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HC UGRA can eat it


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I've known about this for a few years now and ultimately I didn't feel it was worth the time and effort trying to sue a foreign entity over a copyright claim with money I don't have for damages I'm not sure how to monetize. What really pisses me off here is the above image was just a little thumbnail sketch I did. I didn't actually even scan it, I just took a photo of my sketchbook. The logo didn't mean much to me, and I posted it as part of a thread on Chris Creamer's Sports Logos forum. Had anyone asked to use it, it's not like I wasn't available on the forum at the time. Granted, had someone asked if they could have used it for commercial usage, I would have had a bit more discussion than someone that just wanted to make a team concept (shout out to Xamboni and his Seattle Mammoths concept), but the point is that I would have agreed to it. Hell, if someone told me they wanted to use one of my logos for a real team, I'd probably only charge them an actual team jersey and nothing more. But whoever designed the HC Ugra logo basically just found my sketch on Google, altered the trunk and tusks slightly, and did a vector trace in Illustrator - without ASKING PERMISSION. I know it's not a huge deal, but of all the :censored: I've ever produced over the years, it pisses me off that THIS is perhaps my most commercially successful work, and I didn't see a dime for it.




In any case, this is why I left the forum for years. I was just really soured on posting logo concepts for a long time.

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This probably belongs in the Stolen Work thread, but regardless this is always pretty disgusting. Those people knew exactly what they were doing too, "If we add leg warmers to the tusks there can be no copyright charges, right?" betting you won't take the time to sue. Is it worth it to sue? No probably not. Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Eh. But if you do want to start posting again, a watermark is a graphic designer's bodyguard. Sorry bout this bud. 


(and your sketch was about 10x as good.)


 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8/      Check Out My: Little Big League MLB ProjectDribbble

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Maybe it could be just a coincidence. The main part of the head looks pretty similar but the tusks and shading is quite different (yours is way better). I seldom run into stuffs that really look like logos I designed but then I think it is just a coincidence, as different people can have the exact same idea. Artworks tend to be different, but not always. I'm not trying to help the steal of artwork, this is just me thinking, as ever, too good of people in general.


Here there is an example of nearly identical designs that ar not even closely related. My 2018 logolympiad entry and the supercool @sparky chewbarky concept for the Seattle Sea Lions. Did we use the same shaped trident for a Seattle team? Yes. Has Sparky copied my idea? no, we just happened to have the same idea.



But maybe I'm wrong and they just copied your logo. In that case, shame on you Ugra for not even copying the original shading right !


      38665609364_bedb96967e_o.png                                                                                        spacer.pngMy Behance                                                                                                   

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1 hour ago, Pulv! said:

Maybe it could be just a coincidence. The main part of the head looks pretty similar but the tusks and shading is quite different (yours is way better). I seldom run into stuffs that really look like logos I designed but then I think it is just a coincidence, as different people can have the exact same idea. Artworks tend to be different, but not always. I'm not trying to help the steal of artwork, this is just me thinking, as ever, too good of people in general.


Here there is an example of nearly identical designs that ar not even closely related. My 2018 logolympiad entry and the supercool @sparky chewbarky concept for the Seattle Sea Lions. Did we use the same shaped trident for a Seattle team? Yes. Has Sparky copied my idea? no, we just happened to have the same idea.


[images removed for size]


But maybe I'm wrong and they just copied your logo. In that case, shame on you Ugra for not even copying the original shading right !



It was stolen. There's a major difference between the similarities of your trident situation, where the shape was extremely simple and common. There are plenty of tridents with a similar shape that both of you used (The Barbados Flag, off the top of my head is virtually similar). Your tridents also have much different constructions and uses. Using a theme and a very common shape, especially when it's very simple can easily create similar looking logos.


The logo created by Jason and the UGRA logo do have plenty of difference, but if you look at the elements, it becomes pretty clear those were added on later. For instance, here are the things I've noticed that are the same between both logos: The general perspective and pose, the shape of the foreheads (that concave curve), same three tufts of hair, virtually identical ear shape, virtually identical snout construction (note the shading specifically), identical shading in numerous places along the face. Eventually, this many similarities in such a complex logo stops being a coincidence. 

I've got a dribbble, check it out if you like my stuff; alternatively, if you hate my stuff, send it to your enemies to punish their insolence!

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28 minutes ago, Lafarge said:


It was stolen. There's a major difference between the similarities of your trident situation, where the shape was extremely simple and common. There are plenty of tridents with a similar shape that both of you used (The Barbados Flag, off the top of my head is virtually similar). Your tridents also have much different constructions and uses. Using a theme and a very common shape, especially when it's very simple can easily create similar looking logos.


The logo created by Jason and the UGRA logo do have plenty of difference, but if you look at the elements, it becomes pretty clear those were added on later. For instance, here are the things I've noticed that are the same between both logos: The general perspective and pose, the shape of the foreheads (that concave curve), same three tufts of hair, virtually identical ear shape, virtually identical snout construction (note the shading specifically), identical shading in numerous places along the face. Eventually, this many similarities in such a complex logo stops being a coincidence. 

And you can tell the tusks are completely different art style, looking exactly like it was added on


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