. The steelers changed it up along the way, but have basically been black and yellow forever, and have a clearly-established aesthetic that's become traditional and unlikely to be monkeyed with. The Chiefs and Steelers own a "look". The Cardinals demolished their identity in the mid '00s, essentially throwing away any tradition that they had. They no longer have any aesthetical tradition, and adding yellow or some other color doesn't ruin anything because there's nothing to ruin. You could argue that moves and name changes (St. L, PHX, AZ) also impact tradition, but at least on-field, it didn't too much. But as someone else noted, does tradition really mean anything if nobody but a couple of people on an internet message board even notice? IMO (shifting away from the other poster's comments) the team should have gone through a complete rebrand, including name, once it moved to Phoenix - and especially once it moved into the space ship.
  23. You took his statement out of context. With full context, it's accurate.
  24. Is that really true? Legit question - how does a state governor accept/reject applications for federal funds? Not saying it doesn't happen that way, but on the surface it just doesn't sound right to me.
  25. Yankees asking to remove numbers from manager and coaches. Long overdue. https://theathletic.com/4360660/2023/03/30/yankees-uniform-numbers-mlb/
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