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Variations on the Canucks (2022: My ideal orca set added, series finished!)


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On 5/20/2019 at 1:32 PM, uniformity said:

These concepts are very creative and look great. A blue and green version of the whl throwback with the 64 logo is sorely needed however. Please indulge us. Thanks

Here you go! I like the red better, personally, but this works too. 


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  • vtgco changed the title to Variations on the Canucks (2022 Updates: Flying Skate)

As you might be able to tell, I've been on a bit of a spree lately of reworking my concepts from a couple years ago, so I'm revisiting this old thread briefly with a few updates.


First off is an update of my Flying Skate design. I'm still happy with my old jersey designs, but the logo did NOT hold up for me; it feels kinda amateurish to me now.


The update feels a lot better to me... what do folks think?


In addition, there are new alternate logos added to the mix.




And the design in West Coast Express and Whitecaps colors versions, as before. Now with new alternate jerseys (they're even more out there than the primary set, but hopefully they're still okay!)



I'll be back with a couple more updates soon. C&C appreciated!

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Next up is a design that captures a bit of my personal perception of downtown Vancouver... Arriving in the city after the three hour drive north, the skyscrapers always strike me with their surprisingly unified seafoam green color palette:



 (this picture doesn't even capture that color fully IMO)

I like the Kraken's use of that color just fine, but TBH it suits Vancouver more! (Trade plz? 👉👈)


Anyways, I eventually decided this palate might pair well with the style of the rebrand the Canucks considered but ultimately rejected in 1989.





That '89 logo doesn't quite do it for me, so I adapted my Skate x Millionaires V logo to match it. Maybe this is how that unused brand would look after a 2010s/2020s refresh!

I repeated the skyline logo from my Skate variation, and created a new orca logo. Finally, I tweaked the black into an extremely dark teal.


The alternate is a somewhat direct adaption of the abandoned uniform design, but the primary jerseys really make the seafoam green the star. All of them use this geometric abstracted skyline + water design in the striping:



Anyways, what do you think of the Canucks in seafoam green, and is it too late for that now that the Kraken are around?  C&C appreciated, as always!

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  • vtgco changed the title to Variations on the Canucks (2022: Skyline x '89 Phantom Rebrand Added)
On 5/30/2022 at 1:00 AM, Bomba Tomba said:

I'll rock that seafoam jersey!


Love that set, as well as the Whitecaps one. But really, all are great, those are just my two fave sets.

So glad to hear the seafoam works! And that that Whitecaps set wasn't too crazy for everyone :P


On 5/30/2022 at 6:46 AM, Blindsay said:

I-It’s all beautiful 

Thank you so much!




Next up are TWO updated versions of my old Grizzlies take.


A couple months back the Canucks did a First Nations Night jersey IRL, with some really gorgeous Salish art style logo designs by local Tsimshian artist Chase Gray...

Gray's work would make an excellent full-time set (as @TrueNorth13's excellent alternate jersey proves!) so I just recolored their logos to gel with the jersey design I had before.


Since it's a very meaningful aspect of the design, orange needed to be kept, at least as an accent color. Otherwise, the Grizzlies colors and jersey designs stay the same as before.

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And here's another version with the base jersey design as, but with different logos:


This set is all about capturing the '90s aggressive-animal theme of the Grizzlies... The new logo has 3D text like the Grizzlies did, and an angry orca jumping out of the water right at you!

The alternate logos are an adapted Stick in Rink and an original Lions' Gate Bridge logo.

These jerseys go with long triangle pattern... It slightly resembles sunlight on water but mostly I just thought it looked interesting.


If there any suggestions for another Variation style, that'd be appreciated; if not, I'll be back shortly with the last idea I have for now!

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  • vtgco changed the title to Variations on the Canucks (2022: Grizzlies Synergy version updated)
2 hours ago, vtgco said:

So glad to hear the seafoam works! And that that Whitecaps set wasn't too crazy for everyone :P


Thank you so much!




