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The NO Trade Deadline?


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Who would have thought that some 20+ hours left in the non-waiver trade deadline and still no big name has moved. The only trade that I saw invoulved the Padres trading for Brad Fullmer. Which trade do u all think will happen in the hours left?

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ESPN seemed to be reporting with some certainty that Steve Finley would end up with the Dodgers in a three-way deal with the Marlins (involving Paul Lo Duca, Hee Seop Choi and prospects).

It also looks like Kris Benson is headed to the Mets for Ty Wiggington (there might be a third team involved).

I doubt Randy Johnson is going anywhere unless he opens up to other teams. Either the D'backs are bluffing big time, or there really isn't anyone in the Yankees organization that interests them (more likely the latter).

EDIT: Well, it looks like the first two are final...

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I don't think there will be much movement this trade deadline or in future deadlines. There are still 20 teams that are in the playoof races. So there being no big moves is a good thing for baseball because it eans there are more teams in contention.

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Benson and Viktor Zambrano are Mets.

Can't beleive the mets dealt Kazmir!


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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I can see Kris Benson ending up in Minnesota, plus the Pirates like Doug Mientkyvkzxzx, i'm a Twins fan and I still cant rememebr how to spell it.


Translated into English, it's "Decent Glove, .225 Hitter". :D


Sodboy13 said:
As you watch more basketball, you will learn to appreciate the difference between "defense" and "couldn't find the rim with a pair of bloodhounds and a Garmin."

meet the new page, not the same as the old page.

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Stupid stupid stupid.

The Benson move is fine Wigginton is a future utlityman off teh bench for a good team, but the Zambrano for Kazmir deal makes no sense waht so ever Kazmir is going to be better the Zambrano soon maybe next year, Kazmir is a future Cy Young Zambrano is a future long reliever.

The Mets are not good enough to win this year, and these players dont make em much better, after showing patince they firggen blow it again and head back down the wrong path by over paying for mediocre talent..



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Well so much for the no-trading deadline.

Phils trade Ricky Ledee to Giants for Felix "F-Rod" Rogriguez and trade Josh Hancock and a minor leaguer (Anderson Macado) to the Reds for Todd Jones.

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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If Randy Johnson is a Yankee on Saturday, I won't bother watching baseball the rest of the season. :cursing:

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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Well so much for the no-trading deadline.

Thank God we finally see some action on the trading block.

LoDuca to the Fish?????? What the hell are the Dodgers thinking?????? And getting Charles Johnson from the Rocks?????

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My head's still spinning from that stupid FOX postgame (I was waiting for Scooter to explain why on earth the Dodgers made that stupid trade yesterday)...

Apparently it's Contreras (FINALLY!!!!) for Esteban Loiaza.

And, holy crap, Clement for Nomar!

So much for a no-trade deadline indeed...

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  • Nomar traded to Cubs. No details yet, but suppositly a 4 team trade
  • Finely reported to be a Dodger
  • Johnson still a D-Back
  • Jose Contreras traded to White Sox for Esteban Loaiza
  • Charles Johnson declined a trade to LA
  • Marlins aquire Rudy Seanez from the Kansas City Royals for outfielder Abraham Nunez

Beat me to it....yea, i've heard Clement and Alex Gonzales...

EDIT: Sox get Cabrera and Mientkiewicz

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From Curse to Curse:


So I guess:

Cubs get: Nomar Garciaparra

Red Sox get: Mientkiewicz and Cabrera

Twins get: Clement? and minor leaguer?

Expos get: minor leaguers? and Cash?

The Red Sox got the better part cuz Nomar wasn't hitting, they get a solid defender at 1st and a SS with great potencial

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Well, the Yankees got a huge pick-up in Loaiza. He's a guy I would trust in october and he adds aid to staff that has had alot of injuries. I think this was a stupid deal for the White Sox, they basically gave the division away to the Twins by trading their best pitcher and they got back Contreas who has blown up in big games.

The winner of the trade deadline however is the Florida Marlins.

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The winner of the trade deadline however is the Florida Marlins.

Yeah they got LoDuca. I can't understand why the Sox traded Loaiza. Anyone?

I think he's a free agent if I heard right. Still, it's a dumb move by them. However as I Yankee fan I love the deal.

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Well, the Yankees got a huge pick-up in Loaiza. He's a guy I would trust in october and he adds aid to staff that has had alot of injuries. I think this was a stupid deal for the White Sox, they basically gave the division away to the Twins by trading their best pitcher and they got back Contreas who has blown up in big games.

The winner of the trade deadline however is the Florida Marlins.

I agree...I love this trade. It's close to lateral statistically (with an advantage to Loiaza), but Loiaza eats up more innings and seems to have much better composure than Contreras. Also, Loiaza IS a free agent at the end of the year, so if it doesn't quite work out, we offer him arbitration and get draft picks when he signs elsewhere.


Clement is not involved in the Nomar deal.

And the Yankees signed John Olerud.

And the Dodgers sent Dave Roberts to Boston.

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