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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. 1. I’m 100% in favor of “Big Daddy 69” being allowed in the NFL. 2. The CFL isn’t the NFL. What CFL or NCAA fans are used to is great for them.
  2. Oh was it just a tweet and not someone saying it? I forget. If it was just some naïve person posting a tweet from a non-credible source, that's not nearly as bad as the people who post "soon-to-be-breaking news" then run. We've probably all done that.
  3. His stake would be financed, so it's not like he's writing a check for $10M. But even if he was, that's 0.16%. It's nearly unfathomable that $10M can be less than 1/20 of 1% of a purchase price, but that's where we are. And that's for the least valuable team in the division.
  4. Again, we're at the point where punters and kickers don't even need numbers. Everyone knows who they are, and they're not allowed to be touched, so just put them in neon jerseys or some other pattern - sorta like soccer goalies. They'd have to figure out the rules regarding trick plays, but it's probably not a big deal. It's 2023 - nobody cares what number the punter is wearing... and nobody cares. There - two numbers just got freed up.
  5. Whoever it was that came on here a week or two ago and was like "I can't tell you my sources, but Harris bought the Commies and the news will break today" should be banned. LOLOL. For a $6B price, I'm guessing he's in for like 0.01%. Even 1% is $60M. Ain't NO way RG3 is able to throw $60M into this. He's basically going to be a face with a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage share.
  6. they only had it because that was for “ends” (tight, split) and either expanded to defensive ends too, or inherited since in the 2-way days you had to wear your offensive number (for eligibility reasons) so if a TE played DE he’d have to wear 80s.
  7. Triggering is certainly an exaggeration. Is it the end of the world? Of course not. And there's obviously already been examples of DTs in the 50s. I just thin it's silly for a kicker or punter to wear a "legacy" number that so many historic players have worn. Of course that problem exists today when you have kickers wearing numbers like 7 and 12. Maybe a solution is to not require numbers for kickers and punters. We all now who they are on the field, there's no real benefit to having them wear a number except to look like everyone else. Since you're not allowed to touch them anyway, make them like soccer goalies and put them in a clashing jersey... or a jersey that just has the team's logo.
  8. Looks dumb to me. 52 should be a middle linebacker, or a center. There's always been defensive linemen in the 50s (especially ends that were quasi OLBs... the predecessors of the Edge position) but they were usually the exception rather than the rule. Feel free to "OK boomer" me, but I liked looking at a random player and having a pretty good idea of what position he played or where he belonged on the field.
  9. But when some big fat defensive tackle has to wear something like 52 because the punter is 97 and kicker is 99, it'll look dumb. There was no need to change the numbering system at all. Honestly there wasn't a need to change it for WRs all them years back. The numbering system added some structure and was an integral part of the aesthetic of the game, and separated it from the unstructured/hap-hazard nature of college football. Now with all the alt uniforms, alt helmets, and numbering free-for-all, the lines between college and NFL are blurred.
  10. The font choice is... well, a choice. One that I wouldn't have made. The Ps and I are really awkward looking, and there really needs to be more whitespace in the wave. I know that it's similar to the whitespace in previous versions of the logo, but this doesn't seem to be either classic or contemporary.
  11. Yeah these are fine: If they want an alt - and JUST as an alt - as a way to force some black in there to sell more stuff, they could bust out something like this, but with the wishbone C (but it's totally not necessary, nor is a red softball top.)
  12. It looks like the color theme will be "skyline at twilight", so maybe expect a primarily-black base with gold and light blue (maybe a little red or orange?) in it. I think many if not all of the remaining teams have said theirs is coming in '24. I know that the Phillies have.
  13. I'm finishing this post on mobile because I just spit on your avatar and threw a battery through my laptop screen. Please don't call us classless again - it's absolutely not true, you son of a ing . What that that clip doesn't show is that is the second ball that was sent back to the pitcher. The first one, the umpire threw it back himself rather than give it to Realmuto. If you find the whole sequence, it makes the umpire look even worse. When the second ball wasn't placed in his glove, he just assumed the umpire was also throwing that one back. I don't care who the catcher is or what team it is, jabroni-ass small-dick umpires (or referees) like that should be terminated. What is as much of a disgrace is the crew chief saying it was warranted and that the plate umpire didn't act hastily. I know they have to stick up for one another, but jesus - just admit that maybe it could have been handled better. EDIT: I guess the announcer does mention the previous throw-back, so there is some context there even if it doesn't show the previous throw.
