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Racial Double Standard In Sports


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Someone sent me this site... and this is a great article...

I am not looking to reintroduce last weeks discussion about the Madden Cover... but this article really hits on the head exactly how I (and many others) feel.


and another good read on that site...


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Yeah, if an alien landed here, he wouldn't know anything about history, or the greater context of things. He'd probably think an all-white protected suburb is the same thing as Chinatown. Aliens tend to be ignorant about things.

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Yeah, if an alien landed here, he wouldn't know anything about history, or the greater context of things. He'd probably think an all-white protected suburb is the same thing as Chinatown. Aliens tend to be ignorant about things.

typical response... clearly someone who doesnt get it...

History should have nothing to do with it....

That's the whole point of what that site says... that because of history white people feel guilty about things... which is ridiculous.

Let's concentrate on the present day and towards correcting the future... not looking back and what some white hillbillies did to slave many years ago... Besides... Black People sold their own into slavery.

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Hey, that site has some nice affiliates with links to buy David Duke books too!

"Northern Voice Books" and "American Nationalist Union". Nice...

You know I agree with some of the contentions about slow white athlete stereotypes. They are just that, stereotypes, and I do like to see white athletes at skill positions, because it reflects diversity, and breaking of stereotypes.

But that site appears to be nothing but a KKK type front, proclaiming objectivity and good god-fearing christian white folks with the real motivation is to have 'em a lynching.

History should have nothing to do with it? Why should one view a situation without considering the reasons for it?

Slavery was just what some white hillbiillies did a few hundred years ago? And has nothing to do with the world today? Yeah, and the holocaust didn't happen.

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There are some hilarious quotes from the guy who wrote your article, from other stuff on the same page.

"Here you have the difference between those that grow up in a white culture and those that do not. For whites the truth is an important concept. White culture bases the integrity of its institutions on the concept that people will be honest. Respect for government authority is also a key component of white society. Without it you have the anarchy you find in so many other non-white governed places on the globe. "

"Being naturally aggressive by nature, and especially aggressive by virtue of being selected for that quality in sports, woe unto anyone that may dare challenge their favored position. One may note that many blacks in other walks of life, not just sports, will act in an irrational manner, to the point of rioting, to maintain control of an area they believe belongs to them. Imagine what lengths that violent prone men in a physically punishing environment will do to keep control. Into this atmosphere comes the few brave white players that dare trespass into that type of situation. "

"There are many other examples. Olympic records, pre-Negro, basketball pre-Negro, football pre-Negro, all derided as inferior because the caste system that fills those events with blacks was not in existence 60 years ago. Thus everything that was all white or nearly so is re-written as inferior, everything that is nearly all black, or nearly so is considered better. We hear it every day, that the ruinous culture that we must wade through every day is somehow better then the gleaming, glittering America of the early to mid-1900?s. Only in America can the bad be made into good and the good is considered bad. Welcome to the 21st century! "

- yeah, the gleaming, glittering, america where blacks weren't even allowed in the big leagues, and would get killed for looking at a white woman!

Oh wait, this quote explains why this guy thinks those were the glitterying, gleaming days:

"Occasionally a manager or GM would try and sneak a predominantly black player onto the roster as an 'Indian' or 'Cuban' but it was eventually noticed and the situation immediately corrected. Note that while it appears to many to be 'unfair' to exclude talented ballplayers from the roster due to race, the reason it was done was the same reason it was done in everyday life. People of African descent posses a tendency towards violent and aggressive behavior that tends to ruin the civil societies that white people set up for themselves. No matter how talented and likeable some African people may be, the bottom line is that in large numbers they will overrun white institutions and ruin them. (See any large city in America today.)"

I get it now, that explains everything. Classy site you got there.

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Hawk, you set yourself up to get shat upon in this one. Should've let it die after the first unsuccessful run.




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What is up with you and racism??

because it is a fact of life....

Black People and other minorities have played the "race card" for years... so why shouldnt I, as a white person not be able to question the same things that for years were questiond by other races.

To pretend that even in this day and age race is not an issue would just be turning a blind eye.

I am not racist, nor have I ever felt to be the victim of racism... however to say that double standards do not exist would be wrong.

I think people should make themselves more concious of race issues and become more knowledgeable... I think only than can we (as a whole society) begin to move forward and get past race issue.

Why is it black comedians can do all the white jokes they want, but if a white comedian makes fun of blacks... it's an issue...

Hey, I am all against racism and bigotry, but I think I should be able question issues of race just as much as anyone who is a different race than I have been for many years.

