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My Buffalo Bills Concept


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I think I like where you're going with this, although the side striping is fairly busy. I'd say you stole the pantones from my concept except for the red, but I can't exactly copyright something like that, so it's all good. I'm not completely sold on the completely white buffalo, but maybe it'll grow on me...

Yeah, Photobucket really would be your best option. That way, you can upload it, then click on the IMG button at the top of creating your post and input the URL of your concept from Photobucket.

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I did get the pantones from your thread. I thought they were the official ones, so that is why I used them. I didn't mean to offend or steal.

Thanks for your input...I hope the white Buffalo grows on you...in the past three days since I did it it has really grown on me.

I'll look into photobucket too, thanks!

Also, I can't wait to see your uniforms....I liked what I saw in your thread.

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I guess I am going to just have to start getting used to side stripes on football jerseys, but anyway... I think they actually do look kind of nice. However, I think it would "flow" a little better if the jersey stripe had a slight curve similar to the pant stripe, only in the opposite direction. I think that would provide a little more continuity, instead of the slight abrubtness of the straight stripes running into the curved ones. Overall very nice though!


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not digging the helmet at all...if the Bills change helmets, I'd like to see them go back to the white helmet w/ red charging bison.

otherwise, the unis are decent. A little boring, but I do like the fact that the side stripe resembles the stripe on the logo.

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I love the uniforms (and workmark), but I feel indifferent towards the changed helmet.

I really wish the bills would go back to the white helmet from the Joe Cribbs/Chuck Knox era, with a blue facemask.

Personally, I'd take a combination of that helmet with your uniform set over the current ugly set or even over the uniforms from the Jim Kelly era.

That said, I would not mind your white buffalo still being used as a secondary logo of some sorts. I'm just not a big fan of a basically white logo on a helmet with a color background (either blue or red).

Just my two cents worth. Overall, nice job!

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nice concept, i really like it. the only thing i dont like is the number font. also, while i like the red alt, it couldnt be worn on canada day, seeing as canada day is july 1st, but thanks for the thought :flagcanada:

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The "canada Day" I was referring to was the promotional canada day that the Bills do to attract fans from up north. I thought it was during the regular season, but I could be mistaken.

Thanks for the positive comments!

if thats teh case, then its a great idea.

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The "canada Day" I was referring to was the promotional canada day that the Bills do to attract fans from up north. I thought it was during the regular season, but I could be mistaken.

you are not mistaken, the bills designate a home game as canada day each season.

well your links not working for me, so i cant comment, but i think a red alt would be great for 'canada day'

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Not a fan of it the current helmet would look better with that unifrom, and the jersey is not too bad but the white buffalo does not look right.



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I'm not too font of the number font either. I just used standard "Capitals" font in Adobe Illustrator. If any knows where I could download the current Bill's font in vector format, I'd appreciate it.

I'm going to post another version of the unis using a red helmet and a white helmet, even though it eliminates the "snowy Buffalo" look i was going for in the logo.

thanks for all the comments....it seems the people at the Buffalo Bills message boards have deleted my posts there, so your replies here are much appreciated.


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Good work, so far, but I have a few nitpicks:

  • The white buffalo logo looks alright, but, again, an unecessary shade of blue was added. If you're 'updating' the Bills' look, don't use more blue than needed. That's what the Bills did when they updated their look a few years back, and it didn't quite work the way they wanted.
  • I see where you're going with the pant stripe, but IMO, it doesn't work. Good idea, but not well excuted.
  • The wordmark on the left corner of the pant does not look good, either. Perhaps you should place it on the side, where the stripes start?
  • You made too many uniforms! Maybe you should drop the second alternate.

Those were the nitpicks. I hope you don't take anything personally. You actually have a lot to be proud of. The layout and presentation is very clean and crisp, good job! I'm liking the blue helmet/red facemask idea, same with the buffalo logo under the collar. Font's looking good, also. Overall, excellent work, but there's room for improvement.


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Thanks for the input....presented in a concise and informative way.

You suggested that the pants stripes weren't executed properly...do you have anysuggestions on how I could improve them?

Also, I kept the two blues to keep the update as simple as possible from what they have now. I don't like how it is used in the current uniforms (it doesn't know if it's an accent or a primary color), but I thought it worked in mine. It kind of added to the "cold" feel I was going for...*see description on my website*

I'm going to rework the design, eliminating the alternates, and will include only one blue shade.

Thanks again.

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Upon further review, the pant stripes are actually growing on me. But maybe eliminating one or two outlines (colours) from the stripes would look better. That goes for the jersey side stripe, too.

As for the powder blue 'accent' colour, I see what you mean. I respect the direction you're going ('cold' feel).

P.S: You will earn this every time you post a concept: you can never please everyone. What I'm saying is don't go changing your concept just because I didn't like a couple of things. Revise it, perhaps, if YOU don't like some things, but not if others don't. :grin:

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