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Kansas City's New UHL Team's name?


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just found out that Kansas City's new UHL team name has been narrowed down to 3:





Heres a question who would have a concept for any one of these 3 options and in my opinion I think the Express sounds like the best to me

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I thought someone mentioned 'Carpenters', since Danbury and Detroit had already gone the blue-collar route? Or am I the victim of another senseless crime?

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I thought someone mentioned 'Carpenters', since Danbury and Detroit had already gone the blue-collar route? Or am I the victim of another senseless crime?

I can just see the logo now - an emaciated female holding a microphone and gagging herself over a toilet.

That's right folks, I have no class.

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I thought someone mentioned 'Carpenters', since Danbury and Detroit had already gone the blue-collar route? Or am I the victim of another senseless crime?

I can just see the logo now - an emaciated female holding a microphone and gagging herself over a toilet.

That's right folks, I have no class.

Now that was one for the books! :D

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yeah theres a thought for ya but she was annorexic and not bulemic so that wouldn't be a good logo but I think the Express would be a great name and wonder what the logo for that would be

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That's right folks, I have no class.

Understandable, Yale. You're a lawyer.

But hey! How many Karen Carpenters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Depends on how high you pile the bones.

I keed! I keed!

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Back to the topic :P , I like the Express name. I used to live outside KC, and the Pony Express is a pretty big history thing there. I think they could get something decent out of this.

EDIT: You're too quick for me, lilg. :D

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Not really crazy about Outlaws or Twisters. I think "Express" could be pretty cool if done right. The train is obvious, but I like twi's Pony Express idea.

Too bad they can't just bring back the Scouts. :hockeysmiley:

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If anyone follows the UHL they have a team called the Muskegon Fury which has a Tornado man with a hockey stick and a face and if Kansas City was to use the name Twisters it would kind of be a rip off of the Fury Logo

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If anyone follows the UHL they have a team called the Muskegon Fury which has a Tornado man with a hockey stick and a face and if Kansas City was to use the name Twisters it would kind of be a rip off of the Fury Logo

Not if they used Chubby Checker as a logo. Or naked young co-eds, slathered in crisco, playing...um....Twister....

I'll be right back.

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I think that would be the first ever rated R logo if anyone ever saw it but I personally like the Express and Outlaws at least they seem like they would have a great logo

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Express would really be co-opting St. Joseph's claim to fame so I'd be more apt to support Outlaws. I'd ditch Twisters for the reasons stated above regarding the similarities to be drawn to Muskegon's logo.

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Express would really be co-opting St. Joseph's claim to fame so I'd be more apt to support Outlaws. I'd ditch Twisters for the reasons stated above regarding the similarities to be drawn to Muskegon's logo.

St Joe has a claim to fame? Besides the boot store, I mean.

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My personnal preference is the Outlaws, and I'm not fond of the Express (and that's the one we may end up with) Actually all the name aren't bad - I hope the team colors are good and the logo does not suck.

Some news from the UHL on the KC team: Kansas City Hockey (click here)

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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