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Yankees DH situation

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As you may know Im a Yankee diehard and now that were on a hot streak of 9 straight wins I can afford to trash Jason Giambi. I know that Bernie Williams is getting older and has an arm like my great grandma, but the guy can still hit. My theory I pose to you guys is this, Giambi be released or bought out, and Bernie becomes the evryday DH with a day off here and there for Ruben Sierra to DH. No More fielding for Bernie or Sierra they are both messes defensively. Let Matsui stay in center and womack stay in left because Robinson Cano is crushing the ball at second. Whats your thoughts guys?

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I agree and I think that's what there trying to do. I think they want to buyout Giambi. I think Berniw should be the everyday DH and Sierra can stay in his usual role of pinch-hitter. This is going to be mess next week when the Yankees have to go to shea and they lose the DH.

Inter-league play :evil:

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I agree and I think that's what there trying to do. I think they want to buyout Giambi. I think Berniw should be the everyday DH and Sierra can stay in his usual role of pinch-hitter. This is going to be mess next week when the Yankees have to go to shea and they lose the DH.

Inter-league play :evil:

Interleague play does suck. About as bad as the DH rule. Both horrible things.

Interleague play because it takes away some of the accomplishment of winning a league pennant. Pennant winners got to really represent there league because it was the one time they played the other league. Not anymore. Plus it goes against tradition, and because of the previously mentioned reason, this was a good tradition.

The DH is just bad baseball. Takes out so much strategy. It's sad really.

How's Womack doing in leftfield? Last year when he came to the Cards, people questioned how his strong his arm would be coming off of surgery and what not. He was a pleasant surprise at second, but he needs an even stronger arm playing the field. Has he done okay?

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I bet Giambi ends up off the Yanks, signs back with the A's, grows back the hair and tears it up again in Oak town. Kinda like that Biblical charictar that was the strongest thing on the earth untill his hair was cut. :P


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Nah Giambi does not need his hair he needs his steroids. Thats all he ever was, steroids. Its like Popeye and Spinich I picture Giambi injecting steroids in his but the a rush going all the was through his fist as a rocket ship blastoffs on his bicepe before he steps up to the plate and hits it into the upper deck. Face with steroids Jason Giambi is not a MVP and no even a Major Leaguer hell hes not even Jeremy Giambi. Hes terrible and will never be good again unless of course he fnds a way to cheat the steroids test.



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I think your over estimating the power of steriods.

Steriods can make a minor leaguer a major leaguer, a major leaguer and MVP, a potential MVP the "best ever" ("---" to show my disagreement), but I don't think they're powerful enough to say they are what not only made Giambi an MVP but a major league player at all.

I'm no doctor or scientist, but I just don't believe they can do that.

Giambi's days with the Yanks may be over, but he'll catch on somewhere else.

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I think people misunderstand what Steroids do.. you dont sit on your ass, inject a liquid which before your eyes, causes your muscles to swell, your eyes to improve, and your timing to be perfect.

For steroids to make any difference, the guy has to lift the weights. All the roids do is allow your body to recover faster form the workout, which allows you to lift more frquently. I'm not condoning the use, and i'm glad its getting wiped out of the game, but they dont magically turn Pat Cummings into Tyson Beckford overnight. Nor would it make a guy with a horrible swing and no timing all of a sudden hit everything thrown at him.

I think Giambi is working on getting used to his new, natural body mass, and will end up hitting again. The next team to pick him up will get a steal.

You heard it here first.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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I'm not condoning the use, and i'm glad its getting wiped out of the game, but they dont magically turn Pat Cummings into Tyson Beckford overnight.

A couple shots of Vodka and a few Jagerbombs can take care of that.

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I'm not condoning the use, and i'm glad its getting wiped out of the game, but they dont magically turn Pat Cummings into Tyson Beckford overnight.

A couple shots of Vodka and a few Jagerbombs can take care of that.

Oh, they sure will.. ask Joel. He knows. Hell, Pagan even pushed.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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I'm not condoning the use, and i'm glad its getting wiped out of the game, but they dont magically turn Pat Cummings into Tyson Beckford overnight. Nor would it make a guy with a horrible swing and no timing all of a sudden hit everything thrown at him.

I feel compelled to post cause my name was brought up. Yet...I have nothing to add or disagree with.

Other than this...

Cocaine is a hellva drug.

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I think people misunderstand what Steroids do.. you dont sit on your ass, inject a liquid which before your eyes, causes your muscles to swell, your eyes to improve, and your timing to be perfect.

For steroids to make any difference, the guy has to lift the weights. All the roids do is allow your body to recover faster form the workout, which allows you to lift more frquently. I'm not condoning the use, and i'm glad its getting wiped out of the game, but they dont magically turn Pat Cummings into Tyson Beckford overnight. Nor would it make a guy with a horrible swing and no timing all of a sudden hit everything thrown at him.

I think Giambi is working on getting used to his new, natural body mass, and will end up hitting again. The next team to pick him up will get a steal.

You heard it here first.

In addition to that -- once Giambi strings together a few good games and get's his confidence back -- he'll be a very good player again. I think the effect it has on your confidence is the biggest impact steroids can have on a guy -- and I've heard Giambi used to lack self-confidence. Like STL said, they're not going to turn you from an all-star player into an all-time great alone -- and as pnm said, they won't do anything without hard work.


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