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I looked up baseball and they do a racial breakdown of every team. Edit, I have changed from the Twins to the Vikings to show how silly this all is. The first sentence sums it all up. The three white recievers cut are not nearly as good as Campbell and Burleson.

This is just comical. These guys are obsessed with race.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



POTD (Shared)

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Hawk, you set yourself up to get shat upon in this one. Should've let it die after the first unsuccessful run.

absolutely not.....

I belive in SOME of the things that guy says NOT ALL of them...

I didnt set myself up for anything... I have a right to a free opinion just like anyone else... You don't agree with it fine... but I will stay strong in my beliefs and will certainly not feel SHAT upon because someone on a internet message board disagrees.

And it wasnt an unsuccesful run the first time...

Posts like yours only support the belief.. If a white complains about race it is frowned upon or in your eyes "an unsuccesful run"... so thanks... for supporting my belief.

If some of you feel the need to jump on the bash me bandwagon... then by all means do so.... but to deny that there is racial double standards is just purely foolish.

And from the first as you call it "unsuccesful post", not one person has given any attempt at an answer as to why it is ok for Blacks to play the race card and not whites.... Make no mistake.... I am not racist or white suprmacist... but I find it funny that people look to divert from the real issue and just make excuses or justifications for it, rather than give a honest answer.

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The basketball page is hilarious.

In such an obviously black-dominated sport, they just seek out all headlines related to white players. They highlight injuries to white players, Bogut winning player of the year and Vermont (one or two black players) beating syracuse.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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OK, last comment on that site I swear, but here is their headline about Florida State Football:

Rix Yanked by Black Supremacist Coach as Goal of All Black Team Near

(Bobby Bowden is a Black Supremacist Coach?)

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



POTD (Shared)

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Slavery was just what some white hillbiillies did a few hundred years ago?  And has nothing to do with the world today?  Yeah, and the holocaust didn't happen.

Well personally I am tired of hearing how all the whites or Germans of today are responsible for the past....

That's just plain ridiculous... I wasnt around during the Holocaust... it was an unfortunate event... but I shouldnt be held accountable or made to feel guilty because some of my heritage is of German Descent....

Look... bad things happened in the past... I don't deny it... but the reality is, that is how the times were back that.... People want equal rights, equal opportunity... I am all for it provided EVERYONE lives by the same standards...

I admit... some of the things on that site are outlandish, but the articles I referenced specifically I feel to be a fairly accurate representation of how alot of white athletes (or non athletes) feel.

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Slavery was just what some white hillbiillies did a few hundred years ago? And has nothing to do with the world today? Yeah, and the holocaust didn't happen.

guess what?...the only people who owned slaves weren't just white "hillbillies"....many US Presidents owned slaves...and slavery was legal for over 200 years. people of all races in this country who had the means owned slaves. that is a fact....people who are ignorant of history often make this assumption that just because most slaves were black- white southern people were the only ones owning them. that is flat WRONG.

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Slavery was just what some white hillbiillies did a few hundred years ago?  And has nothing to do with the world today?  Yeah, and the holocaust didn't happen.

Well personally I am tired of hearing how all the whites or Germans of today are responsible for the past....

That's just plain ridiculous... I wasnt around during the Holocaust... it was an unfortunate event... but I shouldnt be held accountable or made to feel guilty because some of my heritage is of German Descent....

Look... bad things happened in the past... I don't deny it... but the reality is, that is how the times were back that.... People want equal rights, equal opportunity... I am all for it provided EVERYONE lives by the same standards...

I admit... some of the things on that site are outlandish, but the articles I referenced specifically I feel to be a fairly accurate representation of how alot of white athletes (or non athletes) feel.

hate to double post, but AMEN!

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You know what I find to be the most funny... just the reactions of some of you alone help support what this guy said in the one article about a non biased visitor.

If there was a group that supported their own race and cultural pride who is black like the NAACP... that is all well and good... positivity all around.

But if someone supports their own race and cultural price and they are white.... now all of a sudden they are a member of the KKK or a white supremacist or something...

Anyone really want to say that IS NOT a double standard?

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so how is this from the NAACP website not racist?

To me the confederate flag was nothing more than a cool painting on top of the General Lee in Dukes Of Hazzard...

I am so tired of people complaining about what they deem to be offensive... I could care less about the Confederate Flag, I don't live in South Carolina... but I am sure to most South Carolinas the confederate flag IS NOT a symbol of racism and hatred, but more a symbol of state pride...


In 1962, the all-white legislature of South Carolina voted to place the Confederate battle flag atop the State House. While other southern states removed the flag from their statehouses, South Carolina has refused. The Confederate battle flag is a symbol of hate used around the world by white supremacists and other hate mongers. It is a symbol of slavery embraced under the guise of what is no more than revisionist history and unfortunately supported by a majority of those seated in the South Carolina Legislature. Thus, the flag is also now symbolic of the blatant disrespect some legislators have for African Americans.

