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Logo Help


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I'm trying to create a logo for one of my fantasy leagues. I didn't come up with the boring name, so don't blame me. I want an abstract looking football on the bottom, but what I've got here I think looks too spherical. I've also tried doing a helmet, but didn't like anything that came of that. Anyone help a brother out? (Note: if this should go under requests, let me know and I'll move it.) Thanks in advance.



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Reference to a model might help you to perfect your depiction of the ball.


Thanks. I was having a heck of a time finding a football from the right perspective. I'll mess around with this tonight.


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The top curved lines are what's giving spherical appearance.. take them up toward the laces slightly, shrink them slightly, and add a small part going back up towards the center where the laces end, giving it an appearance of the stitches surrounding the laces.. That might help with everything you're trying to fix.. otherwise, I think you're really close to a great logo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Green, yellow, and gray are our league colors. The only thing I could really do to get rid of either yellow or green would be to replace it with black or white. Otherwise I lose some of the detail. I'm still messing with this idea though.


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Green, yellow, and gray are our league colors. The only thing I could really do to get rid of either yellow or green would be to replace it with black or white. Otherwise I lose some of the detail. I'm still messing with this idea though.

I think he means just in the football image. The three colors look fine in the overall logo, but the double colored football becomes distracting with the yellow drop shadow. There is more than enough yellow in the overall logo to not know that it's a league color.


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Green, yellow, and gray are our league colors. The only thing I could really do to get rid of either yellow or green would be to replace it with black or white. Otherwise I lose some of the detail. I'm still messing with this idea though.

I think he means just in the football image. The three colors look fine in the overall logo, but the double colored football becomes distracting with the yellow drop shadow. There is more than enough yellow in the overall logo to not know that it's a league color.

Exactly. I don't think the football itself needs the green AND yellow. The logo as a whole works well with the colors selected. Nothing else has the dual color treatment like the football, so it looks a bit out of place.


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