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Niagara Purple Eagles Logo Redesign


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Definitely a much needed update, it looks cleaner and the lack of gradients is a huge plus. It doesn't fix my main problem with their current logo, which is that it looks like a raven. I was very surprised the first time I saw their actual nickname, I had assumed they were the Ravens for a few years. You'd have to look at some reference pictures to fix this, but I believe a shorter bill with a sharper point and a less flat forehead would help. Also, I'm really glad the bird is now purple (they are the PURPLE eagles after all), but it bleeds into the text a little. I don't know if there is a good way to fix this, but maybe you can play around with white lettering or an outline around the bird. You could also place the NU above the bird or remove it entirely. I like the new font, but I think it could use a few more points to mimic the back edge of the logo.



Star championship signature credit to packerfan21396

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Back to the drawing board, guys...

EDIT: Sorry...didn't realize this was just a "concept"...but yeah, make sure you get that eagle redesigned too.


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This is a much needed upgrade, but I also agree that this looks like a raven. Maybe ditch the design completely.

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