*also, hows this for irony.... now adays it is not Politically Correct to call someone "Colored" but yet the whole Civil Rights Group for them is called the National Association for the Advancement of "COLORED" People....talk about confusing.

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As for the idea that there are double standards, I agree.

For example, I recall when Keyshawn Johnson referred to Wayne Chrebet as the "team mascot". That would not go over as well the other way.

I also think that the media looks for "the other race" to be successful and runs with it. Whether it's black QBs, white basketball players, etc. I think that Jason Sehorn got a bit more pub than he deserved. Golf would have been a prime examplbe, but Woods is just too good for me to think that race is behind why he is so publicized.

But this growing notion that whites are the oppressed group is just comical. Try being back and going into a bank for a loan. Try driving or jogging through an upper-middle class area. Blacks are still mistreated by the police and by people in the service sector. Racism and our racial problem did not cease to exist upon the signing of the 1964 civil rights act.

Let's pose a question.

Today, blacks make roughly 3/4 what whites make in terms of income. Blacks are obviously not doing as well socioeconomically as are whites. That is tough to dispute. The question is--why is that?

I mean, according to your other thread, they are treated so much better than us. They have all the advantages. Whites are only 10 years from being treated as badly as blacks were in the 1950s (I still laugh when I think about that one).

So, since they have all the advantages why are they not doing as well?

1. They are morally or intellectually inferior to whites

2. They are in fact not the advantaged group, but are generally born into disadvantage.

Call me crazy, but I'll go with #2. Just over 40 years ago it was legal to treat blacks as second class citizens. They had gone from slavery, to not being allowed to be educated, to inferior education (all the while sharecropping and not being able to get their hands on land or decent jobs), to finally being granted the status of "legally equal" in 1964. In those 41 years, roughly a generation and a half, for blacks to get out of the monsterous hole THAT WHITES PUT THEM IN would have made them some sort of a super race.

Poverty tends to lead to more poverty. You don't see too many rich kids grow up to be poor. Why? Because they are born with advantages. Few blacks are born with such advantages. But once they become professional athletes, they get better press coverage--so maybe it is time for a white march on Washington.

You say history is not important. Maybe not for your double-standard issue. But it sure as hell is for most of the rest of black America. Just because you did not sell slaves does not mean that you are not privaleged.

There has to be something better to be afraid of.

(I know you did not want to get into yesterday's thread, but I did not see it until it was locked, so....)

How many of you wish you were black?

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



POTD (Shared)

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so how is this from the NAACP website not racist?

To me the confederate flag was nothing more than a cool painting on top of the General Lee in Dukes Of Hazzard...

I am so tired of people complaining about what they deem to be offensive... I could care less about the Confederate Flag, I don't live in South Carolina... but I am sure to most South Carolinas the confederate flag IS NOT a symbol of racism and hatred, but more a symbol of state pride...

no....it's a symbol of hatred and racism....and a failed effort to retain the right to slavery.

i say that as a south carolinian.

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OnWis 97...

You make several excellent points, and for the most part I agree with you...

The "whites will be where blacks were in 10 years" again refers specifically to how whites will feel as though they need Affirmative Action to be considered for positions.... I still think this is a reasonable statement.

I certainly DO NOT think that whites are opressed...

In RE:

But this growing notion that whites are the oppressed group is just comical. Try being back and going into a bank for a loan. Try driving or jogging through an upper-middle class area. Blacks are still mistreated by the police and by people in the service sector. Racism and our racial problem did not cease to exist upon the signing of the 1964 civil rights act.

Yeah but the opposite side of that coin is being a all white family with kids driving through the ghetto, having their car break down. All too often blacks use their race to their advantage. You ever walk down a street and see a group of black kids try and scare someone and make comments like "Oh shes scared of us cause we're black"?

I won't even get into the whole police issue, because I am not really sure how I feel on this topic... I see how alot of blacks have been mistreated by the police... but I have also seen alot of blacks use the race card against police just to use an excuse to get out of a legitimate criminal act.

I agree with just about everything you say, especially about poverty leads to poverty...

I guess I feel that if all things are equal (education, intelligence, experience), companies will be more likely to hire a minority to fill a quota, than to hire the white guy out of fear of legal retaliation... Heck at my job... the one Black Female manager has only hired Blacks (6 of them) and no whites.. situation reversed... it would be an issue.

again... thanks for a good post... very well thought out.

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