  14. So Meek Mill was chillin' with his boy Robert Kraft (the most bizarre pairing I can possibly think of since Goldust and Booker T) and said that Jackson wants to play for the Patriots. If he's frustrated with the weapons around him in Baltimore, what's he going to find in New England - especially after they're paying him whatever he's going to get (and forfeiting two 1st-round picks to get him, assuming there's no trade)? Who knows if any of that is actually true, but that's the level of absurdity that this has gotten to. I admire him for sticking up for himself and what he believes his value is... but I also wouldn't feel bad if he sat out a season - in fact, given his injury history, that may be better for his body and his long-term value anyway. Another thing is that the Jets are being held hostage here (or holding themselves hostage, depending on how you want to look at it.) They've said that they won't pursue anyone else while in negotiations for Rodgers, but there's no guarantee that's going to happen before June 1... or at all. If I'm them (and if they genuinely like Jackson) I ignore the "good faith" aspect of their negotiations with Green Bay and start the process with Lamar. There's too much at stake for them to put all their eggs in Rodgers' basket.
  15. I know it's from a different era, but that's basically what happened when Temple was booted from the old Big East.
  16. I don't blame a guy for wanting to cash in while he can. Why shouldn't he want his payday? That's literally why they play professional football, and even if you're paid well for the job you're doing, if you found out that the guy who was just hired to sit next to you and do the same job was being paid significantly more, well he set the market and you're within your rights to want more (which in the corporate world typically requires that you move on to a new company.) What I do blame him for is what seems to be a poor understanding of the business and his true value, and an acceptance that the Browns are the exception and not the rule when it comes to handing out unwarranted guarantees. Of course... he's also the same guy that said he was going to change jersey numbers after his first SB win so that the Ravens would have to retire two... so maybe he is childish?
  17. I've been conditioned to think of Atlanta as "The ATL" since that's what's on every other team's jersey there. But now it's just "The A"? The "the" is ridiculous, and clearly slapped on there so that it looked just a little different than a regular jersey (it'd be a fine-enough alt without that.) Regarding the Reds, I'm in favor of ridding them of black. I thought the Griffey-era set looked nice even with it, but now it's so completely intrusive - especially how it makes the NOB nearly illegible. They could actually keep their current set with the gimmicky font if they dropped the black. If they go for black top/pants for CC, then as long as the belt contrasts it might be alright. I have a feeling that if this is true, they'll force red pinstripes onto it (like the old Bulls alt) which may look great... or not.
  18. Maybe they'd welcome Fisher back if he wore these cool pants:
  19. Hot take: the football cardinals brand no longer has any value, and hasn’t for decades - probably since the change to “Arizona”. They probably should have been totally rebranded then, and should be now. I don’t personally care about how old the franchise is, and I doubt people in Arizona care about what happened in Chicago, or Tom Tupa, etc. Its essentially a new team, and should have a more meaningful identity. Thumbs down all you want, as I’m sure I’m in the minority. But trying to force a team that plays in space ship and has relocated (or changed location names) 3 times to be hamstrung by a classic identity doesn’t feel right. Just retire the whole thing.
  20. I also vaguely remember them doing a piece on Gary Sheffield back when he was like 18 or 19 and just getting his start with the Brewers. Because of that, I collected his cards even though I couldn't ever actually see him play till he got traded to the Padres and eventually Marlins where he broke out (and probably discovered some magic vitamins.)
  21. If you're starting a league from scratch, in year 1 would you rather every team be within a game of .500 and be in it until the end (albeit at the expense of mediocrity), or would you rather there be a couple of great teams, at the expense of some teams totally sucking? Like if you were booking it and could control the outcome, which scenario would be most beneficial to getting the league established and getting a foothold in all the markets?
  22. Todd Radom confirmed that the Phillies are indeed dropping the sleeve numbers. I didn’t necessarily care for them, but they were their thing. They owned that. This is ing . , just… !
  23. Not going to go back to see if I already posted this, but TWIB is #1 for me. It was the only way I ever got to see AL players, and highlights of non-local games (didn't grow up with cable TV.) This one covers Mike Schmidt's 500th.
  24. Cool, so then there doesn't need to be an All Star Game this year since that's basically happening now.
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