Next up are TWO updated versions of my old Grizzlies take.


A couple months back the Canucks did a First Nations Night jersey IRL, with some really gorgeous Salish art style logo designs by local Tsimshian artist Chase Gray...

Gray's work would make an excellent full-time set (as @TrueNorth13's excellent alternate jersey proves!) so I just recolored their logos to gel with the jersey design I had before.


Since it's a very meaningful aspect of the design, orange needed to be kept, at least as an accent color. Otherwise, the Grizzlies colors and jersey designs stay the same as before.

All of these ideas are great, but this one takes the cake for me. Excellent coloring, patterns work amazing, and the logo update is perfect. If the Canucks were to ever switch away from blue and green, I would want them to switch to this exact set. Amazing job with this series so far, every concept is incredibly well-made and abounding with creativity. Great job as always!


Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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On 6/3/2022 at 5:20 PM, PERRIN said:

All of these ideas are great, but this one takes the cake for me. Excellent coloring, patterns work amazing, and the logo update is perfect. If the Canucks were to ever switch away from blue and green, I would want them to switch to this exact set. Amazing job with this series so far, every concept is incredibly well-made and abounding with creativity. Great job as always!

Thank you so much for your kind words! So happy to hear you've been enjoying the series, and that the latest uniform set came out well.

As you can probably tell from this series, I'm torn between WHL-era navy & burgundy or a turquoise/seafoam base for the Canucks myself...  : P

Also please buy my bed


On 6/5/2022 at 7:10 AM, element7ero said:

some awesome designs, I especially love the Sailish art style logos and primaries.

I'm glad you like it, though the praise for the logos has to go to the talented Chase Gray!




Before I forget, here's a minor update to my '70s-style Johnny Canuck logo:


Hopefully this makes everything just a bit less janky. Plus those old shoes were bothering me, so I redid them and gave them a touch of Flying Skate flair!

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Here's the last idea I had for this series; hopefully it's a fitting way to end off...

It's my idealized version of the current Canucks branding:


The current logo really needs to ditch those ice shards, so those are replaced by a breaking wave.

The secondaries are the current Stick in Rink and a Millionaires V. As much as I like Johnny Canuck, they haven't used him well, and it seems they've ceded him to minor-league Abbotsford anyway.


The current primary set is based on the '72-'78 set, but I far prefer the NHL Canucks' inaugural '70-'72 uniforms (the inspiration for the current alternate), so that style of striping returns.

I also brought in the yoke, cuff stripes, and arched name text as WHL-era Canucks callbacks.


Lastly, the awkward Agency FB font the team uses is replaced by the similar Teko.



Here's the same design in West Coast Express colors, and with Johnny Canuck instead of the orca:


Anyways, suggestions are welcome, as always... Either way, thank you so much for checking the series out, and I hope you enjoyed this second run of Variations!

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  • vtgco changed the title to Variations on the Canucks (2022: My ideal orca set added, series finished!)

I love the simplified orca! My only suggestion on the Johnny Canuck set would be to tweak the stick in the secondary logo as the angle seem off and the blade a little short.


Otherwise, I've enjoyed seeing the recent updates.


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7 hours ago, randyc said:

I love the simplified orca! My only suggestion on the Johnny Canuck set would be to tweak the stick in the secondary logo as the angle seem off and the blade a little short.


Otherwise, I've enjoyed seeing the recent updates.

Thanks for the feedback; always glad to hear it when a fan likes my design for their team!

I intentionally had the stick oriented and shaped differently from the others (to try to match the geometric stick Johnny holds) but I can definitely make adjustments:


This any better?

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12 hours ago, Vgkenjoyer said:

This whole series was amazing and super fun to follow. My favorite is the most recent one with Johnny Canuck tbh. I adore that color scheme and the striping, especially on the aways. 

Thank you! Happy to hear my changes to the shades of blue and green aren't too off-putting : P

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