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Nhl project


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to keep my creative juices flowing, i have desided to re-do all the NHL team's jerseys. im not saying that all of them need change, its just i would like to see this happen. please give me suggestionson what/what not to do. COPY PASTE! alternates for ALL teams will follow after all home/roads are done.

Anaheim Mighty Ducks

Atlanta Thrashers - temp. removed

Boston Bruins

Buffalo Sabres

Calgary Flames

Carolina Hurricanes

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I'll disagree with jkr here, the mask logo's very sharp. I've always thought it was a solid design.

Those are very nice, Sno.  Only change I'd suggest is white numbers/letters for the green/teal/jade/whatever jersey.  And, I'm curious to see what the jersey would look like in that purple, perhaps as an alternate?  Very cool concept.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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thnx. i agree bc i like more than half of the current unis of the teams but with this project im goin for a more traditional/retro feel to bring the nhl back to its roots. i will have some concepts that are more creative. u can garrentee that the original six teams will be throwbacks :)
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Boston is incredibly sharp. Absolutely love them. Not so big on Buffalo. I sorta like the idea of retro colors, but you used a darker variation of them, and I say go with royal and yellow not navy and gold. Also, I'm not a fan of that old logo, and I think any logo with a buffalo in it does not make too much since. Not bad though.
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believe it or not I like those thrasher jerseys. conservative yes, but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. good move in swapping the primary/secondary logos.

bostons look good although I admit Im not a fan of yellow road jerseys

as far as buffalo's go, most everyone knows my feelings on retro colors. doesnt mean you did a bad job on it though. just a personal preference thats all

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as far as buffalo's go, most everyone knows my feelings on retro colors. doesnt mean you did a bad job on it though. just a personal preference thats all

Shark, you confuse me hear. I don't know what you are saying. I can't tell if you like his jersey or not. I know you generally aren't a fan of retro, but you could even ignore that fact. I'm just wondering if you think it looks good or not.

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I will help keep the interest going snow

yeah, that flames one is indeed bright. the yellow looks real orange to me, and reminds me of the old tampa bay bucs unis

the canes, I see you removed the flags to give them a simpler look. collar looks a little plain, but its not bad. it looks a lot like the old cleveland barons to me

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FLAMES: I'm loving the striping. The orangey color is a cool color as well. I would probably try switching the colors around, maybe using the yellow instead of the orange, and just see which combo I like best. You may have done that. I don't think you came to the same color combo I would have, but I do like the striping. Good job coming up with something traditional but original.

CANES: I really like this one. I like how their currents relate to the name, but its too busy, so yours is good.

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