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International Concept Challenge


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you guys are a bunch of friggen whiners

whats the diffference between a logo that si already sued and a logo that is re worked and no one even knew till someone brought it up that it wasnt mine

and these are the rules and i followed them and no where here does it syay u need an original logo.

"with the Olympics starting next week followed by the World Cup, I figured this was a good time to bring back the Inernational Concept Challenge in grand fashion. Here is how it will work. There will be a series of 4 challenges. The winner of each challenge will have their concept entered into a tournament bracket. once you have won a challege you can't be in the poll for the next winners. However, the first winner will be the #1 seed in the tournament. The winner of the tournament will be crowned the international concept king. Everyone understand. I will try to give enough time for people to do their concept with the Survivor Series going on.

Here's a refersher of the rules.

1. You must have a home and road uniform and alternate is optional.

2. Any scripts must be in english so that everyone can read what they say.

3. If it's a hockey concept you may not use one of RC's international templates.

4. The colors to be used are the colors in that countries flag (you may change the shade) unless other wise noted.

Ok, I will now draw the country and sport.

It is Norway and the sport is hockey

The deadline to get your concept in is Friday August 13 at 8 pm EDT

Good Luck!!!"

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Alright, before we re-vote I'm going to ask anyone that posted 2 or 3 seperate images for their enty to combine them into 1 file.

Also, as far as the unoriginal logo goes. There is nothing in the rules against it, if the US was drawn I'm sure everyone would be using unoriginal logos.

Once we get the the new entries from the people who need them we will re-vote.

Let, me say I was unhappy with what happen with the first poll. I don't want that to happy again.

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  • 2 months later...

I've had one helluva semester plagued by hospital stays so I never got to put them into one file. But I'll do that tonight and I'd love to finally settle this sucker.

To be fair, everybody's entry should remain as it was when entered. No re-tooling.

EDIT: here are all three jerseys in one file. Be sure to scroll down.

Team Norway

To reiterate why I did what I did:

1) The sleeve length striping is common to national team uniforms.

2) Piping, like the ones I placed outlining the mesh on the home and roads, is becoming a Euro trend.

3) The full mesh is something seem in several national team and Euro team jerseys. I thought it was applicable here.

4) The no hem striping is common in Euro jerseys.

5) The alternate's sleeves make Scandanavian crosses, like on the flag.

6) The crest is made to look like what an actual team might use, just the country name with a little flare added.

7) To be honest, I added to my design in the form of pants, socks, and helmets to conform to ICS rules. I chose blue pants and helmets to break up a sea of red.

8) Everything was done to best show what a Norway national team might look like in reality, not just in my personal tastes. That is also why I used royal and not navy.

Basically I tried to make it look as European as possible and as much like a real national team as possible.

As for voting, get every design into one file and then do a poll. Linking to a thread never works out right.

Some may still be leery of habsfan9's entry because it isn't his logo(recolored sail) and it's just a recolored Sabres template. But that's a debate to be settled if we ever get back to voting, which I hope we do.

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yes I know, kc, but what was I to do? a white outline for a blue cross doesn't work for a white jersey. You just get the blue cross. And I can't change it now. If I could I might just do the cross as seen on the flag and red jerseys with a thin red outline, but too late. I was unaware that the red outline and blue cross was Iceland.

Habs, I wasn't saying that you've changed your entry. I'm just mentioning the debate that kind of made this whole thing peter out in the first place.

I'd be more than happy to take the designs that are in seperate files for home, road, alt and put them into one file and host them on my site so we can get this thing voted on in an efficient manner. If nobody has a problem with that, I'll start that. I'm just thinking that may be more efficient because everybody who has a design here probably isn't reading this thread.

EDIT: Alright, here are the guys who entered. I'd need to put joshuaming's and aussie's into one file, which like I said, I'd be more than willing to host.

Against All Odds











Winters in Buffalo


But I don't want to hi-jack jkrdevil's contest. I'll PM him and the desicion whether to vote and the setting up of the poll can be his thing. I'm just making sure everybody gets in.

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I'm having trouble with getting both joshuamings' and aussie's designs into one file. I can't even pull up jm's and aussie's I'm having trouble copying and pasting into a file. I underestimated what I could do. I think it might because I'm on a Mac using OS9. Some help would be appreciated.

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Aussie, that's perfect. Joshuamings, that explains why I couldn't pull it up. If you don't wanna be in, that's cool. Lets see what grandmaster jkrdevil says about voting. That's still completely his call. I was just helping to organize.

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