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Re-designing Bucco Bruce


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I bought photoshop earlier this week to finally start working on concepts which I've always wanted to do. My first project was re-designing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers polarizing "Bucco Bruce" logo. I attempted to make it more intimidating or "masculine" if you will, which is pretty much the opposite of what players and opponents said of the logo. I hope you guys like it! Feedback and tips are appreciated.







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1 hour ago, Whittier S said:

I don't know how you created this, but it looks much more like an illustration than a logo. I'd simplify the linework considerably.


All I did actually was take parts of the actual logo and rearranged them. So everything you see is just parts of the logo rearranged for the most part, aside from the mustache. Some stuff is slowly coming back to me and I'm remembering there's ways to do pretty much anything with PS.

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