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Championship banners (nhl)


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Does anyone have any pictures of NHL teams championship banenrs? some of the best ones i've seen are the Avalanche and the Red Wings Stanley cup banners.

oh, yes and the EDMONTON OILERS.

that reminds me, the oilers have white banners for Cups, and Purple for Conference/Orange for division or vice versa. that's cool. but they look old so this year we'll have to use the new colours!

Vancouver 2010 Two Man Luge Gold Medalist.


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Dallas has a nice Cup banner, I like Detroit's. Colorado's banners are a little...ehhh Elton John-ish for me...

My devils just have Plain white banners with plain black script, but i like that. It's just there to state that on that year the Devils kicked everyone's ass...

You don't have to be fancy-smancy to say that...

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Here is what the Blues have...


I don't think they actually say honored, or retired, or whatever at the top, but I don't remember for sure.

I like this, they match the jersey, and do enough. I don't think they hang anything for division champs or anything. However, I am sure they will hang a Stanley Cup banner this year... :;):  :D

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