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What If? NHL Relocation Series (New York Islanders/Kansas City Mavericks)


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What if the Montreal Canadiens relocated to Cleveland?

In 1935 the Habs were put up for sale and were in talks of moving the club to Cleveland, but a group of Montreal investors stepped in and bought the team. Here we see what if the team had actually moved to Cleveland. Not much changed visually except the team adopting the Cleveland Indians C logo that they were using at the time and their shades of red and blue.  As far as the name goes I thought what would be an Americanised term of Montreal Candiens and came up with Cleveland Americans, but in the 30's we already had the New York Americans. That then led me to Patriots instead. Why then is the logo still a C and a H? Well just as the Habs say the logo stands for le Club de hockey Canadien; Cleveland says that it stands for Cleveland Hockey



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What if the Montreal Maroons relocated to St Louis?

Staying in Montreal, in the early years of the NHL there was another team in Montreal the Maroons. In 1938 the team was in financial danger and looked to relocate. One of those cities was St. Louis. In this reality the team did move to St louis and originally stayed as the Maroons; with the MLB's Cardinals, dressed in red, and the Browns they felt Maroons fit with the themeing of the teams already in the area. After a few years and the departure of the Browns they decided to rebrand into the Blues as they felt it connected better to the city. They kept marron but moved it to a secondary color



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (Montreal Maroons/St. Louis)

What if the Montreal Maroons relocated to Philadelphia?

The other city that the Maroons looked into was Philadelphia. If the transaction had gone through the Maroons would be rebranded and beome the resurrection of the Philadelphia Quakers. Interestingly; If this did happen and the Quakers stayed around we wouldn't have gotten the Flyers.



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (Montreal Maroons/Phialdelphia)

What if the Toronto Maple Leafs relocated to Edmonton?

So probably the most interesting relocations that almost happened was the Oilers and Maple Leafs swapping locations in 1981. So let's look at the Edmonton Maple Leafs. So there's two options; one, and the more probable option, is that they take what they'd been wearing and just put edmonton on their uniforms. The other being that they want to appeal to the fans already in Edmonton and make their uniforms resemble what they were already used to seeing in Edmonton; this is less likely with the history behind the Maple Leafs, but still an interesting option.



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (Edmonton Maple Leafs)

Toronto Oilers

Then we have the other side of the aformentioned relocation with the Oilers swapping with the Leafs and moving to Toronto. Here is the potential look if they were to try and look more like a Toronto team visually, but more likely they would've just kept their blue and orange look



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (Toronto Oilers)

What if the Washington Capitals merged with the New Jersey Devils in 1982?

So as we know the Colorado Rockies announced to be moving to New Jersey in 1982, Well at the same time the Washington Capitals were not doing so well and were in plans to merge with the Rockies as they moved to New Jersey. So here we see the team take visual clues from the incoming Caps while still keeping their new Devils identity



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (New Jersey Devils/Washington Capitals)

Saskatoon Blues

1983 saw the Blues very close to moving to Saskatoon; They even had a mockup of what their uniform would look like; which I also replicated. However, Blues doesn't scream Saskatoon so I also came up with a new moniker for the team. Inspired by a team a little south the Blues rebrand to the Saskatoon Moose. 








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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (Saskatoon Blues/Saskatoon Moose)

What if the Washington Capitals relocated to Seattle?

The other option for the Caps when they were not doing well in the 80's was to move from Washington DC to Washington State. They use the move as an opportunity to revive the Seattle Metropolitans






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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (WashingtonCapitals/Seattle Metropolitans)
On 7/12/2023 at 2:34 PM, johne9109 said:

Saskatoon Blues

1983 saw the Blues very close to moving to Saskatoon; They even had a mockup of what their uniform would look like; which I also replicated. However, Blues doesn't scream Saskatoon so I also came up with a new moniker for the team. Inspired by a team a little south the Blues rebrand to the Saskatoon Moose. 





Moose is spelled backwards in the Moose jersey



Im an isles,rangers,devils,Sabres,Yankees,Mets,Braves,hawks,knicks,nets,bills,giants,falcons,and jets fan. So?

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What if the Minnesota North Stars relocated to Los Angeles?

Before the North Stars were announced to move to Dallas; they were originally planned to move to Anahiem and be called the LA Stars. THe NHL stepped in and said hey let's give Anahiem to Diseny and you can move to Dallas. So here we say well what if they did move to Anahiem instead, Just like Dallas did when the team moved; they kept the final North Stars design, but swapped green for orange to represent Orange County.



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (Los Angeles Stars)

What if the New Jersey Devils relocated to Nashville?

Infamously the Devils were very close to relocating to Nashville and probably would have had they no won the Stanley Cup in 1995. So we look at what if they had moved? So the Devils moniker doesn't really fit Nashville so they become the Cowboys in the move as a tie into their history with country music. Thay also then swap black for blue to match their colors with the Tennesse flag; which is also the basis for their logo (which many of us know as the Preds secondary logo)



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (New Jersey Devils/Nashville Cowboys)

What if the Edmonton Oilers relocated to Houston?

So this might be one of my favorite possible relocations of the series. In 1998 the owner of the Houston Rockets was looking to buy the Oilers and it almost happened until a businessman in Edmonton kept the team there. Of course when you hear Houston and Oilers we think of the football team that moved to Tennessee. So in this reality when the Edmonton Oilers move to Houston they change their look to harken back to the Houston Oilers of the NFL. Now some of you may say that Tennesse Titans were still the Oilers in 1998, but thinking about timing and the move it would work out for the Oilers to hange their look as the Tennessee Oilers become the Titans.



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (Houston Oilers)
On 7/15/2023 at 2:46 AM, johne9109 said:

What if the Minnesota North Stars relocated to Los Angeles?

Before the North Stars were announced to move to Dallas; they were originally planned to move to Anahiem and be called the LA Stars. THe NHL stepped in and said hey let's give Anahiem to Diseny and you can move to Dallas. So here we say well what if they did move to Anahiem instead, Just like Dallas did when the team moved; they kept the final North Stars design, but swapped green for orange to represent Orange County.



How about putting the orange more on the red side, to tie in with these



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If you read on the card you'll be cheating on your heart.

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On 7/12/2023 at 2:34 PM, johne9109 said:

Saskatoon Blues

1983 saw the Blues very close to moving to Saskatoon; They even had a mockup of what their uniform would look like; which I also replicated. However, Blues doesn't scream Saskatoon so I also came up with a new moniker for the team. Inspired by a team a little south the Blues rebrand to the Saskatoon Moose. 






On 7/13/2023 at 6:43 AM, johne9109 said:

What if the Washington Capitals relocated to Seattle?

The other option for the Caps when they were not doing well in the 80's was to move from Washington DC to Washington State. They use the move as an opportunity to revive the Seattle Metropolitans





Why are "Moose" and "Metropolitans" spelled upside down in the respective roundel logos for Saskatoon and Seattle?

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What if the Pittsburgh Penguins relocated to Kansas CIty?

In 2006 the Penguins were dangerously close to being relocated. One of those placed was Kansas City. With the move comes a slight rebrand; they switch their name from Penguins to Emperors. This allows them to keep the Penguin branding, but has them tie into the Chiefs and Royals branding of their new sister teams



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  • johne9109 changed the title to What If? NHL Relocation Series (Kansas City Emperors [Penguins])

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